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Pity - I don't know how it is built and I'm afraid I could have done some errors in my scale model. Maybe you could photograph the new cab for me? Thanks in advance!


Oh yes, do you need pictures of the floor? Or like underneath? Because we might not be picking it up for awhile? :idunno:


Vinny just a thought. When you are all done put a wooden stake body on the back(removable if need be). There are a couple of R

models running around Ct and they are really sharp. One has 17 inch wheels and it makes one sharp pickup. Good luck.


good job buddy. i know how you feel.

p.s. you just gave me the motivation to buy another b model.

i think i got a mack stiffy again

Thanks, go buy another B model!!! Wait a Mack stiffy? Thats OK, I get Mack stiffys all the time. LOL.

And James, Papa and I are doing something similar to that actually, we are putting a diamond plate deck on the back. Its gonna be sweet.


Good ! You're are over the hump now. Everything you do on the U now it is on the add on side of assembly! Good feeling to do that. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


Congrats Vinny!

Glad to see you're moving.

And do as Pawel ask for.

It would be pleasurant to him and maybe usefull for you one day.

I'm always fixing my work nowadays.

It's easy with a digital camera and helps to clear some questions in the future.


Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

Thanks guys.

Pawel, I will definetly keep it in mind, I would have took pictures from the old cab, but everything is all roted out. I have no idea when the new cab will be in the air, but hopefully it will be soon. I will definetly keep it in mind for ya friend.



I just checked out those pictures. Very cool to see you down to the frame. I was wondering though because you said the cab is shot beyond repair. From what I see, it looks pretty solid. What is bad on the cab that can't be fixed?

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack


I just checked out those pictures. Very cool to see you down to the frame. I was wondering though because you said the cab is shot beyond repair. From what I see, it looks pretty solid. What is bad on the cab that can't be fixed?

I hope your talking about the red one right? Sitting on the ground. You, got an email? I'll email you some pictures of how bad it is. Theres barely any floor, cab frame, is roted, broke, shot. Drip rails roted through, and you can poke your finger through 60% of the whole cab.


I guess the pics in your profile just didn't show the bad stuff. From what it looked like, there was just surface rust. I didn't get the email with the pictures yet so I'll see what you have when you do.

Thats going look sweet when you are done with the bed on it. Take your date to the prom when the time comes.

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

I guess the pics in your profile just didn't show the bad stuff. From what it looked like, there was just surface rust. I didn't get the email with the pictures yet so I'll see what you have when you do.

Thats going look sweet when you are done with the bed on it. Take your date to the prom when the time comes.

Yea, it dont look to bad from a distance. I dont know your email though, what is it?


Ahhh, the subject that made my gas come out. Definately feeling better now with my gut deflated and being able to take up another hole in my belt.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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