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Everything posted by David

  1. All that stuff and the mirrors and bulldog were on that truck originally. Probably just parked on the side of the road in NYC over nite.
  2. Does the snow usually melt by August?
  3. I-95 Exit 52 I believe. Some of Harry Muhlschlegel's (Jevic and New Century) trucks are there also.
  4. Mike, You were very clear to those of us that speak english. Are you taking any trucks to Macungie this year?
  5. He says it........... http://www.humanevents.com/2014/02/26/harry-reid-calls-obamacare-victims-liars/ Then knowing it's recorded, he doesn't recall saying it? http://nation.foxnews.com/2014/03/28/harry-does-it-again-time-lying-about-his-lies-he-doesnt-recall-saying-anything-we-will
  6. Here's some more joining you. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2013/10/31/third-gunmaker-flees-new-york-over-gov-andrew-cuomos-crackdown-n1733853
  7. David

    NY HUT?

    And NY is only # 3. http://news.yahoo.com/the-states-people-are-fleeing-in-2013-194007689.html
  8. Ken, Please PM me a price on the grille.
  9. It's Macungie. Pack a rain coat.
  10. Great truck. As a '66 it would be one of the first R's built. What's the VIN?
  11. 100 days til the best truck show of the year!
  12. Go to Uship and let us know when your going to be on Shipping Wars!
  13. Where are you and what type of work will you be doing?
  14. Is the cam also different?
  15. Happy Birthday Vinny. In some states you could get your driving permit today!
  16. Consider the overdrive ratios. You may loose some top end speed with the change.
  17. If your talking about Rookie Rods look on Ebay or any truck or parts dealer.
  18. I think we covered "Moving On" in other threads also.
  19. Thought you were referring to my favorite E9 picture...............
  20. Call Dillon Supply Forklift Division. 866-516-3730. With the info on the VIN plate, they can get anything for any forklift, and UPS to your door.
  21. Had that problem on a Buick once. Turned out to be the O ring on the fill tube. Ir the leak is from the bell housing it may be the torque converter seal.
  22. A Superliner III
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