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need something hauled cheep??

empty van trailer Chicago to NJ. IU leave Tuesday and return Thursday/Friday. If you need parts moved on the floor I can do it. I cant move trucks or very large items that need to be strapped down for safty reasons. I may have room on the return trip to chicago also. im picking up a 12 speed and other parts so should have space.

call me Trent


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  On 5/24/2012 at 5:21 PM, Lmackattack said:

need something hauled cheep??

empty van trailer Chicago to NJ. IU leave Tuesday and return Thursday/Friday. If you need parts moved on the floor I can do it. I cant move trucks or very large items that need to be strapped down for safty reasons. I may have room on the return trip to chicago also. im picking up a 12 speed and other parts so should have space.

call me Trent


Trent, I have a hydraulic landing gear at Thad's house. I'll try to contact him and see if you can grab it for me.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



Well that was a fun Trip... dead headed out to Long Island Tuesday. Hit the G.W bridge at midnight and started lousing all my teeth from there to the L.I.E. Holy hell are those roads bad. They must pave them with the help of a compacter roller? got close to my destanation at 1 am and got a hotel. Next Morning I arrice where I had to blind side into a alley way with about 6" on either side of the truck. that took about 15 min and wore off about 4 years of clutch life. Loaded the 53' van by hand with no loading dock. did have 5 guys to help tho. one guy dropped a metal plate on his foot and had to be hauled out in an ambulance with a broken foot or ankel? He was hurt bad... Left there at 3pm and Headed to Thadddeus place near Queens N.Y. to pick up some stuff for Rob and Yep....made note to self, never ask a New Yorker if you can get a 65' truck down their street. if there is just 66' space it will go! LOL... I made it in but barely made it out. One way street cars double parked in a tight N.Y. neighborhood. Had to pay some guys to help load the stuff as it was heavy for 2 guys, one of them with a bum foot but we got it done quick. took out some tree limbs making a hard right hope they did not fall on any cars????Noticed every bridge in N.Y marked 12'6" ? Yet I made it under them all after coming to a complete stop and sticking my head out the window as a crawl under them slowly? Then off to N.J. to get my 12 speed. hit the L.I.E west bound under the Brooklyn Bridge and over the verrazaano narrows bridge to the NJTP. met some clown youngster container hauler in a Junk CH mack running up a incline in 2nd gear. For some reaseon he dident want me to pass in the far left lane. he tried to block the left 2 lanes so me and the trucks behind me could not pass him? State law says no trucks in the far left but Im just a Law braking Trucker.....Myself and another driver politely showed him over to the far right. Made it to NJ where I got my 12 Transmission and was heading home by 6PM.





  On 6/1/2012 at 5:49 PM, Lmackattack said:

last 2 pics

Man that was an adventure!!

That landing gear sure looks nice. I'll get with you when I bring the shift assembly up there. I'm planning to grab it tomorrow morning if possible.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



Glad to that Trent was able to help a few people out moving parts around. I heard today that Mayor Tiny Dancer (Rahm), would like to see the Super Bowl in Chicago. All that means to me is that Trent did not follow through with my request. Thanks a bunch. -Brad

  On 6/2/2012 at 1:51 AM, storkmack said:

Glad to that Trent was able to help a few people out moving parts around. I heard today that Mayor Tiny Dancer (Rahm), would like to see the Super Bowl in Chicago. All that means to me is that Trent did not follow through with my request. Thanks a bunch. -Brad

We need another Al Capone.


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Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



  • 7 years later...

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