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Outta Money


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oh,,goody..the all mighty united states getting ready to go beg china,for more money to stay alive,geesuuuuus,how embarrassing is that..what the hell have they been doing with all our tax dollars,,you would think some of these pigs in congress,would have a little bit more pride than that..concerned taxpayer.bob :angry:

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oh,,goody..the all mighty united states getting ready to go beg china,for more money to stay alive,geesuuuuus,how embarrassing is that..what the hell have they been doing with all our tax dollars,,you would think some of these pigs in congress,would have a little bit more pride than that..concerned taxpayer.bob :angry:

Let's see:

Fighting two wars that never should have happened

Iraq was a personal vendetta

Afghanistan was to show Russia that we can win over there

Shovel ready projects that are just starting now, and not employing the thousands that were touted

Providing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to countries that hate us, and spend it on weapons against us

Providing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to countries whose leaders take it for themselves and then cry for more

Forgiving loans to countries that wizzed away the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ we sent them 3 times

Entitlement programs for people that never put a dime in to the system

Give me a few minutes and I'll get more

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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It is time for an efficient overhaul of the political system in this country and do away with the entitlments to those undeserving, or unwilling to help with a cure.

A "Flat Tax" option as pitched by Steve Forbes several years ago is a good start to be even and fair.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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It is time for an efficient overhaul of the political system in this country and do away with the entitlments to those undeserving, or unwilling to help with a cure.

A "Flat Tax" option as pitched by Steve Forbes several years ago is a good start to be even and fair.


I thought Ross Perot first started the flat tax thing.

But as we all know, those that would pay lots more would just hide it some where and be taxed at $ 23,000/year

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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I thought Ross Perot first started the flat tax thing.

But as we all know, those that would pay lots more would just hide it some where and be taxed at $ 23,000/year

A good fair tax would be a consumption tax. Do away with income tax and in its place a national SALES tax on goods and services. No matter then where your money comes from or how much you have, everyone pays a fair share according to the goods or services you can afford to buy.


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A good fair tax would be a consumption tax. Do away with income tax and in its place a national SALES tax on goods and services. No matter then where your money comes from or how much you have, everyone pays a fair share according to the goods or services you can afford to buy.


Amen,,,, as usuall we have do all thier figuring for them!!!!!what a collection of worthless trash,,guess thats why thier in politics,,too dumb to do anything else,,just show up and draw a paycheck,,wow,,,too bad we cant do that..bob

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Yep, wish we could clean house and start all over again. Not one of 'em stays. Set term limits on everything(short ones), do away with the entitlements they get, no more voting for their own pay raises, get the same insurance we are able to get, and on and on and on and on. Trey

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I'd like to see 'em hit the debt ceiling....basically a de facto balanced budget amendment. There would be no default so long as the interest is paid on the bonds....and more than enough comes in every month to cover that, so it shouldn't be a concern. Social Security can be paid, too...they have a bunch of IOU's (aka bonds) that can be sold, and the money sent out to social security recipients without adding to the debt. There is also enough money coming in each month to cover active military and veterans benefits....with a little left over.

The only "tax" problem we have is they are too high, and not enough people have "skin in the game".

What we have is a SPENDING problem. What would be better than a balanced budget amendment would be an amendment requiring each and every penny of spending cite the Constitutional authorization for that spending...because most of what we have now wouldn't pass that simple test. Eliminate all funding for all programs without specific Constitutional authorization and the budget would be balanced and we'd be running a surplus.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Missinformed people is not helping us.Sports and silly shows that dont have any meaning is more important than our goverment to some.Some people will think its all still doing well out there till some day some one knocks on their door and tells them they have to share their now goverment onwned house with another family and by the way they dont know your lango so you need to go to school to learn their lango.Or find a dry bridge to live under.Then Tiger Woods wasnt that good after all.Or dancing with the stars. Or some more silly junk.

glenn akers

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I think the HNIC summed it all up in modays speech,"the deficite is GWB s fault and he is just a wage slave like all the common people" Heres the way I see it. :thumb:

Social security is not an entitlement, if you didn't pay into it you don't get it PERIOD!

Stop helping the "undocument imirgrants...THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY! SEND THEM HOME OR TO A REAL JAIL.

If it's made in the USA and you import a copy from Asia....put a tax on the copy to level the playing field.

Stop hampering the economy with the EPA and Port making "laws" with out common sense. Stop putting fish and lizards ahead of people. If an "endanger species" costs jobs than the species had better kick it to the economy

Live with in your means. Can't afford it than don't get it, I have to live that way.

Don't tell me I have to drive a roller skate that gets 40 mpg and than use Air Force 1 to fly mac and cheese to Spain for your daughter to eat .

Electric cars and trucks are green? Where does the energy come from? the Electron Fairie? Coal, Oil, Natural Gas and Nuclear. Let us use it to creat jobs and compete in the market.

Dump the IRS and creat a national sales tax...everybody pays it.

Nuff said.....Paul

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Here's another thought...

Whenever a government entity goes bankrupt, anyone who has held office during the 20 years leading up to that bankruptcy ought to be imprisoned for a term 3 times as long as they held office.

Same should happen in the federal government if we lose our AAA bond rating. Heck, just hitting the debt ceiling ought to trigger prison terms for anyone in elected office....1 day for each dollar they need to raise it.

These problems do not develop overnight...and those responsible ought to be held liable. These people have been placed in a position of public trust, and they have violated that trust. Lock 'em up. Each and every one of 'em.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Indeed our beloved country is in a sad state of affairs,been a long time coming,problem is the mainstream liberals dont seem to care,or give a shit!. I dare anyone to find something made in this country entirely from 100% made,manufactured,U.S. sourced raw materials,start to finish,its damn near immpossible! even the most small,everyday item,give it a try and see what you come up with! before i get hammered with replies about not knowing what i'm talking about,here are some examples of things people are under the the immpession are 100% percent American Made..............

Harley-Davidson Motorcycles- Nope! parts sourced from japan,korea,indonisia

Mack trucks- Nope! korean steel,ABS plastic (japan,thailand)-japanese electronics-indian textiles (carpet,upohlstery)canadian framerails,korean tires,lighting equipment (japan,korea) information labels,stickers etc. (indonisia) list goes on and on......

Airstream travel trailers- nope! same as above.....

Just try and find a mid-priced bicycle,toy,clothing,tool,electronic appliance,radio,TV,automobile MADE IN THIS COUNTRY! from American resources,good luck! makes me mad that so many people are un-concerned with this,long as we have our "i-pads" and "smart phones" who really cares where it comes from? well,i do for one,and i'm sure many others feel the same way,but we are in the minority,getting more so each day,bout time for a change (doing and thinking)..sorry for the rant!...................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Indeed our beloved country is in a sad state of affairs,been a long time coming,problem is the mainstream liberals dont seem to care,or give a shit!. I dare anyone to find something made in this country entirely from 100% made,manufactured,U.S. sourced raw materials,start to finish,its damn near immpossible! even the most small,everyday item,give it a try and see what you come up with! before i get hammered with replies about not knowing what i'm talking about,here are some examples of things people are under the the immpession are 100% percent American Made..............

Harley-Davidson Motorcycles- Nope! parts sourced from japan,korea,indonisia

Mack trucks- Nope! korean steel,ABS plastic (japan,thailand)-japanese electronics-indian textiles (carpet,upohlstery)canadian framerails,korean tires,lighting equipment (japan,korea) information labels,stickers etc. (indonisia) list goes on and on......

Airstream travel trailers- nope! same as above.....

Just try and find a mid-priced bicycle,toy,clothing,tool,electronic appliance,radio,TV,automobile MADE IN THIS COUNTRY! from American resources,good luck! makes me mad that so many people are un-concerned with this,long as we have our "i-pads" and "smart phones" who really cares where it comes from? well,i do for one,and i'm sure many others feel the same way,but we are in the minority,getting more so each day,bout time for a change (doing and thinking)..sorry for the rant!...................Mark

lol,,,go ahead and rant,,,my american brother,,,thats about all we can do rite now,least it makes ya feel little better,,,and yes that was very well put,mark,and 41 both,,and the rest of you fellars,,good speeches,,i bought my harley in 92 brand new,and has jap parts on it,WTF.lol.but also bought a brand new henry rifle,,last year,fully american made...woohoo..lol.bob

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lol,,,go ahead and rant,,,my american brother,,,thats about all we can do rite now,least it makes ya feel little better,,,and yes that was very well put,mark,and 41 both,,and the rest of you fellars,,good speeches,,i bought my harley in 92 brand new,and has jap parts on it,WTF.lol.but also bought a brand new henry rifle,,last year,fully american made...woohoo..lol.bob

There is a TV commercial about that,guy says he's gonna throw out everything in his house NOT made in the U.S.,only thing he has left at the end of the day is a Henry rifle!................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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There is a TV commercial about that,guy says he's gonna throw out everything in his house NOT made in the U.S.,only thing he has left at the end of the day is a Henry rifle!................Mark

oh,,,no kidding,wow,,that was the first thing i thought of,,when i read your speech,,same thing here,everything i got is imported,,i used to buy only american,,like alotta folks,,but now we dont even have choise anymore,all imports ,bummer man.bob :pat:

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Indeed our beloved country is in a sad state of affairs,been a long time coming,problem is the mainstream liberals dont seem to care,or give a shit!. I dare anyone to find something made in this country entirely from 100% made,manufactured,U.S. sourced raw materials,start to finish,its damn near immpossible! even the most small,everyday item,give it a try and see what you come up with! before i get hammered with replies about not knowing what i'm talking about,here are some examples of things people are under the the immpession are 100% percent American Made..............

Harley-Davidson Motorcycles- Nope! parts sourced from japan,korea,indonisia

Mack trucks- Nope! korean steel,ABS plastic (japan,thailand)-japanese electronics-indian textiles (carpet,upohlstery)canadian framerails,korean tires,lighting equipment (japan,korea) information labels,stickers etc. (indonisia) list goes on and on......

Airstream travel trailers- nope! same as above.....

Just try and find a mid-priced bicycle,toy,clothing,tool,electronic appliance,radio,TV,automobile MADE IN THIS COUNTRY! from American resources,good luck! makes me mad that so many people are un-concerned with this,long as we have our "i-pads" and "smart phones" who really cares where it comes from? well,i do for one,and i'm sure many others feel the same way,but we are in the minority,getting more so each day,bout time for a change (doing and thinking)..sorry for the rant!...................Mark

Only thing i know of made in the USA is those little white tags that say made in China.That has kelp many guys working.The labor Unions have gotten out of hand is the main reason the products have to be made over the borders.

glenn akers

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Only thing i know of made in the USA is those little white tags that say made in China.That has kelp many guys working.The labor Unions have gotten out of hand is the main reason the products have to be made over the borders.

Ever see these doggie treats?


The packaging says it is an "American company"...and that it is "Manufactured and distributed by" a company with an address in the USA.

However....you'll also see "Made in China" on the package.

I put it back on the shelf. I ain't buyin' chinacrap for Dozer.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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One thing I can say is it is encouraging to read that what you guys believe is on the same page with what I believe. Nice to know there are other people who feel the same way! I'm at a loss of words when I hear the liberals talk. Just don't see how someone can be so stupid! Basically if everyone was as smart as we are the U.S. would be perfect.lol. Trey

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One thing I can say is it is encouraging to read that what you guys believe is on the same page with what I believe. Nice to know there are other people who feel the same way! I'm at a loss of words when I hear the liberals talk. Just don't see how someone can be so stupid! Basically if everyone was as smart as we are the U.S. would be perfect.lol. Trey

There's a saying...

...if you are 20 years old and not a liberal, you have no heart...

...and if you are 40 years old and not a conservative, you have no brain.

I'm proud to say, I never had a heart and acquired a brain at an early age. B)

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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This made out of the country stuff is unbelievable!! I was reading last night an article by Don Prudome the Drag racer from the 60s / 80s. He was talking about how he is now into Indy cars and the he's leased one of his shops to Penski racing to work on their Indy cars. He stated that there is no engine building or repairs on the Indy engines. Under Indy Car rules the engines all go back to Honda in Japan for repairs and rebuilds! Even something as an American Icon as Indy racing, we rely on foreigners to maintain it..

I got a few trinkets for my 41 chevy cabriolet from chevs of the 40's. sent them back to them. The box said engineered and packaged in the US.A. in large letters and made in China in micro letters. I'll search Hersey for oem stuff.

Bout time to dump the EPA, the Enviro nuts and the DEC and get back to the business of being the country everybody copies instead of laughs at. I want to be the ugly American not the poor stupid American. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Ever see these doggie treats?


The packaging says it is an "American company"...and that it is "Manufactured and distributed by" a company with an address in the USA.

However....you'll also see "Made in China" on the package.

I put it back on the shelf. I ain't buyin' chinacrap for Dozer.

ya,,,gotta be carefull,my wife was telling me most of pet food is imported now,,and the gooks dont mind poisening thier own babys,,were the hell does that leave your pet?concerned american..bob

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This made out of the country stuff is unbelievable!! I was reading last night an article by Don Prudome the Drag racer from the 60s / 80s. He was talking about how he is now into Indy cars and the he's leased one of his shops to Penski racing to work on their Indy cars. He stated that there is no engine building or repairs on the Indy engines. Under Indy Car rules the engines all go back to Honda in Japan for repairs and rebuilds! Even something as an American Icon as Indy racing, we rely on foreigners to maintain it..

I got a few trinkets for my 41 chevy cabriolet from chevs of the 40's. sent them back to them. The box said engineered and packaged in the US.A. in large letters and made in China in micro letters. I'll search Hersey for oem stuff.

Bout time to dump the EPA, the Enviro nuts and the DEC and get back to the business of being the country everybody copies instead of laughs at. I want to be the ugly American not the poor stupid American. Paul

you know,,this country worries too much about hurting everbody,s feelings,,rather than getting down to business and start making money..who the hell cares about the spotted owl,they will move on to another forest...and endangered fish,,,when your fellow american taxpayer is starving to death.lets bring back logging,and drilling.concerned american.bob :thumb:

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you know,,this country worries too much about hurting everbody,s feelings,,rather than getting down to business and start making money..who the hell cares about the spotted owl,they will move on to another forest...and endangered fish,,,when your fellow american taxpayer is starving to death.lets bring back logging,and drilling.concerned american.bob :thumb:

Amen brother! (Bulldogman) You hit the nail on the head there! I wish I had a spotted owl though, i'd marinate it in some teryaki sauce and throw it on the grill.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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