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BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by David

  1. That sucks. Take the high road and keep your chin up.
  2. I have a RM and I don't think there is any difference.
  3. Welcome back. I've been a little awol here myself.
  4. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-62-65-Mack-Model-B615-Day-Cab-Semi-Truck-Tractor-V8-Diesel-Company-Demo-/131407256236?forcerrptr=true&hash=item1e987b9aac&item=131407256236&pt=Commercial_Trucks
  5. http://www.ebay.com/itm/EXHAUST-MAINFOLD-E-9-MACK-ENGINE-105GC5178-SEMI-TRUCK-BIG-RIG-3142540-/400809539981?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5d521c398d
  6. Do you already have "Pimp" on your resume?
  7. Rolloff trailers are a hand job. Only reasons to own one are 80 yard containers or heavy loads for long trips.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=738069366275870&set=vb.704821519600655&type=2&theater
  9. That's probably why your dealer didn't have one in stock.
  10. I have one. Call 919-932-3344. Anytime
  11. Is your spring standard or Canadian spread?
  12. What do you have in mind for a value?
  13. With a Mack Camelback, what ever you do to one side you should do to the other side. New springs on one side and old on the other will cause the axles to not be parallel.
  14. I have one in a toasted DM897. Debated on selling it or saving for a project. The right offer might push me over the edge. I'll be in Cortland on the 9th. Call anytime. 919-932-3344
  15. The DM865 is a Cummins. Gary Mayhan has 001. I have 002.
  16. I'll look for the tractor.
  17. Paul, It's this one........... July 12 and 13 ATHS Long Island Chapter 13th Annual Show Antique, Classic and Working Truck Show held in conjunction with the Long Island Antique Power Associations 22nd Annual Antique Engine Run and Antique Farm Tractor Show and PullRiverhead, NY At the Hallockville Museum Farm, 6038 Sound Ave.
  18. Randy, You sound like a bug that keeps flying into a light. I've always had real contempt for authority figures, so I married the Principal. Paul, Will you be at the Long Island Truck Show in two weeks?
  19. A chassis mounted air cooler is available for the steel nose. As seen in this picture, the grill bars are mounted forward and metal covers are added on each side of the radiator for the piping.
  20. The factory uses a flat strap around the oil pan with spacers on the sides to keep pressure off lines, hoses, etc. We use a flat strap in the front and a wire rope choker in the rear just in front of the clutch housing.
  21. I have two that I can bring to Macungie.
  22. Where are you located?
  23. Leslie the VIN on my CH is 1M2AA12Y6LW005100
  24. Yes. Mack 18 (T2018 ?) is .71 od. We run 4.64 with 1100x24.5 rubber with that od ratio.
  25. Some things are just meant to be. Sounds like a great way to spend your birthday.
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