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This is the earliest i've ever picked a ripe tomato. Got one of it before I picked it too, lest olive says "that tomater came from the produce aisle at the Piggly Wiggly, I seen it yestiddy!"

The future hot sauce looks pretty good too, eh?

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I've actually got quite a few apples and even a couple peaches out there on the trees here. Still no plums, though...think I might have to plant another plum tree to get those. Mowed down my raspberry bushes last summer because the japanese beetles were pretty much decimating them every year before moving on to my fruit trees, and the blueberry bushes never took because the damn bunnies kept eating them every winter. The grape vines are invading the shrubbery around the house after being eaten by the birds in years past before I could get to 'em to pick 'em for myself and then the seeds pooped into the bushes to grow vines up where they ain't wanted. The ants usually eat my strawberries before I can get to 'em, and last winter Dozer dug up the planter they were in so I probably won't see any this summer either.

All this was planted with hopes of having some cheap, healthy snacks here at the house in the summer....turned out to be nothing but trouble so far, though. I can grow pretty much anything....it's getting a chance to harvest what I've grown that gets me every time.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I've actually got quite a few apples and even a couple peaches out there on the trees here. Still no plums, though...think I might have to plant another plum tree to get those. Mowed down my raspberry bushes last summer because the japanese beetles were pretty much decimating them every year before moving on to my fruit trees, and the blueberry bushes never took because the damn bunnies kept eating them every winter. The grape vines are invading the shrubbery around the house after being eaten by the birds in years past before I could get to 'em to pick 'em for myself and then the seeds pooped into the bushes to grow vines up where they ain't wanted. The ants usually eat my strawberries before I can get to 'em, and last winter Dozer dug up the planter they were in so I probably won't see any this summer either.

All this was planted with hopes of having some cheap, healthy snacks here at the house in the summer....turned out to be nothing but trouble so far, though. I can grow pretty much anything....it's getting a chance to harvest what I've grown that gets me every time.

Apparently berries are a bitch to grow unless you are in the garden around the clock or have a green house. We used to grow strawberries, they are practically a weed and grow all over. But the damn ants get them. I think you have to watch them carefully and then get the fruit off the ground once it buds (maybe use string).


What America needs is less bull and more Bulldog!

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I know what you mean, I couldn't have anything until I put a chicken wire fence around the garden- rabbits and squirrels would eat everything as soon as it came up. I've got 2 peach trees, an apple tree, a cherry tree, and a pear tree and have never eaten any fruit off any of them, the squirrels eat them off the tree before they even get ripe, and the rabbits get the ones that fall on the ground.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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This is the earliest i've ever picked a ripe tomato. Got one of it before I picked it too, lest olive says "that tomater came from the produce aisle at the Piggly Wiggly, I seen it yestiddy!"

The future hot sauce looks pretty good too, eh?

Uhh - I don't actually SEE the stem where it attached to the toe-mater. Are you sure you are being truthfull about the origin of said fruit?

The combines are running around here hot and heavy getting the wheat out. We used to start in the wheat field the very end of June. Then on the 4th of July we would all take a day off and then finish after the holiday. So we are a month early? You also wanted your corn "Knee High by the 4th of July" but if we don't get some rain soon, there won't be any corn.

Wash your hands before you start making the hot sauce please because I want a bottle of it and also photos of you farting around making it.

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I know what you mean, I couldn't have anything until I put a chicken wire fence around the garden- rabbits and squirrels would eat everything as soon as it came up. I've got 2 peach trees, an apple tree, a cherry tree, and a pear tree and have never eaten any fruit off any of them, the squirrels eat them off the tree before they even get ripe, and the rabbits get the ones that fall on the ground.

Dernit Tom, to hell with the fruit and shit,,,just eat the squirrels and rabbits,,,,randyp
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Uhh - I don't actually SEE the stem where it attached to the toe-mater. Are you sure you are being truthfull about the origin of said fruit?

The combines are running around here hot and heavy getting the wheat out. We used to start in the wheat field the very end of June. Then on the 4th of July we would all take a day off and then finish after the holiday. So we are a month early? You also wanted your corn "Knee High by the 4th of July" but if we don't get some rain soon, there won't be any corn.

Wash your hands before you start making the hot sauce please because I want a bottle of it and also photos of you farting around making it.

you got it, not a problem.

yes, around here everybody was always shooting for tomatoes by the 4th. of July, that was always peak combining season too. The wheat field just up the road here looks like it'll be ready to combine any day now. A week or so ago when I left it was still green, when I got back it was almost completely golden brown, in a week!

Wait a minute, I should have known- that tomater was attached to the stem this morning, I suspected you would doubt me, so here's a picture to prove it!

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Cheater, cheater, toe-mater eater! ROB! We need him modulated for falsifying gardening photos!

Our toe-maters are not that far along - I have tried to train the doggy-woggies to go pee-pee and drop the deuce next to the plants to help fertilize them, but you can't train a bassett hound to do anything except eat, run wild after rabbits and wag their tails. The black lab will sit and shake, but honestly what good does that do anyone?


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Let me know if you ever figger how to make a bassett stop barking too Olive,,(anything other than an ounce of lead in his left ear). I got one so big his belly leaves ruts in ground when he walks, leaves mounds of doodoo that mower gets stuck on, ifn I stop feeding him constantly, he starts chewing trees down in yard. Spot has tried to discipline him, He just flops over and thumps his tail (wich must weigh 27 lbs.) and Spot gives up and walks off. I guess Spot figures he wont stand and fight like a fat dog, so whats the point. Spot has actually bitten several chunks outta him, but always spits them out, must taste bad,,,,randyp

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picked another one today- had it for supper, with the biggest T-bone I could find, along with some new potatoes I dug, fried with an onion I pulled.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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This is the earliest i've ever picked a ripe tomato. Got one of it before I picked it too, lest olive says "that tomater came from the produce aisle at the Piggly Wiggly, I seen it yestiddy!"

The future hot sauce looks pretty good too, eh?

could use them in my salad...looks good did a good job...bob
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Nice Tom-aters.

If I had 100 bassett hounds, I would name every one of them Winston.

I told the blushing bride (while she was still on the operating table) that our new daughter looked just like Winston Churchill but without the cigar - my wife laughed, the nice nurse snorted and dropped a tool, the doctor about missed a stitch, and Nurse Ratched tried to kick me out of the OR.

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I told the blushing bride (while she was still on the operating table) that our new daughter looked just like Winston Churchill but without the cigar - my wife laughed, the nice nurse snorted and dropped a tool, the doctor about missed a stitch, and Nurse Ratched tried to kick me out of the OR.

There's one in every crowd.


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You get tomatoes and all I have is three plants in the ground. Been so busy and we have had so much rain I couldn't get in the garden to plant a couple of tomato plants until last week. Good thing since I killed three ground hogs and my neighbors came down today to kill three more while I am out of town. Never had 'em this bad before.

Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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You get tomatoes and all I have is three plants in the ground. Been so busy and we have had so much rain I couldn't get in the garden to plant a couple of tomato plants until last week. Good thing since I killed three ground hogs and my neighbors came down today to kill three more while I am out of town. Never had 'em this bad before.

I used to have a nice, hole-free yard. The only place Dozer was allowed to dig was under the front porch. Then the moles came....and I got tired of stepping on the soft mole tunnels as I walked around in the yard, so I started encouraging ol' Dozer to chase after 'em and try to get 'em.

I no longer have a mole problem....but the yard looks like a mine field with all the holes dug in it. :pat:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Fortunately I also have become home to a black snake that is about five feet long. The mole/vole population has become greatly diminished since the snake moved in. Gotta love nature!

Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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Uhh - I don't actually SEE the stem where it attached to the toe-mater. Are you sure you are being truthfull about the origin of said fruit?

The combines are running around here hot and heavy getting the wheat out. We used to start in the wheat field the very end of June. Then on the 4th of July we would all take a day off and then finish after the holiday. So we are a month early? You also wanted your corn "Knee High by the 4th of July" but if we don't get some rain soon, there won't be any corn.

Wash your hands before you start making the hot sauce please because I want a bottle of it and also photos of you farting around making it.

The spring wheat here is between the tillering/jointing stage probably wont harvest 'til late August or early September, winter wheat is between flag leaf/boot stage maybe harvest in late August which is really early for here. As for growing ta-maters, HA damn near impossible is this country. My corn is currently 3-4 inches tall might make knee high by 4 July who knows. About the only "fruit" trees I can get to grow are Siberian Crab Apple trees, choke cherries and nanking cherries. I have a pretty short growing season up here.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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