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I was just up there in your neck of the woods this weekend...rode my motorcycle up Western Ave with several thousand others & had a blast. I never would have thought the words "I think I'll take the liners out of my SUMMER riding gear for today's ride" would slip off my tongue before a ride through Chicago on the first Sunday in December...but they did. I ain't complaining...usually I'm so bundled up I can barely move, so it was especially nice this year. I'm definitely a BIG fan of global warming. :twothumbsup:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
  On 12/5/2012 at 1:34 PM, David said:


Gun Owners of America

Stop Dirty Harry from Ramming

Gun Control Down our Throats

The Washington Post headline pretty much says it all: “Obama backs [Harry] Reid’s filibuster reform effort.”

Wonder why?

Why, for instance, would Barack Obama support Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s efforts to change the Senate rules, by brute force, so that it would be easier?

To implement the UN Arms Trade Treaty to register, ban, and microstamp firearms?

To reinstate the semi-auto ban?

Or, to allow Obama to turn anyone into a “prohibited person” and take away their guns, simply by putting them on a secret “watch list”?

To ask such questions is to answer them. The political Left would love to disarm us all and take away our guns. To wit, the nation had to endure Bob Costas’ rant over the weekend when he essentially suggested that otherwise law-abiding people shouldn’t have guns.

Click hear to see GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt’s answer and rebuke to Bob Costas for his ill-informed comments in the wake of the Javon Belcher suicide.

But, in order to push a progressive agenda through the Senate, Reid is first going to have to use his deceptive “cheat scheme” in order to change the Senate rules to make it easier to pass the Left’s anti-gun initiatives.

By eliminating the filibuster (on the motion to take up legislation), Reid intends to eliminate our most effective way to kill a bad anti-gun bill -- that is, by weakening or eliminating the time-honored filibuster that makes the Senate so different from the House.

But, even more important, if Reid uses the “nuclear option,” as he’s threatening to do, the Senate no longer has any binding rules. The majority can pass any gun legislation it wants, at any time, by brute force, with 51 votes.

So, did your Senator run for re-election by telling you he or she supported the Second Amendment? Well, this is their chance to prove it -- or to show you that they’re nothing but bald-faced liars.

There will be no gun vote during the 113th Congress that will be more important than the rules votes.

And that is why it’s imperative that ALL GUN GROUPS are fighting this attempt to nuke the filibuster rules. Please contact any gun organization that you belong to and ask them if they are actively lobbying against Dirty Harry’s efforts to weaken the filibuster … and against any attempt by him to ram gun control down the throats of the American people!

ACTION: Click here to write your Senators. Insist that they vote against the anti-gun proposals to change the Senate rules. And don’t forget to urge ANY and ALL pro-gun groups that you are affiliated with to take similar action, as well.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


As long as the GOP holds the house, the senate can pass whatever legislation they want to and it still won't become law unless the house also passes it. What they should be careful of, though, is the simple fact that if they change the rules to allow legislation to pass by a simple majority, Obamacare can be repealed with 10 less votes than it would currently take. Even if Romney had won and the GOP reached 50 in the senate, the filibuster rule would have prevented the repeal legislation from ever coming to the floor....unless, of course, the GOP was willing to sink to the same tactics as the democRATs and use reconciliation to pass the repeal.

That is just like Illinois (and a number of other states) have passed laws to bypass the electoral college....passed after Gore V Bush 2000....basically stating that the state will award it's electoral college votes to the winner of the national popular vote....to take effect once enough states have passed similar legislation to total the 271 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency. That would have bit the Chicago democRATs in the ass had Romney been able to eek out a popular vote victory even though he trailed considerably in the electoral college.

These reactionary policies the democrats like to pass after they don't get their way very rarely work out in the long run.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!

It seems Barry, Reid and the fellow "party members" only care about the destruction of the Republican opposition, parliamentary procedure and constitutional laws mean nothing. The Fiscal collapse, the loss of 1,5 to 2 million jobs are all instantly the ammunition needed to say it is the "Republicans fault for this, give us the power to prevent this from continuing further". The Main stream media, Twitter and Face Book posts, the campaigning are nothing more to garner a biased public opinion against "O's" enemies and show the "gimmies" he's looking out for them.

Obama's only reason the to insist on raising the tax rates is because he knows it will destroy Republican unity. It will cause a complete fracture of the Republican majority in the House. It will give him a Congress that he can bully and manipulate for the next two years , because the Republicans will be fragmented and powerless.

In the end the media and most of the "Gimmes" will give Barry a free pass to do as he wishes for more entitlements and with a damaged and uncredible Republican party pictured as reckless and obstructive will be ignored.

Just my views on this. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’



Well-I've been tryin' as hard as I can to give all the Liberals heart attacks,but they're too dim to understand,and I can't "dumb things down"any more than I already have. Obviously the intellectual approach doesn't work, (and they have the balls to call Conservatives stupid!) and it's still against the law to hunt 'em. :idunno: ....What's that saying about "Don't try to teach a pig to sing....."



"Remember-ANY Gun Control is Unconstitutional!"
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><i><b>MACK-E Model Registry # 36</b></i><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

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Has there ever been another White House occupant in history who had so many derogatory nicknames,or a seemingly unlimited supply of jokes about him? I guess we need to laugh at him,though the jokes he provokes come at a high price for America.

BTW-Where's MY damned Obamaphone?? I'd like to stick it where he'll have to have it on "Vibrate" to know if it's ringing.



"Remember-ANY Gun Control is Unconstitutional!"
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><i><b>MACK-E Model Registry # 36</b></i><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<a href="http://www.nvabatetravel.com/"target="_blank">http://www.nvabatetravel.com/</a>


Ya know-these would make an EXCELLENT book. :twothumbsup: It'd be a HUGE seller! Only thing is,it'd take half the book just for the credits... :whistling:



"Remember-ANY Gun Control is Unconstitutional!"
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><i><b>MACK-E Model Registry # 36</b></i><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<a href="http://www.nvabatetravel.com/"target="_blank">http://www.nvabatetravel.com/</a>

  On 12/10/2012 at 2:44 PM, David said:



I saw Emily Miller on Fox & Friends Sunday morning and was surprised to hear her point of view coming from a "mainstream media" person....so I started looking into things a bit and she's had a few common sense articles published in regards to the gun control debate. Who would have thunk a girl with her views would be writing for the Washington Times?


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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
  On 12/11/2012 at 1:03 AM, RowdyRebel said:


I saw Emily Miller on Fox & Friends Sunday morning and was surprised to hear her point of view coming from a "mainstream media" person....so I started looking into things a bit and she's had a few common sense articles published in regards to the gun control debate. Who would have thunk a girl with her views would be writing for the Washington Times?


Keep in mind it's the Washington Times and not the Washington Post. I don't care who she works for, she can fire my weapon anytime she likes.


Very interesting comments here,too. They even have their own Troll,to stir up some trouble. I like her article-she really sees it right! :twothumbsup: Now,if we can get her involved with a gun owners rights group...



"Remember-ANY Gun Control is Unconstitutional!"
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><i><b>MACK-E Model Registry # 36</b></i><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<a href="http://www.nvabatetravel.com/"target="_blank">http://www.nvabatetravel.com/</a>

And there is a quiet push on again to unionize the Military, a small line in Barry's speech Monday in Michigan...not to strike but O says it will help them by giving soldiers the power of Collective Bargaining for better conditions and pay. Stupid "O"


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


There's a guy that works loading trucks at the lime kiln...has a "Right to work is a ripoff" bumper sticker on the back of his jeep. I keep meaning to ask him how exactly giving the worker the right to choose whether or not to pay union dues out of his paycheck is a ripoff? Personally, I feel there are ALREADY too many hands taking chunks of my paycheck...don't need another, and I shouldn't be forced to agree to pay a third party just for the priviledge of working somewhere. I don't need somebody else negotiating my wages for me, and I'd rather my pay NOT be based upon the work produced by the collective. If I do good work, I ought to be rewarded for that through higher pay and/or faster promotions. I don't want to watch the promotion be given to some incompetent slacker just because he's next in line based upon seniority because that's what the union contract calls for.

If you punch a time clock at the same location for the same employer every day, there is no need for a union....and in that case, being forced to pay union dues just to be able to work is the real ripoff. However, there are still USEFUL unions. If I were in the trades...like my dad was before he screwed up his back (bricklayer) or my grandfather (carpenter), then yeah...I'd probably go the union route. The union for them served a purpose, since you'd work for whichever contractor had work....might work for one guy for 6 weeks, then another for 3 months, then another for another 2 weeks. Very rarely are you ever continuously employed by the same contractor long enough for any health insurance to kick in and you sure aren't going to be there long enough for a pension or any other benefits....so you join the union to get your health insurance and a pension through them. The union hall acts as a job placement service, too...contractors go there to find workers who know what they are doing and don't need to receive on-the-job training....and members go there to find contractors with jobs.

My other grandfather was a teamster.... :rolleyes:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!

I don't know....Mr Obamama feels the only good worker is a union worker "from the Mom in the kitchen to the General of the Army....WE SHOULD ALL BE UNION AND WORK FOR THE COLLECTIVE GOOD OF ALL" Who writes his speeches....The Big Pig in Animal Farm?

I'm a Teamster and it was good, now all I get is a hand in my pocket, an order of who to vote for and a tale of my pension I'll probably never see...

On the bright side I hope the sharks are hungry in Hawaii for Barry's vacation next week



 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


  On 12/12/2012 at 11:07 AM, farmer52 said:

Isn't a union similar to socialism?

Is now, wasn't originally


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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