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Overall a well designed truck that was powerful, efficient and troublefree. Common use of parts among models, long production runs of similar products, both allowing for ease of repair when repair was necessary.

Look at the length of time the basic engine design, the transmission design, the rear differential design, the rear suspension design have been used. No other manufacturer designed components to compliment one another as :mack1: did. Pedigreed Performance.

Macks got the job done, pre-electronic :mack1: trucks will be getting the job done well after the electronic versions have been recycled into lawn furniture, televisions and Camry's. They will just be doing this work in countries that have discovered the value of them and have been buying them all up!

Built Like A :mack1: Truck

A peek inside my mind compares an R-model to the Ford model-T, Ford C-model, Ford L-model, Dodge Power-Wagon, Willys or Jeep CJ, or if you are into the foreign stuff (I'm NOT) the VW bug. The longevity of these models speak volumes for the success of these vehicles.

Besides all of that, truth in advertising, The Greatest Name In Trucks!

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Memories is my reason. In the early 80s as a kid I saw many Macks working hard at the cement place across from my parents house. They still had plenty of old B models (even in the late 80s)

During the summer of '82 & '83 sitting on the front porch in 100 deg weather with my friends, I would see the cement & dump trucks going beyond the call of duty. I started admiring how they kept going.

The only other trucks they had were a couple of short International Loadstar dumps, and old Loadstars are pretty tough old trucks also.

My friends & I would sometimes tresspass/cut across the quarry as a shortcut. One time while cutting across I met a friendly guy who was one of their mechanics/maintanance guys. I asked him about the ole Macks and he was suprised at my interest, but took time out for a conversation about them. He told me he had worked on trucks for years and Macks were one of the few that could handle the hard work of a quarry truck day in and day out. He was rebuilding what he called a "237" and "that was one of the best"

He also mentioned some of the B models were "comming up on being 30 years old" and his only beef with them was the small cabs. I told him about my uncles old Loadstar on the farm, he said those were among the best medium duty trucks, that didnt have no "car motor" in them.

Later that week I bought a 1/25th scale R model Mack.

Thats why I like 'em - I had a front row seat to witness their legendary reputation.


Cuba, Mo

1960 Mack B61

1985 Mack R686

1970 IH Loadstar 1600

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Good Morning

It is often said :mack1: trucks built America RE, road construction building construction with dumps and mixers etc.I've driven Internationals Freightliners Pete's and Fords you haven't driven a truck till you have driven a :mack1: .

just my view Skip

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  • 2 years later...

:mack1: trucks are tough and reliable!

They also opened up the rugged parts of Australia to road transport - I suppose I should say that if it wasn't for the rock solid build and reliability of the B-Model :mack1: , Australia would still be in the dark with regards to the road transport industry!

Just my 2 cents worth,


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  Doug Maney said:
Overall a well designed truck that was powerful, efficient and troublefree. Common use of parts among models, long production runs of similar products, both allowing for ease of repair when repair was necessary.

Look at the length of time the basic engine design, the transmission design, the rear differential design, the rear suspension design have been used. No other manufacturer designed components to compliment one another as :mack1: did. Pedigreed Performance.

Macks got the job done, pre-electronic :mack1: trucks will be getting the job done well after the electronic versions have been recycled into lawn furniture, televisions and Camry's. They will just be doing this work in countries that have discovered the value of them and have been buying them all up!

Built Like A :mack1: Truck

A peek inside my mind compares an R-model to the Ford model-T, Ford C-model, Ford L-model, Dodge Power-Wagon, Willys or Jeep CJ, or if you are into the foreign stuff (I'm NOT) the VW bug. The longevity of these models speak volumes for the success of these vehicles.

Besides all of that, truth in advertising, The Greatest Name In Trucks!


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  • 2 weeks later...

:clock_logo: Are simply put America at her best. Ever hear the words built like a pete or built like a k-whopper or built like a (GOD forbid) built like a frieghtliner? NO!!! Why is that, because there is only one :MackLogo: . They are "Built like a MACK TRUCK" That simple statment is part of the American experience. Check out the sports headlines any given weekend during football season, someone somewhere got flattened or run over by A BIG MACK TRUCK. If a product has an outstanding reputation for reliability it is compared to a MACK TRUCK. MACK is the gold standard by which every thing else is compared.

Everything from the additional locks of the Panama Canal to Hoover Damn to the World Trade Center were built using the Bulldog Mack. The Bulldog MACK's are not the fastest or fanciest or the most elegant, most of the time anyway, they're just the BEST. I have driven at one time or anouther most of the competition, The best day of my life even after three years , was the day I bought my first MACK TRUCK. I have had a few problems along the way no doubt, the truck now has 847,000 miles on her and things wear out. However compared to the trucks I have driven, there is no comparison. The only time she has ever let me down was not the trucks fault it was a mechanics fault. I had to have a new cam installed and when they reassembled the engine they over torqed the bolts on the harmonic balancer and a week later the balancer broke the bolts and fell off. Now here comes the other reason I love MACK TRUCKS, the dealer recognized they

had screwed up and stood behind their warranty. 1OO% parts and labor. They paid for everything including the tow bill. That is the only time my truck has ever been on a hook. Keep on MACK trucking. Enough said.

Matt Allbritton



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I bought mine because it was cheap...the best bang for the buck at the time I was looking. It works quite well for what I do with it, construction/end dump work and goes where my brother's Pete won't go half the time. Typical maintenence and a few other odds and ends I've thrown at it and it's been a good truck...1997 CH with 645k miles. I've got some before and after pictures I'll have to post up sooner or later.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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  • 4 months later...

1. Safety - Macks are high quality and I've crashed tested one.

2. Perfomance - LOTS of grunt (torque table), and rock solid transmissions.

3. Enjoyments - For my field (mixers) bulldogs are great, chassis feels heavy, tight, and confident.

4. Heritage - Bulldog breed never bred down.

5. Efficiency - Macks (EM7) get 5.5 to 6 mpg and Cummins or Cat or Detroit maybe 4.5. I don't now about the new

spec, but like an Ism cummins or that joke M11 cummins in a mixer maybe 4.3. C10 cat 4.5 mpg and a

60 series Detroit in a gravel bucket just park it.

6. Efficiency - Loaded piggybacking 20 tons traveling 60 mph I downshift from top gear to 4 then 3 and I'm done. Where

as say a 10 speed Eaton fuller you'd have to use a lot more brakes and skip shift down to have it so easy.

7. Quality - Macks have 3 oil filters - overkill I'll take it! Mack bogies are awesome they stay cool and can crawl and

operate offroad with ease.

8. Image - "Go ahead and crank up my International or Frieghtshaker or Petercar." NAH!

9. Sound - Macks motors have a big balls sound. They're also cool and smooth. Ignorant people actually say

"You can lug a Mack."

10. Aerodynamics - R models and DM's have such a low drag coefficient that given a set of wings you could fly.

11. Macks are beautiful and unique. "Ugly like a Mack truck." I've heard that one too.

Edited by Skulker
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