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Everything posted by David

  1. Maybe the dog came with the green paint job?
  2. Good to hear she's well. Take care of yourself also. Thanks for the update.
  3. Check the bolts again. Is there any gear oil leaking at the input shaft. You may have bearing and/or shaft damage from running with the loose bolts.
  4. Otherdog would stop for her no matter what direction he was going. The RD800 is awesome. Wonder if the MH was exUPS with no name in the grill and square tanks?
  5. You could have just run over them. No one would miss 'em.
  6. Thanks for posting. When it comes to pictures, more is always better.
  7. Wasn't there a diagram on the inside of the door?
  8. Ya gotta realize your life really sucks when you don't have something better to do than that.
  9. We had one years ago that would jump out of fifth. Turned out to be loose bell housing bolts.
  10. Thanks for posting. FYI if you click on the pic it will blow up.
  11. Thank you
  12. Did you vote?
  13. The axle housings are heaver. Not sure about the trunnion. Most 44k are bronze bushing.
  14. What were they protesting?
  15. What year was the change?
  16. There was also a major influence on the companies that worked for the auto companies. Companies like McLean here in NC hauled a lot of parts and material for GM. Their fleet was predominately GMC/Detroit.
  17. How much difference is there between the big and small?
  18. Oh, don't forget no more Twinkies and what ever else the unions want to run out of the country.
  19. Paul, Tell us how you really feel.
  20. Mike is right. Spicer 1241 or a Fuller 1202 are the only boxes that will handle that kind of torque. There is one of each on Ebay. Plan on spending 3 to 8k. If your looking for faster gearing, it's less money to change the rears.
  21. What kind of power?
  22. The CL713 is a Superliner frame with a CH cab. Very good trucks. The 700 is the heavy frame. Better if not doubled so there are no long term rust issues. Only weak link is the engine. Electronic and cam issues are a possibility. Someone in your area that can work on them?
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