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Where's my nephew?


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You can become a pinball wizard

Don't think I'd mind playing in the beans with Ann Margaret.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I learned on a manual - once you got over like 30wpm with no mistakes, you got to go for a week and sit on the side of the room and use one of the four SPECIAL electric IBM's.

I think it was my sophomore year as well that I took typing. I had a crazy friend that carried around a huge four foot long duffle bag. No one really knew what he kept in there. He got to where every few days he would steal a couple typing books and take them home. By the end of the year, the teacher got so mad that she offered a reward to anyone who would tell her who had been taking the books. No one turned him in, so she said that she would pay $10.00 for each book she got back and no one would get punished - you could return them no questions asked.

The next day we walked into class and he had a stack almost up to the ceiling of typing books. He thought he hit paydirt and was sitting there with a shit-eating grin on his face. She just cackled and grabbed him by the hair with one hand and the nearest ear with the other and literally drug him to the principal's office - she told us all that in school you are there to learn your lessons, and the lesson of the day was not to steal or to be stupid enough to think you won't get in trouble when you do steal.

I took typing when in school also,failed miserably! at present i can type approx. 30 words per hour,and have to look at the keyboard to do so,the only key i know for sure without looking is the "space" bar.................................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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I knew my typing had vastly improved when I found myself in a power failure typing ebay listings in the dark where I could not see the keys (laptop on battery power).

I did fine until I thought about, and then I would choke and mess up.

Kind of like shooting trap - see the bird, shoot the bird, follow through the bird - but if you think about it, you miss behind the bird.

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