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  1. It says 18 speed. Im always liked my RD models. Its a upgrade too me, lol. That Update might be worth checking into. I thought about taking my 2000 RD in to see if there is any upgrades too it also.
  2. I been looking around for another truck. Found this 04 Granite, They guy is on vacation so no help there. But the ad says e7 with 427HP. I did not think the granites had e7's . Just wondered if anyone else heard of them having that engine? If the did how is that year of e7? I have a 2000 RD688. And its been a great motor. Really good after replacing injectors, Now up to 7.8 MPG.
  3. Well I pulled the valve covers. Checking all valves, retainers rockers, everything looks good, I had the heads off last summer due to a bad head gasket, replaced the injectors why I was at it. A little bit ago I drove over to the mack dealer ship and they said to pull the covers as well. Now he asked me if it ever had a popping noise, Which it always has since I bought it coming from the exhaust, Straight pipe exhaust. Very fait tho. The outfit I bought it from years ago had the valves set and something else with the valves, which I cannot remember now. I am wondering if maybe they had a damaged retainer and it fell down through and my luck, the pieces just now showed up. Also Mike, if it was front or rear seal piece, I should be getting oil leaking right? It hasn't been leaking. But like I said, I am open to any ideas. By looking at this I would be thinking there was a miss or something at least. But the trucks runs fine, except for that losing fuel prime overnight, which I am still trying to track down, think I know what it is.
  4. OK, I will check that. It doesn't have a miss tho. But since last fall it has had a problem of losing its fuel prime over night. have to crank about 15 sec. before it will start. Usually take 2 secconds to start. Replaced pick hose today and will wait till morning to see if it had a pin hole leak, it was old a looked like crap. its had to see in my pics, but the thin half broken piece fits around the other, it seriously look like a valve,, very small one.
  5. No. yesterday had the water pump off to replace a frost plug. But nothing has been done for a year, and that was new head gaskets, injectors, exhaust manifold9 Has a small crack I didn't like). But it has ran fine, no noises, good oil pressure and temp and turbo boost is still around 22-24. which I found out is what it should be on this motor. I went ans showed them to a friend of mine, diesel mechanic for DOT, he id baffled also, lo.
  6. Changing one of the trucks oil today and had a little surprise, these pieces of metal in the oil plug magnet, Any one know what they are from? There brass colored one side and steel colored on the other. couple are about 1/8" thick, and one is very thin. No problems or noises coming from engine. the longest piece is 1 1/4" and the medium piece is about 1" long.
  7. Ok. That's what I hoped to hear anyway. I was thinking 1 and 3, but my son was with me and he thought 1 and 2. Guess I should of listened to him. But thanks for the help.
  8. Hello, Been looking on here for some info about these injectors, just haven't had any luck. Got 2 questions actually. What I got is a 1993 RD690 with a EM7-300 in it. Replaced the head gaskets a month ago. Got everything going again, But started having injector problems. I went and got 69 Since they exchange them) and I got the right ones, lol. In the picture I have below, I cannot remember which spot the smaller O-ring goes. Whether it is on spot 2 or 3 in my picture. The Place I bought it showed me brand new ones, And the new ones only have 1 groove, as they did away with the other as it was not needed. Plus, my injectors only had the top O-ring and one have way down, But I cannot for the life of me remember which groove it goes on. Cannot see it in my picture but the return fuel hole is between 2 and 3 on my picture. For some reason I am thinking it goes in the number 3 spot. If anyone knows I would be very grateful, as this is driving nuts and I don't want till wait till there open to call again. I also want to know if anyone has ever had a problem getting the washer on the nozzle end out of the head. We look down there, try to move it with a screw driver and break it free. But it acts like and looks like there is no washer down there. Like its just the head seat.I did notice on the old injectors that there was carbon chunks build on the nozzle where the washer would seat. As if almost there was no washer to begin with or someone didn't put it in when changed before. My new ones come with the washers. So that's got me confused too. Hopefully some has done these and can give me a little insight.
  9. Hello everyone. New to This forum, but have read many posts. Anyway, I have a 2000 Mack RD688 Dump Truck. 12 speed TRTXL-1070B Trans. This month I replaced the dump box, any all accerories, cylinder, pump, pto, etc. My old setup had had teh rear(botton mount mack pto with remote mount pump. Which I want direct mount( alot less worries). First Chelsea Sent me a 489 series pto. Wont fit since there is a bulge in the trnas. So they then sent me a 442 series with a 628 series Adapter gear to clear the transmission bulge. Well the problem is now, that with only 1 gasket, the gear adapter has about a 1/4" play in it( so much for getting the blacklash right). OK, then when I put the pto up to the gear adapter, using there spacer and 6 gaskets that are required, I dont have enough backlash. ( under the ercommended). Problem #3, is since I spread rock in 2nd gear, the pump is not turned fast enough. takes minute and a half to raise. Way to slow. By the way I thought it said it was a 127% PTO. unless its in fifth gear, then it raises fine. But I dont spread rock at 50 MPH. Plus it seems to whine anything about idle in 3rd gear. What I am wondering, is if they9 Chealsea) know what there doing and also do they make a mack rear PTO that is direct drive? Any info would be VERY helpful, Thanks
  10. Name: 2000 Mack Dump Truck Date Added: Owner: Shmimc1973 Shmimc1973
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