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Last week the Thermodyne was running rich but fine otherwise. Today it won't fire.

Motor turns over fine. New 12V battery and fire at the coil. No fire to plugs but all wires look fine.

Are the points sticking? Simple trick to unstick the points?


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More likely a bad coil or condensor. Pull cap and turn engine to open points ,jump across points with a screw driver with coil wire pulled out of the cap and held 1/4 inch from ground. With the switch on of course. As you make and break the circut with the screw drive you should get a spark. also might be as simple as a bit of moisture in the cap or on the coil tower.

John Evans,

Trucks & Dogs are expensive!!

More likely a bad coil or condensor. Pull cap and turn engine to open points ,jump across points with a screw driver with coil wire pulled out of the cap and held 1/4 inch from ground. With the switch on of course. As you make and break the circut with the screw drive you should get a spark. also might be as simple as a bit of moisture in the cap or on the coil tower.

That is one cool looking truck you have!!!!! Good looking dogs too.

Thanks for the advice. I will try your suggestions when I get home Monday.

What motor do you have?


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