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Midnight uninvited guest


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You didn't screw up with the turkey load. A live idiot telling all his buddies about how crazy that dude is is a far better deterent than a dead one whose family is suing you over a wrongful death. Less legal trouble and more fear factor in the scumbag community. That's a winner.

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Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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olive i dont have a Camera that will download pics to my computer .

What i do have is A MODIFIED Mossberg Double Barrell 12Ga Sawed off Shotgun w/ pistol grip, A 12ga Winchester Gosse gun, a double barrell 410 Stvens & a 30-06 remington .

I was raised south of town (Millington) on a farm (that slowly dwindled down from close to 150 acres down to 2 acres round the house & a 25 acre truck patch nearby) & we also shot 1st then asked questions later .

When i moved up here in town in the trailerhood im in when the old landlord was here there (who was an old friend of the family)was still some ladies of the night round here .

2 of em showed up @ my door 2 nights after i moved in 2c of these "lovley ladies of the night' showed up @ the door @ 2AM Friday night/Saturday morning. I MET THEM @ THE DOOR W/ THE MOSSBERG . THEY THOUGHT THEY WOULD BE SLICK & GO TO THE COPS & THE LANDLORD & TRY TO GET ME IN SERIOUS TROUBLE .

The Chief of police, 2 LT, & A Captain in the MPD Showed up @ my house (All of em knew me) & the chief ask me wth was going on , i told him i was sleeping & they knocked on my door & i met them @ the door w/ my sawed off .

He looks @ the rest of them & says hell thats Mack W Mr. Paul W's grandson & George W's Son & said he doing what his granddad that raised him would had done . Looked @ the 2 ladies of the night told them they was under arrest & arrested them for solicatation . Chief looks @ me & told me said " Son i could get you fer that sawed off put that damn gun up & next time use your other guns that are legal." when they got out the following tuesday They were evicted.

2 weeks go by & i got 5 large 35" to 40" pots i grow Tomatoes , Peppers & Pole Beans in since i dont have room for a small garden like on the home place let alone a truck patch . . i was out there minding my own business , when i hear the landlord @ the time & another voice talking . the other voice tells the landlord "thats the crazy MF'ER On the corner (my lil crib sits on the corner of 3 streets that meet together here in the trailerhood)

Land lord told him ya i know his whole family & they are all crazy & its best you leave him alone . :loldude:

That has been 6 yrs ago come this May . Ever since then i been known as the crazy MF'er on the corner . :loldude:



You Cant Fix Stupid. But You Can Numb It With A Sledgehammer. :loldude:

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You didn't screw up with the turkey load. A live idiot telling all his buddies about how crazy that dude is is a far better deterent than a dead one whose family is suing you over a wrongful death. Less legal trouble and more fear factor in the scumbag community. That's a winner.

I agree - you know, as time goes by, I am really glad I did not kill the guy. I don't want to kill someone, but I don't want them to ever come back either.

My wife and I took a concealed carry class for our permits last summer and the main thing I took away from that is that you should not in your brain think that you are shooting someone to kill them, you are shooting someone to stop the threat. The goal is never to kill someone, the goal is to stop the threat. Sometimes it may require you to kill the perp, but that is because that was what it took to stop the threat. He also taught that you should not shoot to wound, or shoot in the air, when it gets to the point where you pull the trigger, you should be aiming to hit them where it does the most damage so the threat is stopped the quickest.

On a legal note, he said if you ever are in a situation like I was and you have to shoot someone, when the cops, your friends, the media, or whomever asks you questions about it, that is what you should say:

Why did you have to shoot the guy? - "I shot him to stop the threat"

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Nobama ant going to stand for that much longer.

I think it is already happening.

I was standing here in my barn lot today with a deputy showing him what happened, and this flew over


I asked him if I needed to worry about the black helicopters flying over. He said if you see them or hear them you don't need to worry about those.

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I agree - you know, as time goes by, I am really glad I did not kill the guy. I don't want to kill someone, but I don't want them to ever come back either.

My wife and I took a concealed carry class for our permits last summer and the main thing I took away from that is that you should not in your brain think that you are shooting someone to kill them, you are shooting someone to stop the threat. The goal is never to kill someone, the goal is to stop the threat. Sometimes it may require you to kill the perp, but that is because that was what it took to stop the threat. He also taught that you should not shoot to wound, or shoot in the air, when it gets to the point where you pull the trigger, you should be aiming to hit them where it does the most damage so the threat is stopped the quickest.

On a legal note, he said if you ever are in a situation like I was and you have to shoot someone, when the cops, your friends, the media, or whomever asks you questions about it, that is what you should say:

Why did you have to shoot the guy? - "I shot him to stop the threat"

That's great info, but I'm not clear on "the goal is never to kill" and "you should not shoot to wound". What would be the best scenario?

olive i dont have a Camera that will download pics to my computer .

What i do have is A MODIFIED Mossberg Double Barrell 12Ga Sawed off Shotgun w/ pistol grip, A 12ga Winchester Gosse gun, a double barrell 410 Stvens & a 30-06 remington .

I don't think the ladies of the night would have been scared off by a camera that will download pics to your computer anyway. :P

Ever since then i been known as the crazy MF'er on the corner . :loldude:

That in itself makes it all worthwhile. I can only imagine how much simpler my life would be if I could earn such a title.


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Well. I thinks you did everthang right, proud of you! But dammit, you mean to tell me you dont maintain a "mortar pit" for when they think they are getting away? You gets youself out there right now and get that pit dug, set up mortar, and put you up a coupla dozen range sticks around farm. Dont forget the Claymores either. randyp

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Well. I thinks you did everthang right, proud of you! But dammit, you mean to tell me you dont maintain a "mortar pit" for when they think they are getting away? You gets youself out there right now and get that pit dug, set up mortar, and put you up a coupla dozen range sticks around farm. Dont forget the Claymores either. randyp

This is no *&%$ - My wife and I were laying in bed last night (it's okay Vinny - that is what married people are supposed to do) talking about what I needed to do around here and she asked me if we could install some sort of trip wire!

I am so proud of her - I thought all that time I forced her to watch the military channel, history channel, and all kinds of Clint Eastwood movies was a waste. Turns out my little blushing bride was paying attention!

Oh and by the way in case you was a-wonderin' - Marriage is only between one man and one woman - like Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

I gotta go check out which way to set the claymore's.............

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I don't think the ladies of the night would have been scared off by a camera that will download pics to your computer anyway. :P

That in itself makes it all worthwhile. I can only imagine how much simpler my life would be if I could earn such a title.

LOL Dash: Nope they didnt like looking @the business End of Mr. Mossberg.

Oh yeah ! When the new land lord took over 4 yrs ago he herd the story from the old landlord & since i knew him also he laughed & said that sounds like Mack !! what the landlords like bout me living right behind the office , Mantinence shop & laundry Mat is they know im 1 of tenats up front that keeps an eye on things around here esp if the security cameras cant see somthing that happens .

Hell the current landlord has came to me for Kubota, New Holland/Ford & Case Keys to the equipment round here . some of the mantince guys lost equipment keys (@ different times) & the current landlord had my family do some excavating work for them in the past so he knows i got a key to every piece of heavy equipment known to man . he caught me here @ the house & asked if i had keys to them . i showed him 2 large dog snap key rings full of equipment keys & told him to pick his poison . he was tripping out on the amount of equipment keys i had . lol

if he needs a man to operate the 580 Super L Case , Kubota or New Holland Tractors when he is busy w/ other things & the guys in Mantience are busy or not here , im usually the back up operator round here . lol. plus it helps out on my rent some . now if i still had a tandem or tri axle :mack1: Dump . i could trade Dirt, Sand, Gravel or mulch fer rent . :loldude:



You Cant Fix Stupid. But You Can Numb It With A Sledgehammer. :loldude:

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Sorry about your midnight visitor - that sumbitch must have been hightailing it to make it clear to your place. Send them down to the David's in N.C. - he will get them up in a rolloff and we won't have to worry about body disposal.

We had another visit Thursday night. I think my hired man left a window open 'cause of the stink he made on the potty. Someone came in the window and set off the alarm when he opened the bathroom door to come into the shop. He then ran across the obstacle course inside the shop that consisted of a 1979 IHC with the hood off, a 1996 Isuzu with a reel loader blocking the way that he had to crawl under, pallets of cattle feed, and a scag mower that he ran into the handles. He then opened the door into the cattle working pens where he fell on a cow patty and left a cool mark with his head on the handle on the side of the cattle chute - the deputy said: "that left a mark".

I ran out of the house in my plaid boxers, muck boots with .45 in the right one, and a shotgun. I yelled at the wife to call 911 and the last I saw of her she was looking up that phone number - she was really tired!

When I got to the shop - he/she/it/them were long gone. I called our pringle can neighborhood watch and everyone around went out with shotguns and searched, but no luck.

I think all this crap is drug related. No sane sober person would do this stuff. I don't think this is going to get better before it gets worse.

That photo of your revolver shows how intimidating it is to see the actual bullets pointing at you when you look at that thing's business end!

Sorry about your experience!

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Too sorry about all the happening.

I suppose there is no relation between 1sy and 2nd guests, man must be crazy to come and get bullets.

Anyway you would sleep with one eye opened for some nights - not a big pleasure.

What's doing at your neighbores - did anybody have visitors of the same kind?


Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Too sorry about all the happening.

I suppose there is no relation between 1sy and 2nd guests, man must be crazy to come and get bullets.

Anyway you would sleep with one eye opened for some nights - not a big pleasure.

What's doing at your neighbores - did anybody have visitors of the same kind?


Well, the history of all this bullhockey is that last year we had the same thing happen - we were hit 8 times in one month (that we know of). They arrested a group of 7 or 8 guys and their skank girlfriends. As soon as they did that, it all stopped like someone shut off the tap. We kind of thought it was all over - but then this happens. The weather gets warm and the dirtylegs come out.

My sis and brother-in-law live on my farm in a house about 1/4 mile away. Their dogs have gotten stirred up a couple of times, but they have not had any problems yet. My whole area had break-ins last year, but I am the only one so far this spring.

The sheriff said this is typical - you arrest all the bad guys, then they get to yacking it up in prison with guys that then get out and then THEY come to visit.

We are just going to shoot and let God sort it out.

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I had a knock on the door a couple weeks ago...a guy asking about my "scrap metal" in front of the garage.

I told him I don't have any scrap metal. I have a use for each and every piece, and I have no intention of getting rid of any of it.

He said he had seen it sitting there and had tried to ask before...even talked to the boat shop guy next door about it, but wasn't going to take it without getting my permission.

I thanked him for asking me, because if he had decided to help himself to it, I would have put a bullet in his head.

He started saying how he thought thieves deserved to go to jail...and I corrected him.

I told him "I don't believe in sending thieves to jail. I believe in sending thieves to the morgue." and I lifted my shirt so that he could see the .45 on my hip.

Then the SOB had the nerve to ask me about my old Ranger sitting in the front yard....if that were for sale.

I told him its not....that I have no intention to part with ANYTHING on my property, and that it would be in his best interest to leave.

As for the cops responding, the courts have ruled repeatedly that the police have no duty or obligation to respond to ANY call. You have no legal recourse against the police if they do not show up after you call them and you suffer an injury or loss as a result of their failure to arrive. I don't know if people just aren't aware of that fact or if they've just flat out lost their minds when they argue that people shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves and their property. The way I look at it is that if you want to rely upon the police for protection, it's your choice....but don't try to make my choice for me. I worked hard for what I've got, and I'm not about to sit on my hands while anyone else "helps themselves" to it. If I catch them, they will pay a price so high they will quickly come to the conclusion that what little I have wasn't worth the price they are now being forced to pay.

Best thing you can do anymore is to secure your shit as best you can, and put the fear of God into anyone attempting to relieve you of it....but even that won't necessarily work, because it assumes they believe in God. Considering the church I've been going to for the last year or so had it's air conditioner stolen twice in 3 months last summer (and probably cut up for scrap) by some low-life good-for-nothing scum-sucking window-licker trying to score some green to fund his drug habit....I doubt they are worrying about what the Man upstairs has to say about their activities.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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