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im getting redy to do a brake job on the old ugly dog and the shoes that are on my truck have the old 2 piece rollers on them i guess that is what you call them they have a axle with a roller on them and the axle is held to the shoe with a roll pin. but the local parts stores say that they are not avil any more. a guy in the store told me that the best option would be to convert it to a 44,ooolb quick change shoe.my rears are 55,000lb i know the only dif in the centers is the axle gears but what about the housings. will i have to change the brake spyders to fit the quick change shoes or will they fit the reg brake spyders??? joe

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Your truck with 55,000lb rears should have 18" brakes and the parts store counter guy prob doesnt know that brakes come in sizes that are bigger than 16.5". You should have the cast shoes with bolt on lining. I know for a fact that all the friction material, hardware and brake drums are still available either through the dealer or through the aftermarket. Just look in an Euclid book.

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the guys at worldwide equipment (MACK dealer) are the ones that tols me that they were not avil anymore buy like i said before on here if it aint new they dont want to look up anything for them if they cant find it on the computer thats why everyone around here are going to other brands of trucks.. joe

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I had a 1970 dm with the 55 rears,its been a few years but never had a problem getting brake parts,your not gonnna be able to swap the shoes out for relined ones you have to buy the pads and bolt them on yourself,drums should be readily available and as far as the axle and rollers I don't know what you mean,my dm had an s cam and no rollers just wear pad that got pined to shoes.post-598-12664545664964_thumb.jpg

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the axle and rollers im talking about are the ones that go on the s cam they are 2 piece not 1 piece like the newer ones the older ones had a axle that goes through holes in the end of the shoe then the roller goes on the axle then the axle goes through the other hole and you line the axle up and lock it in place with a roll pin. joe

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