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1 We orderd it with two steel fuel tanks total 110 gal. Took them off and replaced them with one 26 in. 129 gal. alum. tank on the drivers side.

2 Moved fuel water seperater under the hood.

3 Move air tanks back between the push axle and the drives

4 Put hyd. tank where air tank and passinger side fuel had been.

The wheelbase is 292 in. wich is the longist you can go with this size frame. the bed is 23.5 ft

Why do all this ? to get as light as we could and to be able to axle out in Mich.18000 steer 18000 pusher 32000 drives and it works great. our empty weight is 38500 with the pup not bad for what we do and 500 lb lighter then my last truck with the same loader and rack.

My dealer Scaffidi motors put alot of time in this deal to make it happen.Sam Scaffidi one of the owners sat in on the sale to help with the (we'll pay for that and you pay for this.) Rick Lorenz was the salesman and answered all my questions or found the answer if he didnt know. I have been freands with both of them for 30 years. The enginers at Mack have a great weaght and balance program that really helped with the axle placement.

Setback Vrs setfoward Setback shorter wheelbase and lighter frame with same deck space 1000lb saved.

I heated the shift leaver and bent it foward about 2 in. and left about 1 in. fits good now

Added more coat hangers thanks for reading

post-6752-036692300 1290304287_thumb.jpgpost-6752-091692600 1290304401_thumb.jpg

  On 11/21/2010 at 2:48 AM, David said:

Nice looking truck. The fender extensions don't look like such an after thought when they match the color of the truck. What's the white stuff on the ground?


Nice looking unit.

How do you like the Serco? I run a Rotobec and love it.

How strong is the mudflap behind the tag? with the air tanks there, I would want something substantial to avoid crap getting kicked up and damaging lines and such

Set back axle makes for better maneuverability

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

  On 11/21/2010 at 2:27 AM, snorky said:

1 We orderd it with two steel fuel tanks total 110 gal. Took them off and replaced them with one 26 in. 129 gal. alum. tank on the drivers side.

2 Moved fuel water seperater under the hood.

3 Move air tanks back between the push axle and the drives

4 Put hyd. tank where air tank and passinger side fuel had been.

The wheelbase is 292 in. wich is the longist you can go with this size frame. the bed is 23.5 ft

Why do all this ? to get as light as we could and to be able to axle out in Mich.18000 steer 18000 pusher 32000 drives and it works great. our empty weight is 38500 with the pup not bad for what we do and 500 lb lighter then my last truck with the same loader and rack.

My dealer Scaffidi motors put alot of time in this deal to make it happen.Sam Scaffidi one of the owners sat in on the sale to help with the (we'll pay for that and you pay for this.) Rick Lorenz was the salesman and answered all my questions or found the answer if he didnt know. I have been freands with both of them for 30 years. The enginers at Mack have a great weaght and balance program that really helped with the axle placement.

Setback Vrs setfoward Setback shorter wheelbase and lighter frame with same deck space 1000lb saved.

I heated the shift leaver and bent it foward about 2 in. and left about 1 in. fits good now

Added more coat hangers thanks for reading

post-6752-036692300 1290304287_thumb.jpgpost-6752-091692600 1290304401_thumb.jpg

That is a nice looking truck and I agree with David on the fender extensions as I've never liked the looks of them. Do they not make some type of operator cabin for the loader? Sure looks to be cold for operation in the winter?


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



  On 11/21/2010 at 2:54 PM, Rob said:

That is a nice looking truck and I agree with David on the fender extensions as I've never liked the looks of them. Do they not make some type of operator cabin for the loader? Sure looks to be cold for operation in the winter?


If they had a cab enclosing the seat on the loader, it would be WAY too tall to go down the road....and even worse for making your way through the woods. I never measured the loaders we had on the trucks when I was hauling logs, but they came awful close to the bridges....I'd guess they were somewhere around 13'.

...so in other words, the arctic carharts & thermal underwear are your friend :ninja:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
  On 11/21/2010 at 2:38 PM, hatcity said:

Nice looking unit.

How do you like the Serco? I run a Rotobec and love it.

How strong is the mudflap behind the tag? with the air tanks there, I would want something substantial to avoid crap getting kicked up and damaging lines and such

Set back axle makes for better maneuverability

That would be my concern, too....blow the wrong tire, and you'll be lucky if airlines are the only thing it tears up.....with my luck, I'd be waiting for a tow after it shreds the tanks. :pat:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!


  On 11/21/2010 at 3:31 PM, RowdyRebel said:

If they had a cab enclosing the seat on the loader, it would be WAY too tall to go down the road....and even worse for making your way through the woods. I never measured the loaders we had on the trucks when I was hauling logs, but they came awful close to the bridges....I'd guess they were somewhere around 13'.

...so in other words, the arctic carharts & thermal underwear are your friend :ninja:

Rotobec did offer an enclosed cab that tilted down. Still looked like it would be too tall.

attachment=8962:rotobec cab.jpg

They do offer heated joysticks though

post-4436-081389300 1290354497_thumb.jpg

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

  On 11/21/2010 at 3:46 PM, hatcity said:

Rotobec did offer an enclosed cab that tilted down. Still looked like it would be too tall.

They do offer heated joysticks though

Prentice seems to be popular up here and I've seen several enclosures of the canvas type that fold and strap down for transport. I've never operated one, just seen them.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



About the air tanks Its just a mudflap not much you can do with out putting a bunch of weight on. the reason for the tanks being outside the frame is to make it easier to keep dirt and bark from building up and with the concerns with invasive species this helps keep down the transportation of them.

Loader cabs Serco does not offer one but we are only up there an hour at a time at most unless you are sorting logs but the log buyer gets cold too so you stop and warm up. I have insolated rubber gloves and heated grips and a heated seat pad.

The rotobec cab does fold down to make height

Loglift and Kesla offer cabs as well but once again weight is the issue. In my world 500lb is worth $2200 a year so we are trying to keep it down.

Thanks for the input.

Serco 7000 is the lightest of the bunch 600 lbs lighter then a Rotobec and way lighter the a Prentice

Serco will build the boom any length you want up to 25'

This is my forth Serco so I like them. they are not quit as smooth as a Rotobec but the hyd system is not as sencitive to debris. Serco is also about5 to 8 grand cheaper depending on options.

Thanks again for the input

  On 11/22/2010 at 6:01 PM, GearheadGrrrl said:

Nice looking truck, and my complements on your clever speccing. But Mack should have been able to supply the truck with the proper tanks, etc. placed where you needed them.

Its hard to build a truck that fits everyone. A vocational truck dosnt usually need that much fuel but we can put on 500 to 550 miles a day. The setback axle eats up alot of room as well.

The salesman took lots of pics to show Mack enginering what we are dealing with. Mack allready has a Wisconsin quad axle dump truck spec.

I have to give alot of credit to Scaffidi Motors In Tomahawk Wi. and Rick Lorenz the salesman for making this all come together I just had the ideas they made most of it happen.

If you are in the market for a purpose built truck this is the place. They are building some railroad trucks now.

Thanks for the input

  On 11/23/2010 at 6:05 PM, mikeyredk2 said:

Snorky, Any reason you didn't get the Cab mounted exhaust? Probably could have saved you another 50lbs

It was not recommended becouse they had trouble with the mounts. You would save even more then the weight of the bracket becouse you can make the frame 6" shorter too.

We made a bracket that goes on the front of the stanchion that rotates the exhaust pipe out and forward about 6" so we could get the log rack as far forward as we could and still get in there to wash the cab.

I would like to see one in person with cab mounted exhaust.

Good point thanks

  On 11/23/2010 at 10:20 PM, snorky said:

It was not recommended becouse they had trouble with the mounts. You would save even more then the weight of the bracket becouse you can make the frame 6" shorter too.

We made a bracket that goes on the front of the stanchion that rotates the exhaust pipe out and forward about 6" so we could get the log rack as far forward as we could and still get in there to wash the cab.

I would like to see one in person with cab mounted exhaust.

Good point thanks

There's a picture of one in my gallery, nothing too spectacular though.

"Mebbe I'm too ugly and stupid to give up!"

The worst part about it was that the factory installed the air tanks behind where the SCR catalyst would have been if it was frame mounted, so there is a gap between the DPF and the air tanks that is basically unusable space.

"Mebbe I'm too ugly and stupid to give up!"

Ive seen that style it tatkes up why to much room. the rr trucks Scaffiddi is setting up have those where room and weight are not so much of an issue. There is a cab mount that has all the stuff under the cab with the pipe mounted on the cab it was in the last Bull Dog mag.

  • 4 weeks later...

12000 mile in likes and dislikes

likes Good power milage coming up a little good traction off road great heater

Dislikes Front axle hard to grease rattle by A post that we can't find power window controls intrude into drivers space to much knee rubs on the panel

  On 12/19/2010 at 10:46 PM, snorky said:

12000 mile in likes and dislikes

likes Good power milage coming up a little good traction off road great heater

Dislikes Front axle hard to grease rattle by A post that we can't find power window controls intrude into drivers space to much knee rubs on the panel

Mack has built this feature in since day one

B model window crank

R model heater box

CH door molding or the window crank

Keep your legs closed when driving :lol:


Thanks for hearing me out.

You can have the soap box now---------JIM

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/19/2010 at 10:46 PM, snorky said:

12000 mile in likes and dislikes

likes Good power milage coming up a little good traction off road great heater

Dislikes Front axle hard to grease rattle by A post that we can't find power window controls intrude into drivers space to much knee rubs on the panel

18000 mile up date

Trucks are like new girl freinds they are great out of the gate but the more time you spend with them you start to notice the little things you like or don't like.

figured out how to grease the front axle. Best to do all but the draglinks from the bottom the float tires really get in the way. I think remote grease banks will make this alot better should have time in spring to put them on.I grease the push axle first then put blocks under the tires and put it down that takes alot of weight off the front and makes it a shinch to jack up. I can get the drive train and the drives with out getting out from under the truck this way too.

The wiper switch and washer system are hokey could use a mist mode and on the steering colom

the four way flasher should be on a switch on the dash. For a volcational truck the old school four ways are clumsy my KW had them on the dash that was very nice very handy.

The ride is great.

The blue tooth radio is very handy

Can't think of any thing else to say but I'm sure there is see you all later

  • 3 months later...

With 42000 miles and 1400 hours on the truck things are going well.

Had one injector crack down by the seat they have come up with a new torque on th hold down to take care of that.

On the 2ed replacement block heater no answer for this problem

All the axle lock and PTO and the sespension dump selinoids are on one 15 amp fuse. Ok till one selinoid takes a dump. Had trouble with two of them so far.

Milage this qtr was 4.83 mpg pto time in with that for an average speed of 29 mph and average gross weight of 100000 lbs with six axles

Can't wait for summer to see what happens with the milage

I have about 15 loads in Michigan where I'll be grossing about 108000 on a 100 mile haul we'll see what the milage is there.

Over all still pretty pleased with the truck. Snorky

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