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BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by David

  1. You've ever said anything negative about.............
  2. Why is the Republican establishment pulling for Romney and against Newt (or anyone else that has been close or ahead in the polls)? Why does it look like the Obama media wants Romney to be the nominee?
  3. "Here you go,my wife found it! Paul" Said it when she found you the R and I'll say it again, She's a keeper!
  4. That was not what I pictured whan I read that title.
  5. Too late. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
  6. The "How to Entertain the Children This Christmas" thread probably already has all of us on a "Watch List".
  7. What if you check the frame for square (diagonal measurements between crossmembers). Then make a hard turn in one direction. Stop at the end of the turn and check same measurements. Then do the same thing in the opposite direction.
  8. Maybe he's looking at the engine mounted aftercooler? Or the intake on the air compressor? A picture is worth 1000 words.
  9. 406 days until January 20, 2013. "The end of an ERROR" 1,822
  10. The only thing better than owning one Mack is owning more than one Mack!
  11. What does your age have to do with the decission to buy it?
  12. In Texas they would use a 55 gallon drum and a sparkplug hooked to a coil and a cell phone.
  13. 407........................ 1686
  14. Thanks Paul. We'll make that one 408. 1618
  15. Is that huge air cleaner and it's location orginal?
  16. That depends. Is the driver side the left or right?
  17. The basic difference is the frame. The U has a R frame. The DM has a frame of it's own with a "deep belly" behind the cab.
  18. 409............... 1558
  19. 410............... 1445
  20. David


    I'll be your friend. My father always said to choose your friends wisely for you become them.
  21. Every time I have purchased a new car or truck, I have told the salesman that unless they want t pay me for advertising, leave their dealership name off my vehicle.
  22. 411.......... 1376
  23. Congratulations Rob. May you have 34 more.
  24. 412.............. Barack Obama, at a recent rural elementary school assembly in West Texas, asked the audience for total quiet. Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.. Then Obama said into the microphone, Chrildren, uh, every time I uh, clap my hands together, uh, a, uh, child in America dies from, uh, gun violence." Little Randy Pee, with a proud West Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said, "Well, dummy, stop clapping!" Tip o'the hat to Jimmy . 1315
  25. At least you still have your Catalytic Converter. Around here they have been steeling them using battery powered sawzalls. Now they stepped it up a notch and are working in teams. In big parking lots like Walmart, one guy follows a mark in the store and warns the partner via cell phone if mark is leaving before the converter has been removed. All this in the middle of the day!
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