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Everything posted by David

  1. Leaving politics to the politicians is what got us into the mess we're in today. The time has come to say no more business a usual. Some of them got the message in 2010. Maybe the rest will next year. I have my congressman and senators numbers on speed dial.
  2. Here in NC, about 15 years ago, a guy was running down I40 in a homemade water truck on a Mack DM. Blew a steering tire and hit a bridge abutment. He probably would have servived the wreck if the tank didn't come loose and crush him against the steering wheel.
  3. We'll be expecting a full report.
  4. It's a RM. I'd question the paper work and look real close at the VIN plate and frame stamping.
  5. That's a classic. Why don't you tell us how you really feel?
  6. Jay, I'll take. I can pick it up on my next trip to Green's. Thanks, David
  7. Do the math. Truck 1 average miles per hour = 149.24, truck 2 = 122.76. Those where some fast trucks!
  8. Infections are nothing to fool around with. Hope your antibiotics continue to be successful. Get well soon!
  9. Lefty ??????
  10. I might try to make it. The C. Grier Beam Truck Museum (Carolina Freight) is only about 10 miles from there. May 2 birds with 1 stone?
  11. According to my old Mack sales book: E9 = 2907 lbs 12sp = 817 lbs
  12. Some early tag axles were made to always stay down. A previous owner probably didn't like that and added the current setup. You might want to test drive as is and see how the ratio works for your needs. If a change in ratio is necessary you could switch the entire setup for a camelback.
  13. Here's the mother load............... http://www.reisenbach.com/cartoons.htm
  14. Are you still building two Titans per month? What's the total on number built?
  15. So it was a birthday present. Very nice find.
  16. When you said "screw volvo", I though you meant screw volvo. Show us a picture and someone here will have a solution.
  17. Given the profile of the typical bus driver (at least in this country), who would take a ride in a bus on that road?
  18. So the frame isn't factory. Seems like a honest seller would disclose something like that. Sounds like they started with an old Post Office or UPS truck as a glider and built the entire truck.
  19. Great pictures. Thanks
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2000-MACK-CH613-30-TON-POLE-TRUCK-/160618370102?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item256599d436
  21. Here's the earlier version..............
  22. Rob, Is this what you had in mind?
  23. Doesn't look like the heat and fumes comming from the "bean cooker" have have helped that hanging plant.
  24. David

    S K Tools

    This one seems to be holding up.............
  25. Could save some money with this one............... grill.bmp
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