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I am new to this board and was recommended by a friend to come here to ask some questions pertaining to late model Macks. I have been a KW/Pete guy forever and am now looking at adding a truck to my fleet of OTR trucks. So far out of the different trucks I have looked at the only one that as peaked my interest is a 2006 Mack Vision with only 163K miles.

I know nothing about them and want to know of any issues that they have or not. Are they good trucks for OTR operations? What is your guys' impression of the Mack AC 460 engine set at 485 hp? This particular truck has an Eaton 13 speed and 3.73 rears. As for the make of the rears I am not sure as the sales person has not gotten back to me yet. How are these trucks on fuel mileage? Basically I would like to know all the good and bad things so that I can make a good educated decision to whether or not purchase this truck or one like it.

When I test drove it I was impressed at how smooth it rode, how quiet it was and how easy it was to see out of. IMO it seems Mack has come a long way over the years. About all I know is that the old Macks had nearly indestructable rears and everyone back in the 40s-50s would put Mack running gear in their old Petes. Aside from that they were my great grandpas favorite truck of all time. He has driven them for most of his trucking career that spanned over 30 yrs. Unfortunately I can not ask him about this late model stuff because he has never driven anything with out a twin stick.

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I am new to this board and was recommended by a friend to come here to ask some questions pertaining to late model Macks. I have been a KW/Pete guy forever and am now looking at adding a truck to my fleet of OTR trucks. So far out of the different trucks I have looked at the only one that as peaked my interest is a 2006 Mack Vision with only 163K miles.

I know nothing about them and want to know of any issues that they have or not. Are they good trucks for OTR operations? What is your guys' impression of the Mack AC 460 engine set at 485 hp? This particular truck has an Eaton 13 speed and 3.73 rears. As for the make of the rears I am not sure as the sales person has not gotten back to me yet. How are these trucks on fuel mileage? Basically I would like to know all the good and bad things so that I can make a good educated decision to whether or not purchase this truck or one like it.

When I test drove it I was impressed at how smooth it rode, how quiet it was and how easy it was to see out of. IMO it seems Mack has come a long way over the years. About all I know is that the old Macks had nearly indestructable rears and everyone back in the 40s-50s would put Mack running gear in their old Petes. Aside from that they were my great grandpas favorite truck of all time. He has driven them for most of his trucking career that spanned over 30 yrs. Unfortunately I can not ask him about this late model stuff because he has never driven anything with out a twin stick.

welcome, post some pictures and serial no.the guys on here are amazing, they can tell how many bugs have been on the windshield

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Here are a couple of pictures. This is a Mack CXN613 with a Mack AC-460P Engine and an Eaton Fuller 13 speed tranny. The vin is 1m1ak07y66n013602. If anyone can give me any info about this particular truck or model I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, Robert



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Here are a couple of pictures. This is a Mack CXN613 with a Mack AC-460P Engine and an Eaton Fuller 13 speed tranny. The vin is 1m1ak07y66n013602. If anyone can give me any info about this particular truck or model I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, Robert



Robert I would get the history on the truck if you can and post it! We need to see what has been done!

Having said that look thru the posts on this forum reguarding 2004-2006 units that will give you a rough Idea of the things guys have be struggling with keeping in mind 2006 is a good year or as good as it gets year to buy unless you go to the new after treat engine.

In 2006 MOST of all the stuff that could go wrong was dealt with ,how ever it is still not going to be a pre 2000 reliable unit

Talk to Herb!

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If you are refering to Herb aka Kranky1 then I have spoken to him about this truck and he was the one that directed me here.

So far this truck has been pulled in for a handful of recalls. The build date of this unit was 10/2005 but it was not delivered until 11/2007 for some reason. The dealership says it had something to do with a custom body or something to that nature. I have recieved all the records about the recall items that have been fixed but that is about all I know of this truck. The original owner was in Oklahoma and the truck is for sale here in California. I am trying to get as much information on this truck so that I can find out what kind of life it has had. From what I can tell by the interior/exterior and mileage, it has been treated really well and doesn't look like it has been abused. It does have a minor powersteering leak which needs to be adressed and that seems to be about all that is wrong with it. It runs sweet and everything is nice and tight, which seems to be a hard thing to find in a used truck sometimes.

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I have an 04 Vision with 460/18sp. The Vision is by far the most comfortable truck and I like it more than any truck I've driven but the 460 Mack engine is the most unreliable contraption I've ever owned. I bought mine with just over 200,000 miles on it and soon discovered why it looked so clean and had such low miles for it's age, the owner before me simply could not keep it on the road.

I listen to fjh he knows what's up. If the bugs are worked out of it you've found a treasure.

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If you are refering to Herb aka Kranky1 then I have spoken to him about this truck and he was the one that directed me here.

So far this truck has been pulled in for a handful of recalls. The build date of this unit was 10/2005 but it was not delivered until 11/2007 for some reason. The dealership says it had something to do with a custom body or something to that nature. I have recieved all the records about the recall items that have been fixed but that is about all I know of this truck. The original owner was in Oklahoma and the truck is for sale here in California. I am trying to get as much information on this truck so that I can find out what kind of life it has had. From what I can tell by the interior/exterior and mileage, it has been treated really well and doesn't look like it has been abused. It does have a minor powersteering leak which needs to be adressed and that seems to be about all that is wrong with it. It runs sweet and everything is nice and tight, which seems to be a hard thing to find in a used truck sometimes.

yup herb HK

about all to look for on 06 is belts and belt tensioners and exhast gaskets check to see if it has the latest gasket and stud arrangment.

MOST other stuff has been dealt with for the most part!

Again look at the forums you'll see the things the guys have been chasing!The truck your looking at looks like a cherry unit as newer trucks go!

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this is just my opinion, if you find a mack with less than 800,000 miles on it, find out if it is a repo, or has been wrecked, nobody gets rid of a good low millage mack.

i found one that a tree had fallen on it had been abused and had 445,000 miles on it, spoke with prev. owner didnt have time to wait for it to be fixed, so he traded the wrecked in on a new truck.

if it was wrecked or repoed i would jump on it, if not i would say it was a thorn in someones side, i bought an 04 vision 310,000 miles, it was a twin to jerryb's. i couldn't make a trip without it costing thousand $

took mine from mo. to va. to get rid of it, this one looks like the same deal.

nobody gets rid of a trouble free mack with low miles, beware

again this is just my opinion.

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Thanks for the info on that. I have asked the dealership if it was wrecked and they say to their knowledge no. Not to mention I have seen pictures of it with and without the old companies logos on it. My guess is that they went belly up like so many other companies have done over the last couple of years. I'm going to do some further research on this truck. As for the recalls these are the ones it has had and been fixed for.

RC-00365 (SC0317) Aset Injection Lines Completed 02/09/2007

RC-00369 (SC0323) Remove Fuel Line Sleeve AC Completed 04/26/2007

RC-00371 (SC0324) Aset Line III Completed 06/25/2008


The truck has been looked at and there is nothing wrong with the switch in this truck.

This new recall superceedes SC342 from 06/05/09, it involves approximately 42,609 Trucks in the CX and CXN models.

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Recalls (saftey issues )are not up dates!

The exhast gaskets are not recalls they are only required if they fail!If they fail under warrenty mack pays If they fail after you pay!

Requirmenst of sale IF you purchase the truck Would have to be> Uppdated exhast Gaskets and studs ,new belts and tensioners as needed!

My opinion.pat.gif

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I'm well aware of recalls being safety issues and not updates. I posted what recalls have been on this truck in hopes that someone would give some insight to if they have had other issues with these items after a recall and repair was made.

Thanks for pointing out about the updates for the exhaust system and other items.

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I'm well aware of recalls being safety issues and not updates. I posted what recalls have been on this truck in hopes that someone would give some insight to if they have had other issues with these items after a recall and repair was made.

Thanks for pointing out about the updates for the exhaust system and other items.

No once the relay kit is installed and the switch is replaced if needed then the repair is complete!The relays take the heat off the switch.

As for fuel lines on an aset the fuel line is to be replaced when ever you have to replace a fuel pump as a saftey procaution!Fuel line problems were another common issue 2004- 2006!Safety campainWe now have a handle on that as well! Its along story ! C.Y.A. Thing now!Change the fuel line if you disturb it period!

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I dont own a newer mack and most Macks I have driven were built no later than 87'. a few friend have late 90s-early 2000s CH macks that have never had a major issue. I have noticed that the electronic mack engines tend to last longer but alot of them built after 2004 have electrical and emission issues. This is not just with Mack. Cat,Cummins and others have just as many small issues. I think the newer mack rears and gearboxes as almost as tuff as the R models but to compair most new trucks (mack included) to old B and R models I would still think that the old heavy stuff is stronger then todays light weight stuff However For on road you will be just fine with what they have to offer. and the ride diffrence between old and new is night and day.

just my .02


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Pretty sad really when laws dictate what YOU buy.

Though, there's another guy on here who had to have a newer truck because his broker, shipper or what have you said they didn't want old trucks haulin their freight.

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insurance companies that insure a company with leased trucks dont want the older trucks hauing their freight. not sure if its in fear of brake downs or damage caused from an older truck. regardless its BS... you buy what you want to drive it. Sometimes I wish we could go back to the late 1940s and start all over again!

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Thanks Trent.

I am stuck on having to buy a truck that is 2005 or newer because of the new emissions laws that are in place thanks to C.A.R.B. and the new EPA requirements as a result.

i had this same delema about a month ago. from all the research i did 06 and 07 were the only choices i had. i noticed on truck paper what make and model had the most units for sale, if a particular make,model, has a large number of units for sale at or near end of warrenty, is usually a sign of trouble, so much info to get my head around,it became very frustrating.

good luck.

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If I had my choice I would go and get another Pete like the '94 I had with a 3406C CAT but I can't go that route. I am trying to figure this out and so far from the different OTR trucks I have looked at the Mack Vision has had the most space for my driver. My W-900 is great for me, but with a driver that is over 6 foot and 300 pounds it is really difficult to find a truck that he will be comfortable in.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you only have the option of a Mack motor in a Mack truck right? Is it possible to order one with an ISX Cummins?

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If I had my choice I would go and get another Pete like the '94 I had with a 3406C CAT but I can't go that route. I am trying to figure this out and so far from the different OTR trucks I have looked at the Mack Vision has had the most space for my driver. My W-900 is great for me, but with a driver that is over 6 foot and 300 pounds it is really difficult to find a truck that he will be comfortable in.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you only have the option of a Mack motor in a Mack truck right? Is it possible to order one with an ISX Cummins?

the CL series could be ordered out with a ISX myself I would just as soon trust the E7 ISX is having tons of problems with EGR valves turbo

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i am 6'4" between 300 and 350# depending on the time of year, the vision is the most comfortable truck i ever sat in quiet, smooth and roomy, like nothing else, but the chn is a much better truck. i gave up a little comfort,and a little mpg, for a hole lot of dependability

i think every body on here will agree the ch is a more reliable truck than the cx.

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i am 6'4" between 300 and 350# depending on the time of year, the vision is the most comfortable truck i ever sat in quiet, smooth and roomy, like nothing else, but the chn is a much better truck. i gave up a little comfort,and a little mpg, for a hole lot of dependability

i think every body on here will agree the ch is a more reliable truck than the cx.

if you go from a 460 to a 400 i think your dependability triples

would you guy's agree?

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I have an ISX in my W-900 and I love the motor. I have replaced the EGR Valve, EGR Sensor, Fan Clutch, Primer Pump and a Head Gasket. At the moment the truck has about 472K on it and the HG was warranty, the EGR was the first one so I figured 400K on it was resonable. A friend of mine has the twin to my truck but has 1.1M on it and only done the EGR for the second time about 2 weeks ago.

This CH series, which is it? Are they set up similar to the Vision as far as the sleeper goes?

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If I had my choice I would go and get another Pete like the '94 I had with a 3406C CAT but I can't go that route. I am trying to figure this out and so far from the different OTR trucks I have looked at the Mack Vision has had the most space for my driver. My W-900 is great for me, but with a driver that is over 6 foot and 300 pounds it is really difficult to find a truck that he will be comfortable in.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you only have the option of a Mack motor in a Mack truck right? Is it possible to order one with an ISX Cummins?

Your stuck with the mack motor

as stated the cl is the only mack with Other engines Cummins only.Cat is a fine motor up to the point of twin turbo!If its going to be the mack your choises are limited.

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I have an ISX in my W-900 and I love the motor. I have replaced the EGR Valve, EGR Sensor, Fan Clutch, Primer Pump and a Head Gasket. At the moment the truck has about 472K on it and the HG was warranty, the EGR was the first one so I figured 400K on it was resonable. A friend of mine has the twin to my truck but has 1.1M on it and only done the EGR for the second time about 2 weeks ago.

This CH series, which is it? Are they set up similar to the Vision as far as the sleeper goes?

The cab and sleeper are indentical to the vision. The hood and radiator are the only difference. It would appear that the larger radiator opening and the extra room between the hood and the engine on the ch lets more heat escape where the visions hood holds heat in the engine.

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