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Pics of 2 of my dads old Macks


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While going thru some stuff in my sisters old room. My dad came across some pics of his old Bmodel and an R model that they built after the B. What I know of the B is I think it had a 711 but not positive. Had a quad box. The gearing was 7.49 and If I remember right it was about a 49 mph truck. I never knew the R was blue till these pics. I always remembered it as red and black. Motor was a 237 which my dad had to rebuild. Trans was a 2 stick 6 which he had to rebuild. It was not an off road truck. He had this thing built to fly. He wanted a truck faster then 49 mph but what he made for in speed the truck had no low end. he told me a story when him and another guy where going back to the pit to get another load that the guy in the L9000 told my dad he was pegged at 85 mph and my dad was up and leaving him in the dust. One day he went to go get the truck and it was gone. Never to be seen again. The last pic is a truck at the same place he was looking at.








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Aweome!!! Thats so cool you have them pictures!! Are you saying someone stole that R model from your dad?

Yeah it was stolen. he then got a DM with a quad and I think it had a 237 also but not positive. Then he bought a Crane Carrier, He had a heart attack and sold both trucks and kept his equipment. Then he bought a cornbinder. and an Acar. That autocar was a beast

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Yeah it was stolen. he then got a DM with a quad and I think it had a 237 also but not positive. Then he bought a Crane Carrier, He had a heart attack and sold both trucks and kept his equipment. Then he bought a cornbinder. and an Acar. That autocar was a beast

Oh man, thats sad it got stolen.


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Oh, my bad.....was thinking back when my cousin and I would go through all his sisters stuff and she would go bull sh*t when she found out.

I thought the same thing at first, of course I already had a swipe at Randy's relationship with his sister started when I realized it was not him - darn!

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Oh, my bad.....was thinking back when my cousin and I would go through all his sisters stuff and she would go bull sh*t when she found out.

The pics reminded me of when you and your cousin would go through all his sisters stuff and she would go bull sh*t when she found out. That's why I liked your reply.


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lol oh boy. Na my sister has long moved out,been married divorced, got a Boyfriend and 2 kids. We use it for storage now. And was getting stuff out to take to the swapshop and sell. Didn't have a bad day selling stuff. got more stuff to get out of here and probably go buy another storage locker as a backup for the weekend

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