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Wrecked The Damned Dodge, (Again)


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Yup. Slid the trusty, yet crusty Dodge on the ice into a pole while making a turn this evening. Funny thing is that I started the turn without issue and midway through the truck decided to push straight ahead. The weather was a mixture of sleet, and snow and came on really quick. I was coming back from getting a stranded car back to the shop.

I think this will be the fourth hood panel, bumper and parts, and grille on the truck. This is the only time a deer hasn't been involved.

Oh well, I hate fixing things out of my pocket.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Yup. Slid the trusty, yet crusty Dodge on the ice into a pole while making a turn this evening. Funny thing is that I started the turn without issue and midway through the truck decided to push straight ahead. The weather was a mixture of sleet, and snow and came on really quick. I was coming back from getting a stranded car back to the shop.

I think this will be the fourth hood panel, bumper and parts, and grille on the truck. This is the only time a deer hasn't been involved.

Oh well, I hate fixing things out of my pocket.


Well, its just a good thing you werent injured. Automotive body parts are easily replaced, although its bothersome. Human body parts are a different story. Glad you came through it okay,,,Merry Christmas,,randyp :D

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Yup. Slid the rusty, crusty, yet trusty Dodge into a pole while trying to make a turn too fast this evening. Funny thing is that I started the turn without issue and midway through when I floored it the truck decided to push straight ahead. The weather was clear and sunny,about 85 degrees. I was coming back from Hooters.

I think this will be the fourth hood panel, bumper and parts, and grille on the truck. This is the only time a deer hasn't been involved.

Oh well, I hate fixing things out of my pocket.


...hmmmm, haven't played "fix that post" for a while-

Wow,I can see why. Expensive poles in Illinois, must be mahogany or teak.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Back in 1990 I had to buy a utility pole, not just a run of the mill utility pole, but one of those nearly 3' diameter utility poles with 3 transformers at the top. I didn't knock it down, obviously, but I split it all the way up. That one cost a touch over 4,000.00 back then. I still stop and visit it from time to time.... I got it with my '86 Monte Carlo SS, feel asleep, hit it at approx 30-35mph. Monte SS didn't fair so well... Ironically for several years when I would stop to visit it always had new marks on it from semi drivers turning too short and scuffing my utility pole, pi$$ed me off every time I seen a new scuff, but none of those trucks ever split it from bottom to top. Guess my Monte SS was tougher on utility poles then trucks.

post-45-054746300 1292510887_thumb.jpg

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My phone rang at 1:00 AM this morning. Even though my alarm was set to go off in only 30 more minutes, I was planning to unload on whoever it was with a nice string of 4-letter words.

Glad I looked at the caller ID first.

It was the night time dispatch guy calling to say don't head in for my load this morning....that I 55, MO 32, US 61....basically every road in/around/through where I was needing to go was shut down because of ice, and they didn't need any MORE trucks in the ditch....that I should go back to bed and call in the morning.

So, I did. Woke up this morning to a friggin' mess. 2 puke piles....2 runny shit messes. Dog was 1 for 4 getting it in a suitable location. One time, he went into the kitchen :blink: (tile floor)....the other 3 messes are on the living room carpet :angry: . Looks like Dozer is going to be banished to the kitchen for a while now whenever he's in the house....'til he learns that ALL "accidents" need to happen in there. :angry: Wouldda been nice if he wouldda barked or at least TRIED to let me know he needed to go out....

Anyway, I called into dispatch, and of course the morning crew didn't have a clue what had happened last night on the roads. "They were all fine this morning...we had no idea you were told to stay home" :pat: Load time rescheduled for this afternoon....gonna load & bring it right back home. No point in running it, since all the fuel stops will be closed by the time I'd be heading home and needing fuel....it'll deliver tomorrow.

SHORT DAY!! :banana: I volunteered to work Saturday, though.....took Monday off to replace a radiator hose I found had broken during my usual Sunday afternoon pre-pretrip, because of course NOBODY that was open on Sunday had 1" ID radiator hose. :pat: Wasn't leaking, but it wasn't under pressure at the moment, either. If I jiggled it a little, it would drip. :wacko: Worked out for the better, though...because the sun was on it's way down, it was 20 degrees, and the wind was blowing 90 miles an hour on Sunday. Monday was still cold, but the sun was up & the wind wasn't blowing. :thumb:

I friggin' hate December....never can get a full week of work in. If they don't have anything for me to do on Saturday, it'll be two 3-day work weeks in a row...preceeded by a 4 day work week...and likely a pair of 4 day weeks to finish out the year....unless one (or both) of 'em is shorter :pat:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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My phone rang at 1:00 AM this morning. Even though my alarm was set to go off in only 30 more minutes, I was planning to unload on whoever it was with a nice string of 4-letter words.

Glad I looked at the caller ID first.

It was the night time dispatch guy calling to say don't head in for my load this morning....that I 55, MO 32, US 61....basically every road in/around/through where I was needing to go was shut down because of ice, and they didn't need any MORE trucks in the ditch....that I should go back to bed and call in the morning.

So, I did. Woke up this morning to a friggin' mess. 2 puke piles....2 runny shit messes. Dog was 1 for 4 getting it in a suitable location. One time, he went into the kitchen :blink: (tile floor)....the other 3 messes are on the living room carpet :angry: . Looks like Dozer is going to be banished to the kitchen for a while now whenever he's in the house....'til he learns that ALL "accidents" need to happen in there. :angry: Wouldda been nice if he wouldda barked or at least TRIED to let me know he needed to go out....

Anyway, I called into dispatch, and of course the morning crew didn't have a clue what had happened last night on the roads. "They were all fine this morning...we had no idea you were told to stay home" :pat: Load time rescheduled for this afternoon....gonna load & bring it right back home. No point in running it, since all the fuel stops will be closed by the time I'd be heading home and needing fuel....it'll deliver tomorrow.

SHORT DAY!! :banana: I volunteered to work Saturday, though.....took Monday off to replace a radiator hose I found had broken during my usual Sunday afternoon pre-pretrip, because of course NOBODY that was open on Sunday had 1" ID radiator hose. :pat: Wasn't leaking, but it wasn't under pressure at the moment, either. If I jiggled it a little, it would drip. :wacko: Worked out for the better, though...because the sun was on it's way down, it was 20 degrees, and the wind was blowing 90 miles an hour on Sunday. Monday was still cold, but the sun was up & the wind wasn't blowing. :thumb:

I friggin' hate December....never can get a full week of work in. If they don't have anything for me to do on Saturday, it'll be two 3-day work weeks in a row...preceeded by a 4 day work week...and likely a pair of 4 day weeks to finish out the year....unless one (or both) of 'em is shorter :pat:

Yeah,that wind was something on Monday around here. Thought it was gonna blow me off the road a couple of times on the way to Orchard Park-with a flatbed! Went through a couple of whiteouts from snow blowing across the road so hard I couldn't tell if I was still on the road or out in a cornfield.

You should tell Dozer to cut back on those late nights at the bar. He might be wearing a disguise, but I know it's him.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Pulled the sheet metal back forward this afternoon. Not a lot of underlying damage except the a/c condensor is bent. I don't know if it will hold up to being forced back into shape. It does not appear to be touching the radiator core, nor is broken. Ordered a new hood, grille, grille support, bumper, pad, inserts and brackets. Should cost less than a thousand to repair before paint.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Bummer Rob.......and you hadn't even planned to come to Ohio either?? Hmmmm?

I think it's better to leave a few marks, that way it has more patina and maybe it will avoid those unmovable objects better?



1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"


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