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Driver stopped for lunch


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Truck driver had just parked on the side of the road and ran acroos the street to grab a bite. Van for unknown reason crossed the road and slammed the truck. Van driver died.

Look at the ladders in the cab!

Bethel, CT.


Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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That's what I was thinking. Big Jim passed an accident scene in West Virginia on rt. 50 a few years ago where a load of lumber had turned over at the bottom of a mountain, killing 2 drivers. He asked me to see if I could find anything on the computer about it. I googled "West Virginia truck accident" and all I saw was ad after ad by some attorney who specialized in truck accidents. According to him pretty much every accident involving a truck that ever happened in West Virginia was the truck driver's fault. Every truck that was ever in West Virginia was driving too fast on West Virginia's roads, and on and on.

I travel West Virginia all the time and couldn't tell you how many times 4 wheelers have passed me at a high rate of speed on double yellow lines on rts. 60, 39, 20. Where ever they catch you they're gonna pass, they don't care whether they can see what's coming around the curve or not. I guess they figure they've got enough a-hole lawyers to prove it's the truck who's at fault no matter what.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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The truck triver is lucky he wasn't back in the cab and looking elsewhere when the van approached.

Without a doubt, some shyster (6 dollar word) is going after the driver regardless of what caused the driver of the van to veer off course.


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At the end of my freshman year of college in 1989 a buddy was loading his stuff in the trunk of his father's pristine 1976 monte carlo, white with red leather. He went back in for another arm full and came out to find an old man had run square into the back of his car, pushing the bumper into the road and making grooves in the black top about five feet long. Really shook-up my buddy. They figured the old guy had a heart attack or a stroke. I don't remember what happened to him, but the car was totaled.


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Feel sorry for the van drivers family, but just this morning I watched a pick up go back and forth across 2 lanes of traffic. He was texting on his phone. And your right the lawyers ill twist it on to the truck drive. They tried to with my wreck in december even with the Sheriffs dept Prusuit repoort on the kids! Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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the lawyers wont even have to twist it all they have to say it a truck was involved and that makes you guilty even though professional drivers have way more experience and training than you average joe. My dad's log truck was turning left on a 5 lane highway (with the Green left turn only signal on) and a lady driving in wasnt paying attention in the far right lane (her far right, oncoming to the truck) and she blew thru a red light and tboned the rear driver and tag axle that sets behind it in FRONT OF A HIGHWAY PATROLMAN and she gets cited for wreckless driving or something to that nature and has to fix the truck that she damaged. 2 years later she sues my dad and his insurance company for some :icon_bs: trumped up medical condition that SHE CAUSED by wrecking and the insurance company settled with her because they told my dad that its cheaper that way since judges will let things like this drag on so long (even if they win) that its cheaper to just settle. :icon_bs: :icon_bs: :icon_bs:

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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the lawyers wont even have to twist it all they have to say it a truck was involved and that makes you guilty even though professional drivers have way more experience and training than you average joe. My dad's log truck was turning left on a 5 lane highway (with the Green left turn only signal on) and a lady driving in wasnt paying attention in the far right lane (her far right, oncoming to the truck) and she blew thru a red light and tboned the rear driver and tag axle that sets behind it in FRONT OF A HIGHWAY PATROLMAN and she gets cited for wreckless driving or something to that nature and has to fix the truck that she damaged. 2 years later she sues my dad and his insurance company for some :icon_bs: trumped up medical condition that SHE CAUSED by wrecking and the insurance company settled with her because they told my dad that its cheaper that way since judges will let things like this drag on so long (even if they win) that its cheaper to just settle. :icon_bs: :icon_bs: :icon_bs:

welll.you just made my day with that piece a shit story,,,what a country,,,then when you got a legitimate claim,,,they tell you to get lost..bob
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