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Everything posted by David

  1. The only six cylinder better than an E6 is an E7 mechanical. You can't beat more displacement and the bottom end has been beefed up.
  2. The South is goin to rise again. The first we need to do is keep the Damn Yankee Democrats from moving down here.
  3. Main reason was engine access with a plow frame mounted on the front.
  4. Mike , I think they are all the same with the exception of the RD800 that has six horizontal bars.
  5. http://www.caintv.com/meet-the-12-senate-democrats-w
  6. Do you think the Dem's that are floating this idea now are looking at their next election?
  7. Another day, another load of trash. Then I went to the mailbox..........
  8. It would already be on a boat if it didn't have a computer on the engine.
  9. If they were installed properly, cut a small slit in the seal to relieve the pressure.
  10. :twothumbsup:
  11. This is the equivalent of the band on the Titanic continuing to play as the ship was sinking.
  12. Is the balancer marked every 120 degrees? Two points on the indicator? Are you sure your not 180 off on the crank position?
  13. That's because the CL had the same frame and brackets as the Superliner.
  14. What was George Soros doing in Okeechobee?
  15. This may go with it. Scroll down to the drawing. It even shows the part number. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-Mack-Truck-Honeycomb-AB-style-radiator-PN-4AB33-1914-1921-Vintage-/151000847267?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item23285a13a3&vxp=mtr
  16. I teed that one up for Ken, but you beet him to the punch.
  17. I might have one of those brackets. They are the same on the MH and I've parted out a couple.
  18. A little heat on the nuts always helps.
  19. Not when your on the left side with stud piloted.
  20. Do you have any spacer rings?
  21. For the sake of posterity maybe someone in the know can list the names under the photo.
  22. Ebay Motors search " switch extensions". You'll get almost 700 items.
  23. Dan, Is this the one that was in Yakima? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mack-Superliner-/171147867207?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item27d9353447
  24. Rob, is that you?
  25. When was the last time you saw a Mack city tractor? Another market segment they have walked away from?
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