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  On 4/21/2012 at 4:31 AM, bullhusk said:


If the Supreme Court knocks down Obama care, he's got nothin.....Absolutely nothin to his credit.............Nothing!!...Nothing!! This is the Guy that was gonna go line for line on Gov. spending and cut all waste! OOOOOOOK I would like to know what spread sheet he's been lookin at, cause it sure wasn't the G.S.A's ??? Oh by the way... the GSA is in charge of purshasing and contracts and Gov. spending!! Do ya think the Fox just might be in charge of the hen house??? Or is this GW's fault also?

BULLHUSK PS The Secret Service... Why in the hell can't they keep there services a secret??

They already blamed Bush for the GSA spending....after all he let them do it too. I feel they are all corrupt. Look at the small town comptroller in IL who stole millions from the town to buy a horse farm in Wis. a few homes over a quarter mil in jewellery and a 2.1 million dollas worth of trucks and motor homes. The local judge lets her out on a $4500 bond and she cant go beyong Il and Wis. to tend to HER property and investments. They are all cut from the same block and follow the "take it while its there" motto.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


  On 4/21/2012 at 3:01 AM, yarnall said:

Considering that Bush got this country into two wars that he had not strategy for

no way of paying for and no way of.ending knowing that he would be out of office before it was over it is surprising to hear people blame the problems of.America on President Obama. I know the republican party gave you guys a tax refund, but how did that really help you or the country. I'm sure I'll get plenty of negative feed back on this, but i didn't bring it up. I like trucks, not politics. This is why the aths does.not.allow controversial subjects. Not everyone on here is a republican. Obama is not the cause of all of this country's problems. Say all you want. I won't be reading of the replies. If you want to talk about trucks I'm in.


Exit strategy? WIN! The easiest way to differentiate the aggressor from the defender in any action isn't necessarily to look at WHERE the conflict is taking place, but rather to ask yourself one simple question: If side A stopped fighting, would side B continue to fight? Flip the question around. If side B stopped fighting, would side A continue to fight? In our current "conflicts", we are fighting them on their soil...because if we don't fight them there, they will fight us here. Unfortunately, we are trying to fight a "politically correct" war. We do not want to harm the civilians giving aid to, encouraging, and providing cover for our enemies....but our enemies think nothing of crashing planes carrying civilians into civilian buildings. We condemn soldiers who pose for pictures next to the remains of a suicide bomber....meanwhile they are torturing, beheading, burning, and dragging through the streets the bodies of ANY American, without regard to whether they are military or civilian, and posting those videos on the internet for all to see.

War is hell. Untie our military's hands and let them do their job. Go in, kick ass, and when the enemy has lost the will to continue the fight, THEN bring our military home as victors. Leave the enemy sitting in their own rubble contemplating the mistake they made picking a fight with us. It's bullshit that some 3rd world country picks a fight with us...so we go in and while we are fighting the extreme fringe which poses the threat, we are also building infrastructure...hospitals, schools, water, roads, etc...this is WAR, not the Boy Scouts. We don't have to leave their shitty country "better" than we found it. Let them pick up their own damn pieces.

  On 4/21/2012 at 4:59 AM, lucerne tractor said:

All I can say is if Bush only had four more years, this country would be a completly different place. Take it anyway you like.

Bush was a Compassionate Conservative....not to be confused with an ACTUAL Conservative. He let his "compassion" stand in the way of the Constitution...especially when it came to fiscal matters....approving a lot of policies and spending which SHOULD have been vetoed. The deficit really ballooned during his last 2 years...when the Democrats had the congress. FY2007 (last GOP budget year) only had a $161 billion deficit. The Democrat's first deficit (FY2008) was nearly 3 times as bad at $459 billion. The Democrat's second deficit (FY2009) was more than 3 times their first at $1,413 billion...which of course included the $831 billion "stimulus" signed by Obama.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
  On 4/21/2012 at 6:01 PM, RowdyRebel said:

Exit strategy? WIN! The easiest way to differentiate the aggressor from the defender in any action isn't necessarily to look at WHERE the conflict is taking place, but rather to ask yourself one simple question: If side A stopped fighting, would side B continue to fight? Flip the question around. If side B stopped fighting, would side A continue to fight? In our current "conflicts", we are fighting them on their soil...because if we don't fight them there, they will fight us here. Unfortunately, we are trying to fight a "politically correct" war. We do not want to harm the civilians giving aid to, encouraging, and providing cover for our enemies....but our enemies think nothing of crashing planes carrying civilians into civilian buildings. We condemn soldiers who pose for pictures next to the remains of a suicide bomber....meanwhile they are torturing, beheading, burning, and dragging through the streets the bodies of ANY American, without regard to whether they are military or civilian, and posting those videos on the internet for all to see.

War is hell. Untie our military's hands and let them do their job. Go in, kick ass, and when the enemy has lost the will to continue the fight, THEN bring our military home as victors. Leave the enemy sitting in their own rubble contemplating the mistake they made picking a fight with us. It's bullshit that some 3rd world country picks a fight with us...so we go in and while we are fighting the extreme fringe which poses the threat, we are also building infrastructure...hospitals, schools, water, roads, etc...this is WAR, not the Boy Scouts. We don't have to leave their shitty country "better" than we found it. Let them pick up their own damn pieces.

Amen brother!

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

  On 4/21/2012 at 6:01 PM, RowdyRebel said:

Exit strategy? WIN! The easiest way to differentiate the aggressor from the defender in any action isn't necessarily to look at WHERE the conflict is taking place, but rather to ask yourself one simple question: If side A stopped fighting, would side B continue to fight? Flip the question around. If side B stopped fighting, would side A continue to fight? In our current "conflicts", we are fighting them on their soil...because if we don't fight them there, they will fight us here. Unfortunately, we are trying to fight a "politically correct" war. We do not want to harm the civilians giving aid to, encouraging, and providing cover for our enemies....but our enemies think nothing of crashing planes carrying civilians into civilian buildings. We condemn soldiers who pose for pictures next to the remains of a suicide bomber....meanwhile they are torturing, beheading, burning, and dragging through the streets the bodies of ANY American, without regard to whether they are military or civilian, and posting those videos on the internet for all to see.

War is hell. Untie our military's hands and let them do their job. Go in, kick ass, and when the enemy has lost the will to continue the fight, THEN bring our military home as victors. Leave the enemy sitting in their own rubble contemplating the mistake they made picking a fight with us. It's bullshit that some 3rd world country picks a fight with us...so we go in and while we are fighting the extreme fringe which poses the threat, we are also building infrastructure...hospitals, schools, water, roads, etc...this is WAR, not the Boy Scouts. We don't have to leave their shitty country "better" than we found it. Let them pick up their own damn pieces.

Bush was a Compassionate Conservative....not to be confused with an ACTUAL Conservative. He let his "compassion" stand in the way of the Constitution...especially when it came to fiscal matters....approving a lot of policies and spending which SHOULD have been vetoed. The deficit really ballooned during his last 2 years...when the Democrats had the congress. FY2007 (last GOP budget year) only had a $161 billion deficit. The Democrat's first deficit (FY2008) was nearly 3 times as bad at $459 billion. The Democrat's second deficit (FY2009) was more than 3 times their first at $1,413 billion...which of course included the $831 billion "stimulus" signed by Obama.

You are A-100% on the money! First off , look at the name of the guy frome the LA newspaper that released the pictures last week, and that should tell you something. Then try an tell all of the Bush basher's in this country that the economy did in fact start to nose dive right after the dem.'s took over Congress and the House! And that... my Bush bashing friends is a fact! In Bush's last two years of office he tried to address SS and maybe give people an option to maybe go there own way, but no, the Dem.'s laughed and the press called him stupid. And then he calls on the Great One Barney Frank, an tells him 'Hey Barney, Fannie & Freddie aren't lookin to good' But.... Barney tells him and the whole Country that they are as solid as a rock, and by the way a great place to invest your hard earned money!!....Well we all know what happened, GW was right and Barney Frank lied to us!! But no where did any of this make the news, in fact the only one that called Barney Frank out on this was Bill O'Reilly from FOX News. Barney Frank an Chris Dodd an Nancy Pelosi should go to jail! As a matter of fact Barney might like it there!


  On 4/21/2012 at 3:41 PM, bullhusk said:

Whats it gonna take for the people that we send to Washington to fight for We The People!!.. I do know what I think.... I think it would be nice if we had a third party (A peoples party) but I don't think It's going to happen in my life time! Esp. if we're sitting here worring about this guy we have in office gettin re-elected!! Are you kidding me!! And for some people to say that Bush got us into two wars is just crazy talk! I mean what the hell were we to do? just wait around for the next planes to hit!! Look my back yard in Jersey City NJ had two Great things, one is Lady Liberty just south of me and the other was the Twin Towers one mile across the Hudson from me. We the People in JC saw first hand what happens when we come under a supprise attack and not knowing what the hell is gonna happen next!! Well it's time for me to step away from the computer right now before I say things that are not very nice


The big problem with the war in Iraq was that there was no real evidence of any connections with al-qaeda. They kept on babbling on about vague terrorist ties and weapons of mass destruction when they did not even exist. We all knew it was osama in laden and he was known to be located in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Plus once we found osama he was in our supposed allies territory, Pakistan. A huge quagmire if you ask me.

When the war at at its peak I had a close friend of mine in the army come back on leave. We got to talking and he basically said "all that bullshit they told us about weapons of mass destruction was just that, bullshit. Why am I even there getting shot at, kicking down doors and running patrols when the damn terrorists are in another country?"


What America needs is less bull and more Bulldog!

  On 4/22/2012 at 4:29 PM, ThaddeusW said:

The big problem with the war in Iraq was that there was no real evidence of any connections with al-qaeda. They kept on babbling on about vague terrorist ties and weapons of mass destruction when they did not even exist. We all knew it was osama in laden and he was known to be located in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Plus once we found osama he was in our supposed allies territory, Pakistan. A huge quagmire if you ask me.

When the war at at its peak I had a close friend of mine in the army come back on leave. We got to talking and he basically said "all that bullshit they told us about weapons of mass destruction was just that, bullshit. Why am I even there getting shot at, kicking down doors and running patrols when the damn terrorists are in another country?"

When Bush announced "his" intentions of invading Iraq, he gave his real reason at the end of his speech. "After all, this is the man that tried to kill my father"

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

When more folks are living off the govenment than are paying for it we are done. We will become the USSR and they will become the society with free trade and free markets. We are so close to this now that I fear it is already too late. I would ask everone to consider what health care will be like once it is run by the same folks running the post office. Good luck.

The parties are in it for the power and the voters are in it for the hand outs. And to bring this around full circle, consider how soon it will be illegal to own and opperate an old dirty truck like the ones we all have. They can be legislated out of existance for the "good" of us all...it's where we are headed.

Hope I spelled everything correctly...

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  On 4/22/2012 at 6:22 PM, gmerrill0516 said:

When more folks are living off the govenment than are paying for it we are done. We will become the USSR and they will become the society with free trade and free markets. We are so close to this now that I fear it is already too late. I would ask everone to consider what health care will be like once it is run by the same folks running the post office. Good luck.

The parties are in it for the power and the voters are in it for the hand outs. And to bring this around full circle, consider how soon it will be illegal to own and opperate an old dirty truck like the ones we all have. They can be legislated out of existance for the "good" of us all...it's where we are headed.

Hope I spelled everything correctly...

I agree with you man. I run into a lot of people that are in their mid 50's to early 60's who tell me that socialized medical care is the best thing that has ever happened. I promptly responded with two thoughts. 1) why in the &%$* should I pay for your medical 2) its not as great as you think it will be, if it was then why are there ads run everyday on local MT USA radio stations that basically say When sally got hurt she went to the hospital, they couldnt operate on her back for at least another year, thats when she called benefis and they got her in within the month blah blah blah. You get the point, everyone with a hangnail in Canada goes to the hospital since its free (stories like this have been told to me numerous times by canadian truck drivers that I deal with on a regular basis) and plugs up the system. Not only that but now many of Canada's best doctors and nurses are coming to the US to work since they dont make much money on the government flat rate (again heard this from Canadian truckers). So you can see how socialize government run anything WILL NOT WORK since it takes away any incentive to do the job. God why couldnt I have been born in the 1840's?? I could just do my job, make my life what I want it to be based on my ambition and skills and die a happy camper.

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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

Hey David, please refrain from calling Barry PBO! PeeBo sound like some getto shoes.... "Yo dig my new PEEBO's....Gots dem wit my gobberment bling card. Word up!!


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


  On 4/26/2012 at 12:16 AM, blueknight0517@yahoo.com said:

I am a firm believer in Term limits for all Politicians (local, state and federal).........One term in office........one term in jail.

I think the term in jail should be double that of the term served in office. And no time off for good behavior or probation.


  On 4/26/2012 at 9:40 PM, 1958 F.W.D. said:

I think the term in jail should be double that of the term served in office. And no time off for good behavior or probation.

...sounds like the Illinois Gubernatorial Special. :blush:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!

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