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Everything posted by David

  1. That auction has been posted here before. Looks like the auction company selling their own family collectables. Also the same day as the spring AHTS Show at the NC Transportation Museum.
  2. Mark is the first truck a Superliner I and a 2 valve? Looks like the second one is a Superliner II and a 4 valve.
  3. "Thanking Obama for killing Bin Laden is like going into McDonald's and thanking Ronald McDonald for the hamburger. It's the guy cooking the burger that should get the credit, not the clown."
  4. Maybe at a gay bar?
  5. Now that sounds like the Texas way to get something done.
  6. Did those statues all start their lives as Paul Bunion? I've seen them holding an ax. That's why the arms are positioned that way ?
  7. Or a T2090. That would be .71 overdrive.
  8. I've never worked on any models so I was surprised by the detail of the parts you showed. I've noticed on my trucks that when Mack installs a vendor drivetrain (Cummins/Roadranger) they still put the mounts on the bellhousing and not on the flywheel housing. Also on the Superliner the shifter goes through the floor under the dash not between the seats. Good luck. Keep sending pictures.
  9. I'm assuming the a article your interested in is the cover story on the wrecker.
  10. Mark, I have that issue. Don't really want to sell it but send me an address and I'll mail you a copy of the article.
  11. Ernie, I think "GearheadGirl" is your Teamster Sister.
  12. Lookin good. Mike, Try fast clicks on the play/pause button.
  13. You will be able to buy one in South Bend.
  14. Those ridiculous stacks look like telephone poles.
  15. Looks a little like a Marmon.
  16. Did he give you any prices?
  17. Thanks for the pics. I like the vintage Fuzzbuster!
  18. They're always on ebay for about $335.
  19. I guess this "Hope and Change " thing is working out well for you? Where do you work?
  20. Was that chain the safety catch to keep the windshield from hitting the ground when you slammed on the brakes?
  21. So, if I'm following this correctly, there were seven of these trucks with cat engines? Two have been distroyed, Rob's, the one for sale on ebay and three unacounted for? I've really enjoyed reading this thread.
  22. It's really weird that this new find pops up for sale (like a ghost) just when you guys are doing this research.
  23. I hope in about three years they find Volvo management scratching their heads and asking "WTF did we do?"
  24. Those trucks were built to work. That meant they were hooked to a trailer and didn't need lights on the rear of the truck!
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