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Shesssss, where the hell is my nephew. He's past the BMT curfew. Ain't got to do no speaks about lopsided trucks all day


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Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Well, hopefully he is busy hitting the english grammer books, and ain't no mo lernin propr spelin round heres.

I laugh when I see schools offer what used to be typing class - now I think they call it keyboarding. As if kids these days won't be expert computer typists on their own.

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They don't teach typing, as most kids today don't use but about 4 letters anyway! "U", "R" ,"2","BFF",,,,,,,,,,,,,um lets see, what other ones???

I took it in HS, thinking sophmore year. I was near top in my class at 60 WPM with only 1 mistake. Not quite as limber as I once was, but better then most that peck with two fingers. I used to marvel when they would show some guy doing near 100 wpm on an old MANUAL machine!!!! I learned on an IBM Selectric.



1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"


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I took typing every year starting in sixth grade cause of failing miserably in penmanship class. To this day I cannot write and read it unless printing and then it is so small it's difficult at best. Lot of the "boys" made fun of me taking typing which was for "girls".

Look how times have changed.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I learned on a manual - once you got over like 30wpm with no mistakes, you got to go for a week and sit on the side of the room and use one of the four SPECIAL electric IBM's.

I think it was my sophomore year as well that I took typing. I had a crazy friend that carried around a huge four foot long duffle bag. No one really knew what he kept in there. He got to where every few days he would steal a couple typing books and take them home. By the end of the year, the teacher got so mad that she offered a reward to anyone who would tell her who had been taking the books. No one turned him in, so she said that she would pay $10.00 for each book she got back and no one would get punished - you could return them no questions asked.

The next day we walked into class and he had a stack almost up to the ceiling of typing books. He thought he hit paydirt and was sitting there with a shit-eating grin on his face. She just cackled and grabbed him by the hair with one hand and the nearest ear with the other and literally drug him to the principal's office - she told us all that in school you are there to learn your lessons, and the lesson of the day was not to steal or to be stupid enough to think you won't get in trouble when you do steal.

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:whistling: i know your talkin about me cause you said lopsided trucks which means u models.

Yup I was and I admit to the guilt impressed upon me. Please place the forgiveness found within your heart on my sorry dumb ass.

I still ain't seen no video of this thing running and am getting anxious. When I show up to darken your doorstep and drive this truck I don't want to rely on booster cables to get it running. Me an you gonna have a "heart to heart" talk before munchin down double halepeno tacos wrapped in crushed nacho cheese "Dorito's" totilla chips. "Momma's" own recipe this one is and it b good for "U".

Uncle Rob

Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Yup I was and I admit to the guilt impressed upon me. Please place the forgiveness found within your heart on my sorry dumb ass.

I still ain't seen no video of this thing running and am getting anxious. When I show up to darken your doorstep and drive this truck I don't want to rely on booster cables to get it running. Me an you gonna have a "heart to heart" talk before munchin down double halepeno tacos wrapped in crushed nacho cheese "Dorito's" totilla chips. "Momma's" own recipe this one is and it b good for "U".

Uncle Rob

uncle rob, i have to get a new baterry for my camera. my mom keeps forgetting. i tried to make a youtube account but it wouldnt let me.


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uncle rob, i have to get a new baterry for my camera. my mom keeps forgetting. i tried to make a youtube account but it wouldnt let me.

Give me the camera model and number. I'll get a battery in the mail tomorrow.

Uncle Rob

Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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They don't teach typing, as most kids today don't use but about 4 letters anyway! "U", "R" ,"2","BFF",,,,,,,,,,,,,um lets see, what other ones???

I took it in HS, thinking sophmore year. I was near top in my class at 60 WPM with only 1 mistake. Not quite as limber as I once was, but better then most that peck with two fingers, or other dog who can only type with one. I used to marvel when they would show some guy doing near 100 wpm on an old MANUAL machine!!!! I learned on an IBM Selectric.

I may be slow, but i'll get there eventually.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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They don't teach typing, as most kids today don't use but about 4 letters anyway! "U", "R" ,"2","BFF",,,,,,,,,,,,,um lets see, what other ones???


Shesssss, where the hell is my nephew. He's past the BMT curfew. Ain't got to do no speaks about lopsided trucks all day


Rob, If Vinny is not living up to Ur expectations, I would like to volunteer my services as a nephew. I don't actually own a Mack, but I figured....since U have so many....and I......don't have any......maybe U could.......you know........

And while your at it, my camera is a Canon PowerShot SD 1200.

Did ya see how I used U's in place of the word "you". C'mon, what d'ya say?


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ROTFLMFAO. Rob, If Vinny is not living up to Ur expectations, I would like to volunteer my services as a nephew. I don't actually own a Mack, but I figured....since U have so many....and I......don't have any......maybe U could.......you know........ And while your at it, my camera is a Canon PowerShot SD 1200. Did ya see how I used U's in place of the word "you". C'mon, what d'ya say?
I still have room to corrupt (I mean educate) my young nephews. I need to get a grasp upon the current game plan before branching out.......

Nephews Ben, and Vin, are both doing a great job so far.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Instead of a like, could you use a good nephew? :wub:

I'll take U as my nephew.....now come on down here, U got some concrete chippin to do on my uummmmm U'r B model mixer drum...


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I'll take U as my nephew.....now come on down here, U got some concrete chippin to do on my uummmmm U'r B model mixer drum...

Sounds tempting and I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to "fiddle-about" with my Uncle Ernie this weekend. I just wish I knew what that meant.



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You sure? I'll feed you twinkies, dr pepper and gummy worms.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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