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don`t know yet.

i want to restore it cause i like the big grill in the superlinerhood.

but to much projects and to little time.

first i have to finich my trailer and then start on the b model towtruck.

that`s very much work and parts are hard to come by here in europe.

but i can drive the superliner so there is not a hurry to start on it.

about the shipping costs i can`t help you cause i bought the truck here in the netherlands.

someone bought it and shipt it to the netherlands for a costemer who wanted it onlt seen by a photo.

but when the truck was here he didn`t want it any more so it sad by the buyer who had no use for it.

so i bought it and now i can play with it.


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Sounds great too. How many trucks at the show?

hoy rhasler.

don`t know for sure.

i think between 30 or 40 macks.

then there are about 50 european oldtimers and about 100 specialtransport trucks and cranes.

the are a few movies on you tube.

check out : mack en speciaaltransportdag utrecht on you tube and you find some short movies of the macks and the ather trucks.

it`s worth to look at it.


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