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Everything posted by David

  1. http://www.antiquetruckclubofamerica.org/ Go to this site and become a member. 6 issues of "Double Clutch" come with membership.
  2. Patience pays. Good to see you finally got it. Looks very complete. When a truck sits to long around here things start missing. Usually the dog is the first to go.
  3. I see why the government keeps sending you to school. You really are a slow learner.
  4. I was in Fleetpride one day and they had a pallet of "blemished" 5" chrome 24" long stacks for $20 each. I slid one over the muffler on my D21. Better than lipstick on a pig.
  5. Pull the covers on the rears and look at the gears. A rear end noise will transmit all the way to the shifter.
  6. That exhaust stack looks like it's had a rough life.
  7. They said last week that the truck brother Danny rolled was one of the new Macks. Neither of the two has been shown this year.
  8. Looks like he's getting 300 horsepower out of a 237?
  9. Sounds like a "keeper" if she's even talking to you after all that.
  10. David

    Hog Show

    Here's one of Rob and one of Randy. I don't remember which one is which.
  11. David


    The only thing that would make this better is if this guy had a gun and put a cap in his own ass.
  12. That's not a ding. It's called camber.
  13. The clock's ticking Rob. Are you going to make it? Will fuel at $4 / gallon crimp anyones plans?
  14. Looks like it cost this guy about a dollar a mile for the pleasure of owning one.......... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Immaculate-Mack-Titan-605hp-/300532708322?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item45f92533e2
  15. The driver in the Mercedes really helped him. It pays to look in your mirror and see if the guy behind you is going to stop.
  16. The ones that look best are the old F model. With very little work they will fit in the opening on a R hood. You can't buy them new any longer. But you can have an old one rechromed for about $325. That's what we paid for the last new one Mack had in the system about 10 years ago. Only problem with this type of grill is you need to remove the grill guard or mount it on hinges.
  17. I like the one where the Dumb Ass passes two cops in the turn lane. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=-qvXbIenivk
  18. Randy, Here's one a little closer to home........... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/71-Mack-/220748873199?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item3365a87def
  19. I've seen RD800's being built in Macungie up until about 5 years ago.
  20. Mark, Maybe you'll get lucky and the entire truck will be as straight as the front bumper.
  21. Randy, Did you know that Hawaii has no snakes?
  22. Maybe the dog was coming, and now he's going?
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