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Everything posted by David

  1. 420 days left..............
  2. If I stole a truck and trailer like that for $2000, I would have trouble sleeping at night!
  3. http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/21674-obama-joke-of-the-day/page__pid__92067__st__20#entry92067
  4. Tom, Were you thinking of Bob Chipper? He was from NY where I grew up. I remember him working on family cars and tucks. Just found this......... http://www.hefuneralhome.com/obits/obituary.php?id=97065
  5. 'Twas the Night before Christmas in the White House Tip o’the hat to Clement and Mitzi ‘Twas the night before Christmas in the White House Not a creature was stirring, not even the louse The stockings where hung by the chimney with care In hopes that more money soon would be there Obama was nestled all snug in his bed While visions of unemployed danced in his head Michelle in her 'kerchief, and Barack in Mao cap Had just settled down for their long winter nap When on the front lawn there arose such a clatter Barack crawled from his bed to see what's the matter Away to the window he made a quick dash Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash When what to his watery eyes should appear But an old clunker sleigh and eight sickly reindeer Santa said not a word, but continued his works Stacking up earmarks and lobbyists’ perks Santa looked straight at Obama and finally spoke Thanks to you, Mr. President, now I'm flat broke It took my life savings to pay my tax bill And what I have left is just next to nil I can't even afford to light up Rudolph’s red nose With a flip of one finger up the chimney Santa rose Then Santa exclaimed as he flew through the rain Oh, how I wish our President's name was McCain
  6. That was my first thought. But it looks like a heavy piece of iron for that task. And no wires coming out of it.
  7. What is that extra piece on the 939?
  8. Everyone, Feel free post 'em if you have 'em. Now 422...............
  9. They also don't forget that the Defense Department under this adminstration cut Nascar sponsorships.
  10. I have a set of 1100-24 drives for sale.
  11. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful we only have 423 days before PBO gets shipped back to Chicago. I wonder if he'll pardon his buddy Tony Rezko (who was just sentenced to 10 1/2 years) before he leaves.
  12. 424..
  13. The media didn't miss it. They just didn't think we needed to know.
  14. 425...
  15. David

    Damned Monday:

    Look for ovals on the spring hangers. Maybe you can delete the picture before Tom sees it.
  16. Links worked just fine. Thanks for posting.
  17. David

    Damned Monday:

    The suspension and tank brackets look like Pete. OD will need to weigh in on this.
  18. It is a DMM. They use the same frame as the RM
  19. Blow the horn on that R next time you go through NC.
  20. David

    Damned Monday:

    Rob, Is that a Pete Air Trac your putting under the B ?
  21. Mack built the trucks. Mine has an Eaton front end and Mack transfer case
  22. 426........................
  23. Mark, How 'bout you PM me that website?
  24. 427 days left
  25. 428 left But this is no joke. After three years of study, this hack has put this decission off until after the election. Canada is saying screw you. We'll sell our oil to China. http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20111118/WIRE/111119499/1036/business?Title=KRAUTHAMMER-Obama-picks-politics-over-U-S-jobs-energy
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