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Found Another Mh - What Should I Do?

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Okay here is the situation...I have an opportunity to purchase one of the last MH612 trucks at Martin's. This truck is identical to my previous MH (EM7 300 and T2050). They also have a "parts" truck without an engine (everything else is there including the transmission) that I can purchase. At the end of the day I will have about $6000 into the two (2) trucks. Additionally I will have to pay to have the spare truck trailered/towed from PA to OH.

Should I purchase them or take the money and save my pennies and purchase a CH612 next year? In another year to two Martin's will be trading some of their CH612 w/sleeper trucks. :unsure:

I would appreciate your thoughts and thank you for your input.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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Okay here is the situation...I have an opportunity to purchase one of the last MH612 trucks at Martin's. This truck is identical to my previous MH (EM7 300 and T2050). They also have a "parts" truck without an engine (everything else is there including the transmission) that I can purchase. At the end of the day I will have about $6000 into the two (2) trucks. Additionally I will have to pay to have the spare truck trailered/towed from PA to OH.

Should I purchase them or take the money and save my pennies and purchase a CH612 next year? In another year to two Martin's will be trading some of their CH612 w/sleeper trucks. :unsure:

I would appreciate your thoughts and thank you for your input.

I'm thinking you will run into many of the same roadblocks that lead to your selling your original truck. If you were to find an older R, F, WS, or something 25 years old or more, there would be a lot more enjoyment from the truck if it is solely a hobby.

Just the cost of plates and insurance preclude me from doing anything different. Of course I'm not trying to make money with them either.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I'm thinking you will run into many of the same roadblocks that lead to your selling your original truck. If you were to find an older R, F, WS, or something 25 years old or more, there would be a lot more enjoyment from the truck if it is solely a hobby.

Just the cost of plates and insurance preclude me from doing anything different. Of course I'm not trying to make money with them either.



Thanks for the input. This is strictly a hobby and no intent to make any money with it. I don't know what it is like to make money as I am lucky to "break even" on anything. Back to my situation, I really like the MH truck and nice ones are getting hard to find. The Martin trucks are the best condition and maintained trucks I have seen. I am a little "upset" with the current sale of these trucks as Mother Mack is involved. I feel I am being "pressured" into making a decision on this truck as Mother Mack has an export deal in the works and is reflected in the "high" selling price. I really hate to see these trucks being exported and taken out of "inventory" for future collectors. By buying another MH I am trying to preserve a piece of Mack history. But at the end of the day is it worth the effort? As for the parts truck, my intent is to have extra parts (mainly cab hardware) available if needed.

As for your recommendation, I am spoiled with modern conveniences like A/C and also the E7 engine with electronic controls. Older Macks in good condition (no rust) are bringing more money than I want to pay as I do not have a facility to restore a truck. I do most of my work in the "big shed". As for the roadblocks they were somewhat self imposed as I was trying to be "legal" and on the up and up. By the time I had the situation figured out the wheels were in motion for selling my previous truck. I will definately do things differently the next time like pleading "ignorance" which is easy for me to do. I can't rent a truck to pull a trailer since I need $1MM liability insurance which I cannot obtain as a private individual (I have exhausted several avenues searching for insurance). I don't mean to sound like sour grapes but the fun of collecting big iron (trucks and tractors) is gone (thanks alot to Uncle Sam and the export market). Perhaps I should sell my tractors and pick a new hobby (doing nothing). However I am not content with "sitting on the porch".

I will probably pass on the purchase of another MH and unload all the NOS MH parts I have "collected" during the last couple years. Heck, a new hobby....selling stuff! But the parts are probably not worth what I paid for them. Hence "not making any money".

Thanks again for your comments.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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When I bought the mixer I had no earthly need for it (I really wanted a single axle B-61), couldn't afford it, didn't need it, but I just always wanted an old truck so I bought it.Same price as the 2 MHs actually. I'd never spent that kind of money before for something I didn't need, but it's great-and paid for.

As some guy named Miller Highlife used to say "you only go 'round once in life so ya' oughta' git yerself an MH Mack, preferably powered by a modified ENDT866 V8 Mack engine with adapted air to air charge air cooling-but a 300 would be OK".

That's what he said.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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When I bought the mixer I had no earthly need for it (I really wanted a single axle B-61), couldn't afford it, didn't need it, but I just always wanted an old truck so I bought it.Same price as the 2 MHs actually. I'd never spent that kind of money before for something I didn't need, but it's great-and paid for.

As some guy named Miller Highlife used to say "you only go 'round once in life so ya' oughta' git yerself an MH Mack, preferably powered by a modified ENDT866 V8 Mack engine with adapted air to air charge air cooling-but a 300 would be OK".

That's what he said.

Absolutely Amazing!!! Exactly the way I heared it too.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Thanks for the input. This is strictly a hobby and no intent to make any money with it. I don't know what it is like to make money as I am lucky to "break even" on anything. Back to my situation, I really like the MH truck and nice ones are getting hard to find. The Martin trucks are the best condition and maintained trucks I have seen. I am a little "upset" with the current sale of these trucks as Mother Mack is involved. I feel I am being "pressured" into making a decision on this truck as Mother Mack has an export deal in the works and is reflected in the "high" selling price. I really hate to see these trucks being exported and taken out of "inventory" for future collectors. By buying another MH I am trying to preserve a piece of Mack history. But at the end of the day is it worth the effort? As for the parts truck, my intent is to have extra parts (mainly cab hardware) available if needed.

As for your recommendation, I am spoiled with modern conveniences like A/C and also the E7 engine with electronic controls. Older Macks in good condition (no rust) are bringing more money than I want to pay as I do not have a facility to restore a truck. I do most of my work in the "big shed". As for the roadblocks they were somewhat self imposed as I was trying to be "legal" and on the up and up. By the time I had the situation figured out the wheels were in motion for selling my previous truck. I will definately do things differently the next time like pleading "ignorance" which is easy for me to do. I can't rent a truck to pull a trailer since I need $1MM liability insurance which I cannot obtain as a private individual (I have exhausted several avenues searching for insurance). I don't mean to sound like sour grapes but the fun of collecting big iron (trucks and tractors) is gone (thanks alot to Uncle Sam and the export market). Perhaps I should sell my tractors and pick a new hobby (doing nothing). However I am not content with "sitting on the porch".

I will probably pass on the purchase of another MH and unload all the NOS MH parts I have "collected" during the last couple years. Heck, a new hobby....selling stuff! But the parts are probably not worth what I paid for them. Hence "not making any money".

Thanks again for your comments.

I really think you'd enjoy a "Western F" series with an ENDT866, with either a Mack, or Fuller transmission. The adapted air to air charge air cooling could be addressed later. Me and Other Dog would help you out. Other than UPS, and StorkMack's "MH" series tractors, I've never really looked into them.

I don't know about "pleading ignorant" as it's always been blatantly obvious with me; So never applicable.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Keep your cash, winter is here...unless you really REALLY need the other truck and its parts donor.

Lemmee hold your cash for you, I will purchase us a "sweet" 79' CAT D-7G, totally rebuilt, of course, and you can come down in your spare time and push a tree or maybe even two over,,,dont that sound like fun? Randyp

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Just curious but are these trucks for sale by Martins farm trucks? If you really like old iron all joking aside I would put my money into an old R model or a DM 10/6 wheeler...those trucks always hold a good re-sale value with the exporters...I know it sucks but when all else fails and you have to sell, they will pay...cabovers really never held much value, light frames, 38 rears etc etc. General rule of thumb (what I swear by anyway) never buy something as a toy unless you can unload it and break even. I've been buying and selling Macks for almost 17 years now, I've owned em all and for a hobby I would lean towards a conventional, cant go wrong. I will however say that I'm a sucker for F models lol! One thing to think about, if you get an old truck you can register and insure it as a collectable, which means no DOT#'s no IFTA and insurance around $400.00 a year

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Just curious but are these trucks for sale by Martins farm trucks? If you really like old iron all joking aside I would put my money into an old R model or a DM 10/6 wheeler...those trucks always hold a good re-sale value with the exporters...I know it sucks but when all else fails and you have to sell, they will pay...cabovers really never held much value, light frames, 38 rears etc etc. General rule of thumb (what I swear by anyway) never buy something as a toy unless you can unload it and break even. I've been buying and selling Macks for almost 17 years now, I've owned em all and for a hobby I would lean towards a conventional, cant go wrong. I will however say that I'm a sucker for F models lol! One thing to think about, if you get an old truck you can register and insure it as a collectable, which means no DOT#'s no IFTA and insurance around $400.00 a year

I am talking about Martin's Pastry, the company/fleet that owned these trucks. A group of trucks (MHs and IH 9600s) were traded to Mack Trucks (for 2011 Macks) and the trades are being exported by Mack. Mack thinks they are worth money (twice what the market shows)! Thru a contact of mine at Mack Allentown, Mack Greensboro agreed to sell me one truck. Of course at the same price as they are exporting them.

For the record...I am specifically looking for a single axle tractor as I do not need a tandem (10K to 25K payload). I want to stay under $5K but still have a road worthy truck. My plan is to register the truck as a RV since I will eventually be pulling a trailer with living quarters. If I could rent a tractor to pull a trailer I would not be looking to buy another truck. Also, I would not have to worry about skirting the DOT, IFTA, and all the other crap.

I was paying $500/year insurance for my previous MH612. However I learned my lesson (finally), the next truck will NOT BE FOR SALE until I am 6' under or someone offers me $1MM!! :)

But as I previously mentioned, I am seriously considering passing on this purchase. I will unload my NOS parts this winter and rethink my future hobby plans.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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Single axle is nice, just seems a bit pricey...I've seen clean cab over Macks from Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas etc etc with no rust, never seen salt air going for peanuts. What I've found is if you jump on something and think OMG its the last truck like this around...2 weeks later one pops uptwice as nice for half the price...Murphys law. I would keep an eye out on truck paper.com and e-bay, I see them come up alot, there was one in Idaho a few months ago went for $4500.00 it was a twin screw tractor, Mack front to back and super clean...a grain farmer used it local and yes he was the original owner. The truck was sold to a Nigerian and was exported...I called on it and offered the guy $5000.00 but the deal was already done. They are out there if its what you want (sounds like it is) buy em...if you dont plan on selling it its worth as much as you want to pay. Just take in thought time is money, so if the trucks are 6 grand, add time and transport for both by the time your done its more like 9 or 10 and for that money there is a ton of stuff around like what your looking for

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This ex UPS truck has been sitting there for a couple years, the 5th wheel is still there under the homemade flatbed. No idea what $$$ they want for it. IMHO MH's are the sleepers of the used Mack market- rustproof cab, very comfy, good ride (especially for a cabover). But being a cabover, they "get no respect". Also still for sale in central MN is a Cruiseliner sleeper with 285 horse Maxidyne, 5 speed Maxitorque, and Mack rears under a Mack bogie, asking price a whopping $2500!

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This ex UPS truck has been sitting there for a couple years, the 5th wheel is still there under the homemade flatbed. No idea what $$$ they want for it. IMHO MH's are the sleepers of the used Mack market- rustproof cab, very comfy, good ride (especially for a cabover). But being a cabover, they "get no respect". Also still for sale in central MN is a Cruiseliner sleeper with 285 horse Maxidyne, 5 speed Maxitorque, and Mack rears under a Mack bogie, asking price a whopping $2500!

Thanks for the listing link. I am specifically looking for a sleeper cab. I have decided to take a break and pass on the purchase of another MH. If I get back in the market I am sure all the good MH612s will be history. Thanks again everyone for your comments!


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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