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a wile back I replaced the turbo as I found the exhaust snail to be missing most of the inside center section. the new turbo puts out 25 psi and pulls like a dog should but a few weeks ago I noticed that the boost guage had a flutter in boost psi. Also noticed a little vibration. I cracked the fuel lines to see if it was traped air, no change. This week I noticed some fuel leaking around one of the injectors. it puddles in around the aera.

im thinking its a bad injector but not shure. I have a few used injectors on a blown engine I can pull to replace with to see if thats the issue. besides taking the fuel feed and return lines / 2 bolts off the injector is there anything that needs to be removed before I pull it out. are there O rings to replace after the injector i sout.



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  Lmackattack said:

a wile back I replaced the turbo as I found the exhaust snail to be missing most of the inside center section. the new turbo puts out 25 psi and pulls like a dog should but a few weeks ago I noticed that the boost guage had a flutter in boost psi. Also noticed a little vibration. I cracked the fuel lines to see if it was traped air, no change. This week I noticed some fuel leaking around one of the injectors. it puddles in around the aera.

im thinking its a bad injector but not shure. I have a few used injectors on a blown engine I can pull to replace with to see if thats the issue. besides taking the fuel feed and return lines / 2 bolts off the injector is there anything that needs to be removed before I pull it out. are there O rings to replace after the injector i sout.



If you are lucky they will come out , you might spray some blaster around it. a crowsfoot pry bar works good if you dont have an injetor puller, there is a flat copper washer at the bottom, if it dont come out with the injector use a flat screwdriver to get the copper out. i put a little grease on the end of injector to hold washer and antiseize the rest of it so it will come out easy next time. Ron

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sometimes fuel lines need to be replaced. best way let idle your truck and open each injector line one a the time and take attention at the sound of your truck. tell you big tings. if one injector is bad, whe you'll open the line the sound won't change that much... easy way to save times!

also try to fix you leak before... if it leak there is less fuel to the injector so it can cause these symptoms...

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I did the test where you lousen the line and listen for a change/no change in the engine note. when I lousened the lines to each cyl it would cut out that cyl. (normal) Im thinking the leak is where the injector meets the head? or something in that aera? the other thought is if the injector is faulty and I just cant tell from the note / vibration change when I crack the line?. I get the boost flutter as low as 3 psi all the way to 25 psi. the higher the boost psi the more the needle flutters. the vibration is not severe. it feels no diffrent from a tire that is not 100% balanced correctly.

I did not get a chance to look at it tonight. maybee over this long weekend.

thanks for all the tips!


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these is a small brass or ? washer in the hole of the head. this make your injector seal. exaclty like the little washer on hyd. brake hose.... remove it, put some grease at the end of a flat screwdrivers and clean the hole (grease keep the dust and bad thing from falling inside) put a new washer and torue your injector back. make sure that the problem is that seal before loosing couple of hours doing it..

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