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Time for this garbage to stop:


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Thats kind of what I was thinking Paul, that he might not be politically ambitious but he was a damn smart man who was superb at his job and if him being good at his job didnt jive with what IKE wanted he probably wouldnt care. So it sounds like Ike snuffed him to me. Interesting to here that bit of history.

Mark, what was is the name of the book you referred to earlier about GSP?

H.G,.had to go look on my bookshelf, its called "Target Patton,the plan to assasssinate George S. Patton" written by Robert K.Wilcox........pretty good book,but its has some strange ideas about what REALLY happened to G.S.P conspiracy kooks etc,but a good read nonetheless...............Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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In the state of okla our governor signed into law this week allowing us to carry open side arms. Dont know how that will work but i think that is a direct payback to obama for not asking her to be at the cushing okla pipe line photo op last month.It was closed to the public.

glenn akers

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All states should allow open sidearms. The crime rates of all types would drop immediately if there was threat of inherent punishment without the courts getting in the way.


I don't think this government cares who has or carries a gun as long as this government is making money off everyone of us. The courts will never stop because it is a money making machine. This govenment will pay any price to get or do what they want even if they have to pay one of us very well to do it even with small benefits. All they have to say is you are protecting your country and family. We come home from war with horrifying memories, problems you cannot get rid of until you die. How's that for protecting your government etc.? Then you come home to find a job and there is no jobs to come home to. How is that for protecting your government?

Enough Is Enough!


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I always liked this one
Mario Ruffino in Hampton, VA who installed custom sights onto my Beretta sidearm had that sign in his entry room to the shop except it had "Fuck The Dog at the top, with a silloutte he took the center out of at the combat range with his sidearm. He taught the cops and military how to shoot in the area. Rob

Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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41 chevy first thanks for your service. I too am a disabled Vietnam Vet. I had cance from Agent Orange and had my voice box removed over 20 years ago. When I joined the service they told us if we got hurt in service they will take care of us. In my case they lived up to their word. Although I got some abuse and stares and still do for having a hole in my neck by very few most everyone I meet are very nice people.When I had surgery the Doctor told me to get thick skin best advice I ever recieved. Thanks again for your service. Joe D..

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41 chevy first thanks for your service. I too am a disabled Vietnam Vet. I had cance from Agent Orange and had my voice box removed over 20 years ago. When I joined the service they told us if we got hurt in service they will take care of us. In my case they lived up to their word. Although I got some abuse and stares and still do for having a hole in my neck by very few most everyone I meet are very nice people.When I had surgery the Doctor told me to get thick skin best advice I ever recieved. Thanks again for your service. Joe D..

Thanks for your service too.Joe! We never knew any of the stuff was bad, mixed orange up in tee shirts, used MEK for the itches. My best friend has severe lung problems from agent orange after a tour on Magic Mountain, so far I'm lucky, only a pair of damaged legs and an arm. My Doc told me the same thing, best advise yet. I guess we luckier than alot of our brothers. So far the VA has been good to me when needed. Sure Glad you got it caught in time!! Thanks again Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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All states should allow open sidearms. The crime rates of all types would drop immediately if there was threat of inherent punishment without the courts getting in the way.


Here you can carry open sidearms. Hell when I was in highschool every pickup had a rifle in the back window hanging in the gun rack. I dont know if its nation wide because of it being federal but here you can carry a firearm in the national parks. I always did anyways because my motto is "the only bears you need to worry about are the ones in the park" since they have been trained its ok to run campers off and eat out of the coolers especially since they have lost their fear of man since no once has got to shoot at them in decades. F$#@ bear spray it only makes you taste spicy.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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Here you can carry open sidearms. Hell when I was in highschool every pickup had a rifle in the back window hanging in the gun rack. I dont know if its nation wide because of it being federal but here you can carry a firearm in the national parks. I always did anyways because my motto is "the only bears you need to worry about are the ones in the park" since they have been trained its ok to run campers off and eat out of the coolers especially since they have lost their fear of man since no once has got to shoot at them in decades. F$#@ bear spray it only makes you taste spicy.

Over here in the Garden State of NJ, if you get caught makin a spit ball gun out of a Bic pen, they want to put your ass in jail!!


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Thats why I love living in BFE and living a hermit-ish lifestyle. I love being able to not see anybody unless I really want to. I know it sounds a little odd but I love being out here with my wife, dogs, garden and no one else.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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Thats why I love living in BFE and living a hermit-ish lifestyle. I love being able to not see anybody unless I really want to. I know it sounds a little odd but I love being out here with my wife, dogs, garden and no one else.
Kinda like that at my shop. Although it is on a state hiway you can go onto the back porch and shoot, piss, yell, or whatever you'd like to do and nobody is gonna bother, or say anything. The neighbor likes to shoot his muzzle loader quite a bit as an example.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I've got the same thing on the eastern end here, but the yuppie tide is creeping out here. My wife says I only interact with my "invisible friends" and my cousins. Never lhad use for people around much too chatty. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I can talk old trucks and memories for hours on end. Most of the customers that stop by usually wind up chatting about the "old days". Young and old enjoy this hobby if only in conversation.


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Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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So why isnt that being played over and over in the media so sheople can get it thru their noggins that all of these anti gun politicians are grossly violating our constitutional rights? Where are those boneheads from the ACLU since they seem to care about violations of personal rights? Oh yeah they only care about minorities in the US not everyone in the US.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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