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I don't mind wading in a muddy river but I won;t drink from it!!!

Would you go swimming up the Colonel Korn River?


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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That's some nasty smellin shit right there now buddy.


If I just eat a bite of that stuff, about an hour later my pee will foul the whole house up. It is about like having green peppers on a pizza - it contaminates the whole thing. One of my kids tried to do a science project on how fast the smell will appear after I eat it, but my blushing bride put a stop to it - I think she was afraid I would start refusing to bathe and take up weighing my fingernail and toenail clippings.

David in Missouri

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lets just hope she aint been eatin boiled eggs, fried cabbage, and drinkin beer at the same time and lets a good one go about the time you pucker up to kiss. that combo could potentily have a place in the military for nerve gas or something. but there are a couple of friends on here that would pay it no mind being that they like to expeariment with animals and such...joe

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lets just hope she aint been eatin boiled eggs, fried cabbage, and drinkin beer at the same time and lets a good one go about the time you pucker up to kiss. that combo could potentily have a place in the military for nerve gas or something. but there are a couple of friends on here that would pay it no mind being that they like to expeariment with animals and such...joe

Me an ole randyp done passed the experimenting stage. We are nothing but serious now. Hell, randyp don't even need a gas mask no more.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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When we first got married, I bought my blushing bride a big assed bottle of White Linen smell pretty perfume. I have gotten her one every year for Christmas for the last 18 years. I have yet to have her smell bad. I sometimes rub around on her bath towel it smells so damn good.

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that reminds me of what i used to tell people in atlanta when i lived there for all of 2 weeks. they like to make fun of us hillbillys and some of the guys i worked with used to ask if we even had running water. i would tell them yes we had running water we had 2 creeks out in the yard and we got the drinkin,cookin,and bathin water from one and we built the out house over the other one

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Thats funny - we had a friend that went to Boston for a week and he told a bunch of folks there that he just could not wait to get home because they were installing electric lights in his house. They believed it and he never told them he was kidding. MIssouri and Kentucky are just fly over country to a lot of folks anyway.

I had a great aunt and uncle that never installed a bathroom in their house. They did have water at the kitchen sink, but when they died in the 70's they still believed there was nothing nastier than doing your business inside the house - when you think about it, they had a point.

They also still used a wood cookstove. We used to go visit and stop by the store and take store bought bread with us. We would trade it loaf for loaf for her homemade bread out of that wood cookstove - I KNOW we got the better end of the deal!

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I make sure that every year my three sons all remember how to skin a buck and run a jug line in the river just in case the world goes to pieces (plus it is funner than hell)

My blushing bride thinks I am crazy (I am), but every year I also make sure I have a big ol' bag of garden seeds in the freezer for the next year in case you can't buy 'em.

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well, hadnt thought bout that Rob, since you mentioned it, i went and looked. Looks like I got a whole bunch missing. I dont think they allow you as many as they used to in this new format. Your name was even gone from mine, and Other Dogs too. Yall dint "dump"me did you? LOL,,,Oh well, I will get over it,,(with a lil counseling maybe),,,randyp

I went and checked too, I got 2 pages of friends, I guess that's all I had at first. I didn't dump you yet Randy.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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