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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to all you guys ( and my local car quest guy ) I got all of the ignition parts and got her running, I had to get a little ceative to get the B421 home though; the old stewart-warner electric fuel pump was shot so I rigged up a el cheapo one, strapped the safety can of gas down on the floor on the passenger side (tanks need cleaning) put some spring time air in the tires, installed bubble wrap seat cushion, checked one more time for snakes under the seats and we were off! got ready to enter the main road and the foot valve got stuck; used emergency brake release tool aka ball peen hammer and we were going again, the truck suprisingly shifted well and the old flathead 402 brought the whole works (20'flatbed dump) up to a comfortable crusing speed of 50 mph wide open. I can tell I have caring people in my local community as I had at least 15 kind and patient citizens follow me home; I can tell they cared by the frantic waves and gestures indicating I was number 1 they gave me as I turned in the driveway! but the truck ran fine, made a bunch of racket with no exhaust and added excitement to an otherwise average saturday afternoon. God old trucks are fun!


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