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Everything posted by David

  1. The engine and tires are worth more than the asking price.
  2. Notice the spare tire carriers on the dump trailer. One with a tire and one without. At first glance I thought it was a lift axle.
  3. My '67 DM865 has frame mounted spring brakes.
  4. David


    Yesterday's unions are today's unions as long as you have forced membership, forced dues that end up as political contributions, unfit teachers that can't be fired, bailout money used to shore up pension funds, contracts that call for one member of six different unions to perform an eight hour task that one open shop guy could do by himself in four hours and the likes of James Hoffa saying "Take the SOB's out" when referring to fellow Americans and on and on. It's impossible to change the publics perception with this reality. Oh, Don't forget the Card Check Bill. I wonder why PBO isn't pushing that.
  5. David


    " I just think a forced system people would cause people to rebell just do to the fact that it is forced." That's why we have "Right to Work" states. "We do have the skilled workers, we do have the incentive, we just need less government interference to do what we need to do." That's how the people in South Carolina feel. To what country (not state) are the jobs going if PBO and the National Labor Relations Board don't allow Boeing to open in in South Carolina? You will never change the public's perception of unions as long as you have BS like this going on.
  6. The "helper " would be like a canary in a coal mine. When he falls off the bike you 'll know it's time to go outside for some fresh air.
  7. What is the POS on the left side of picture number one?
  8. David


    We had PBO in our neck of the woods today. And I heard a local lady call Rush Limbaugh.................... RUSH: Cary, North Carolina, this is Kelly. Great to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi. CALLER: Hey, Rush, mega dittos to you. RUSH: Thank you very much. CALLER: Rush, I have been uncivil, and I feel like I need to turn myself in so that you could forward what I did to the Attack Watch. RUSH: Okay. Be happy to. In fact, I'll tell you what's happening with the Attack Watch, it's being overrun with conservatives turning themselves in. CALLER: Well, maybe I should go there myself and turn myself in. RUSH: I think you should report yourself. Michelle Malkin sent in her whole column today, and Herman Cain responded to it, said, "Seriously?" So I think you should turn yourself in. But what do you want to turn yourself in for? What did you do? CALLER: Well, I just flipped off the presidential motorcade. RUSH: You what? You flipped off the presidential motorcade? CALLER: Yes, I did. I did. And I'm a retired teacher, High School teacher, I am a grandmother of 12, and I just behaved uncivilly. RUSH: Why? Why would you do this? Why would you, a grandmother of 12, a retired school teacher, flip off the presidential motorcade? CALLER: I've had enough. I've had enough. There is a simmering, smoldering anger. RUSH: I understand that, but why were you anywhere near the presidential motorcade? What were you doing even going near it? CALLER: I didn't know that he was going to be on I-40 today. I knew he was going to be in Cary and didn't think any more about it. I just dismiss him from my thoughts as much as I can. RUSH: So you got delayed, you were in traffic, you got delayed -- CALLER: Yes. RUSH: -- for the motorcade to go by? CALLER: Yes. And my first thought when I saw the helicopters and the police on the bridge, I thought that there might be some terrorist activity, 'cause we have rounds of ammunition missing from a nearby base. Anyway, I saw the flag on the presidential car, and before I knew what happened, I jumped out and flipped him off in front of everybody else that was stranded -- RUSH: Before you even knew what were doing, your instincts to propel you out of your car and you flipped off, a retired school teacher, grandmother of 12, flipped off what you thought was the presidential limousine? CALLER: Oh, it was. Well, it could have been a decoy, but, Rush, I'm going to own it as a good conservative, I own my actions. I'm not blaming Bush. I thought about blaming your tea because I really was drinking your iced tea right before I did it. RUSH: Wait, there's no reported evidence of our tea causing irregular human behavior to happen. But I'll tell you something, include that when you report yourself. It's attackwatch.com CALLER: Okay. RUSH: Tell them that it might not have been your fault, it might have been the fault of Two If By Tea, Rush Limbaugh's tea. CALLER: Okay, if I have your permission, that's what I'll do, then. RUSH: Yeah. CALLER: I was going to own it myself. RUSH: Well, I'll share it with you. CALLER: All right, sounds good. RUSH: Yeah. Yeah, we'll do it together. CALLER: Okay, sounds great. RUSH: All right, Kelly, thanks. Thanks very much. She was caught off guard. She could claim temporary insanity to the Secret Service, because that's what it sounds like what it was. END TRANSCRIPT
  9. David


    That's just one company. There are others and more money for "green" companies in his new jobs bill.
  10. David


    There is not a single Dem that wants to be labled as the one that took down the first black president.
  11. David


    Gives a speech on Thursday, DOWN 2 more points in the polls today. Maybe if left alone he'll beat himself?
  12. Amen
  13. Nice gift. Something strange with the trans. The five speed would have been a T2050 (.6 OD) and the ten speed T2010 (.78 OT) should be slower, not faster.
  14. David


    Maybe that's why Ford is building a billion dollar plant in India. And the CEO of GE (who PBO had at the speech) is moving GE aircraft division to China. And PBO has the NationalLlabor Relations Board sueing Boeing for tring to open a plant in South Carolina? 501 days now left. Get the vote out. You know these bastards will be using every trick in the book to keep this guy in office.
  15. David


    There is no such thing as an undocumented worked, just unregistered democrats.
  16. David


    He is going to get them killed. Nov. 6, 2012. A bigger bloodbath than 2010.
  17. David


    September 11 th is day one of his last 500 days in office. Let the countdown begin.
  18. Good thing He's a good shot. If he missed with that single shot, those things would be up his pant leg before he could reload.
  19. Me 2
  20. Here's one from Australia...................... Australia shirt.bmp
  21. Greg, What's the payload on that bed? Rob's goin want to hitch a ride.
  22. Randy, Do tell us how you really feel. LOL. Be careful around those fires. A few years ago in Florida the wind was moving the fires faster than the dozers and trapped operators without a way out.
  23. Even this crew will remember if it's really obnoxious.
  24. That's a good idea. We need someone to blow a horn or test a siren on a firetruck at about 11:45 as a reminder.
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