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I'm just a nobody, and I realize that. It really pisses me off that actors and other celebrities think everybody else should care about their opinion just because they're celebrities. I couldn't care less what Sean Penn, Ed Asner, George Clooney, or Jane Effin Fonda think. I'm sure they think otherwise, but the fact is the world could get by just fine without them. Firemen, policemen, construction workers, and truck drivers on the other hand are very important to the country's overall well being.

Let's hope they all get out and vote.

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I feel this election will be the better of two evils for me, Ryan wants to take my retirement (railroad retirement) and fold it into social security. Ryan says reducing the payout on railroad retirement (by half or more)and making us pay more in taxes even though we already pay more than most americans now(I get to keep $2000 of my $3000 earnings per check)will save the government m illions each year. I hate to have to be the one to tell the supposed govorning body about what is actually going on but the fact is the fed. pays nothing, 0, nada towards our retirement railroads and railroaders pay in and railroaders get paid out of our fund and thats it ( which is probably why the fund is actually working and not hemeraging money). The fact that he is making a big deal about saving the fed so much money by taking our retirement (even past retirees yes they want to reduce the payout for people that are already receiving their retirement by half)will have most americans that wont do the research voting thinking he will save them money and help reduce spending well it wont save ANYTHING!. The whole deal pisses me off but I am damn sure not happy about another 4 years with our current leadership, so I ask what to do? give up my retirement, or deal with losing whatever the currrent group of maroons can take away?

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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I'm just a nobody, and I realize that. It really pisses me off that actors and other celebrities think everybody else should care about their opinion just because they're celebrities. I couldn't care less what Sean Penn, Ed Asner, George Clooney, or Jane Effin Fonda think. I'm sure they think otherwise, but the fact is the world could get by just fine without them. Firemen, policemen, construction workers, and truck drivers on the other hand are very important to the country's overall well being.

I want you and ever one would can read understand that i be just like you. glenn
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glenn akers

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I feel this election will be the better of two evils for me, Ryan wants to take my retirement (railroad retirement) and fold it into social security. Ryan says reducing the payout on railroad retirement (by half or more)and making us pay more in taxes even though we already pay more than most americans now(I get to keep $2000 of my $3000 earnings per check)will save the government m illions each year. I hate to have to be the one to tell the supposed govorning body about what is actually going on but the fact is the fed. pays nothing, 0, nada towards our retirement railroads and railroaders pay in and railroaders get paid out of our fund and thats it ( which is probably why the fund is actually working and not hemeraging money). The fact that he is making a big deal about saving the fed so much money by taking our retirement (even past retirees yes they want to reduce the payout for people that are already receiving their retirement by half)will have most americans that wont do the research voting thinking he will save them money and help reduce spending well it wont save ANYTHING!. The whole deal pisses me off but I am damn sure not happy about another 4 years with our current leadership, so I ask what to do? give up my retirement, or deal with losing whatever the currrent group of maroons can take away? You have a right to feel that way but the way i look at it American is over with as we have had it for years and if obama gets in again there will be no jobs that is American will be bankruped and whao knows i mean i dont think any one on the earth can say what is to come.But if obama gets in he will give away what we have so all in the wolrd will be the same in weath. So he says.I belive he wants to be a dicktator for george seros.But you know what ever he is its not no good.He wants all people to be same in weath and that has never worked out for any one but for the boss of the people. When some one wants to take away your guns that is no good.In other words his plan will work better for him with out guns in our hands so ask you self is that any good? glenn

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glenn akers

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I feel this election will be the better of two evils for me, Ryan wants to take my retirement (railroad retirement) and fold it into social security. Ryan says reducing the payout on railroad retirement (by half or more)and making us pay more in taxes even though we already pay more than most americans now(I get to keep $2000 of my $3000 earnings per check)will save the government m illions each year. I hate to have to be the one to tell the supposed govorning body about what is actually going on but the fact is the fed. pays nothing, 0, nada towards our retirement railroads and railroaders pay in and railroaders get paid out of our fund and thats it ( which is probably why the fund is actually working and not hemeraging money). The fact that he is making a big deal about saving the fed so much money by taking our retirement (even past retirees yes they want to reduce the payout for people that are already receiving their retirement by half)will have most americans that wont do the research voting thinking he will save them money and help reduce spending well it wont save ANYTHING!. The whole deal pisses me off but I am damn sure not happy about another 4 years with our current leadership, so I ask what to do? give up my retirement, or deal with losing whatever the currrent group of maroons can take away?

84, I don't think Uncle Sam can touch your retirement fund, I might be wrong but once you are vested they can't touch that money? If you could can you post some info on what Ryan wants to do, cause I have a Teamster retirement fund commin up in a couple of years, (if I make it) and have been told over the years that it could go down in value (It did) but all the Gov. can do is tax you on your income when you start to receive it



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84, I don't think Uncle Sam can touch your retirement fund, I might be wrong but once you are vested they can't touch that money? If you could can you post some info on what Ryan wants to do, cause I have a Teamster retirement fund commin up in a couple of years, (if I make it) and have been told over the years that it could go down in value (It did) but all the Gov. can do is tax you on your income when you start to receive it



I think one of the most common quotes that in my eyes is a mistake is the goverment would never do that to us.This bunch of people in the white house only want money and any way they can get it.I beleive thge quickest way to get money is thru our retirements and SS and the lack of paying for manicare. This will be done in a good gesture to the country and the rest will think its ok.It will be done in truth to keep the rest of the world equal with us so we want have any power to defend our self.

Just think about the medicare that the president now has been messing with and look what happened to social sercurtiy. It was to have a lock on the lock box and then we find out there was not only not any money to put in the lock box but not even a lock box to put a thnk you notice in. my 2 cents glenn

glenn akers

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Social Security was set up to be locked and not touched except for the people who payed into it. LBJ allowed the government to "borrow" from it for his Great Society (welfare) program. We now give Social Security to any boby whether they contributed or not.

As for touching your pensions,IRA's and other monies...the health care plan allows any government agency involved in it to do "real time" (electronic) transfers money from your IRA, Pension and Bank accounts for "fees and needed costs" with out permission. It was part of the obamama care IRS Fee (tax) but was upgraded to include incidental costs. So your pensions, IRA's and direct deposits are all ready "theirs"

I do not believe ANYBODY in government understands that the R.R. pension, Union pensions and most corperate pensions are not Federally controlled or contributed too, only taxed.

"movie stars" opinions? Believe anything from diviates and dopers?? If they were not "actors" they would most likely be "Occupy" people. I only respect 3...Clint Eastwood, Jimmy Cagney and Gary Cooper. :)

I agree - I place no trust whatsoever that I will have any sort of retirement left when I get to that age. I am vested in a Teamsters joke of a retirement, social security, and I have a IRA. I bet they all get raided and spent by someone else before I can touch them in 20 years. I plan to work until I die. That is what my Grandparents and everyone before them did. There are worse things in life. Farmers are supposed to live poor and die rich, that way your kids and the church you leave it to get a nice gift.

My sons just gave me a three disc set of Clint's movies: Fist full of dollars, A few dollars more, and The good, the bad, and the ugly. We are hunkering down about 4:00 this afternoon and starting the show.

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Social Security was set up to be locked and not touched except for the people who payed into it. LBJ allowed the government to "borrow" from it for his Great Society (welfare) program. We now give Social Security to any boby whether they contributed or not.

As for touching your pensions,IRA's and other monies...the health care plan allows any government agency involved in it to do "real time" (electronic) transfers money from your IRA, Pension and Bank accounts for "fees and needed costs" with out permission. It was part of the obamama care IRS Fee (tax) but was upgraded to include incidental costs. So your pensions, IRA's and direct deposits are all ready "theirs"

I do not believe ANYBODY in government understands that the R.R. pension, Union pensions and most corperate pensions are not Federally controlled or contributed too, only taxed.

"movie stars" opinions? Believe anything from diviates and dopers?? If they were not "actors" they would most likely be "Occupy" people. I only respect 3...Clint Eastwood, Jimmy Cagney and Gary Cooper. :)

Got to agree with that,only actor i would add is John Wayne,a true American patriot who beliveved in his country,and was quite outspoken in doing so,and was never worried about being "politically correct" of course this is just my opinion...............................Mark
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Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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It amazes me the amount of money they are spending on their campaigns. I will be honest and say I am not sure who I am going to vote for just yet. I own my own business and pay a yearly salary in taxes a year. It's one of the definites in our lives besides death. Romney on the other and worries me. I feel he is a shady individual. I pay my taxes to support my country. I don't hide money (not that I have any) in foreign banks or off shore accounts. I leave it in local banks. It is with the taxes I pay that brings this great nation back to where we once were. Money to get the trucks and construction crews back to wrk on our roads and bridges. The message should be simple...Buy American!!! Stay out of Wal-Mart. As consumers we should demand goods made here in the USA. If anyone should get a break it's the large corporations that bring their business back home and hires the many people out of work.

I am sure there will be a lot of controversy over this. Bottom line, I want our country back!

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It amazes me the amount of money they are spending on their campaigns. I will be honest and say I am not sure who I am going to vote for just yet. I own my own business and pay a yearly salary in taxes a year. It's one of the definites in our lives besides death. Romney on the other and worries me. I feel he is a shady individual. I pay my taxes to support my country. I don't hide money (not that I have any) in foreign banks or off shore accounts. I leave it in local banks. It is with the taxes I pay that brings this great nation back to where we once were. Money to get the trucks and construction crews back to wrk on our roads and bridges. The message should be simple...Buy American!!! Stay out of Wal-Mart. As consumers we should demand goods made here in the USA. If anyone should get a break it's the large corporations that bring their business back home and hires the many people out of work.

I am sure there will be a lot of controversy over this. Bottom line, I want our country back!

Go see 2016. Then let us know how you feel.

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84, I don't think Uncle Sam can touch your retirement fund, I might be wrong but once you are vested they can't touch that money? If you could can you post some info on what Ryan wants to do, cause I have a Teamster retirement fund commin up in a couple of years, (if I make it) and have been told over the years that it could go down in value (It did) but all the Gov. can do is tax you on your income when you start to receive it



Oh yeah they can we pay rr retirement teir 1 and teir 2 Reagan alreeady got his hands into teir 1 years ago and we never got that back yet, look it up just do a google search for Ryan and railroad retirement I have tons of info but I hate to post it here ( and looking at it makes me sick to my stomach) heres one link you can find more info than you want on the subject.


"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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Don't forget Charlton Heston!

I'm not really a genious, or an exceptionally smart person by any means, but I would say i'm of average intelligence...ok, ok, maybe slightly below average. But even I know not to spend more than I make. I could go max out my credit card right now, but I know i'll eventually have to pay for everything. The gummint, Obama in particular, just doesn't seem to understand this concept.

Social security was bringing in more money from it's beginning than it paid out- until just recently. That created a surplus. But the gummint "borrowed" from it all along to pay for other programs, now social security is paying more than it's taking in, and the surplus that should be there isn't.

The national debt of this country is way into the trillions of dollars. I once heard a trillion dollars in hundred dollar bills would reach to the moon if they were stacked up.

But I haven't heard any democrat even mention the federal deficit, while the republicans seem to "get" that it's a major problem.

And the people want what's good for them, instead of what's good for the country, as in "#^*# all dat, I wants my free $#!T!"

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I will throw in my two cents. Social Security has been an issue/worry since at least 1983 when Greenspan did a report on it, and SS contributions and the age of eligibility were raised. The only way to ever get healthcare and SS changed is to make our politicians recieve the same benifits as the people they represent. I have not viewed the movie 2016 but I will say that the Republican party along with thier business partners are putting every dollar to get into office. No matter who wins the election we will still be in trouble until the jobs come back and people start to buy products and services. If you think Romney was a great businessperson, I have read reports where Bain Capital recieved a government bailout, and going in and helping businesses to save money buy sending jobs overseas is not my idea of helping the US. While Romney wants to remove the Affordable Heathcare Act, his Mass. plan read about the same. He touted it as a great thing in Massachussetts but unlike the AHA, never made any plans on how to pay for it. Romney and Ryan will hurt the US in many ways with what they want to cut in programs and funding, and will tell the public what to do more than this administration, which has not taken anyone's guns. I am pro-choice because I can't tell someone what to do if I am not in thier shoes. Ryan wants to outlaw abortion for any reason. So if a woman is raped she has to carry the baby and then raise it. I'm sure that Mr. Ryan will help pay for those unwanted children out of his pocket. Romney says he will create 12 million jobs? The republican have been telling Obama for years that government should not create jobs, so I'm confused?

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Bottom line, I want our country back!

Don't expect it from the current one either. Even though he promised us the most transparent administration ever. Back room deals on not only health care but the "Green energy" deals. Executive orders for things only he feels is important. Kills our oil industry and gives 2 billion to help Brazil develop their drilling. I pay thousands in taxes, permits and EPA Performance Bonds, EPA/DEC training and certification, for my self and 5 employees. Now under his health care I'll have to fire one to pay the required coverage on the rest... 2000 plus new regulations and "fees" in the Healthcare bill, that the current administration is finding out as we go along..."We need to pass it to see what in it" I believe was said! Those things make the current administration tad shadier the a few bucks in a Cayman account in my opinion.

Government gave Bain Capital money, and GM and Chrysler,Enron and Solidara(?) SOP for big businesses.

Jobs for Americans from the Gov.?? Ha.

Wait through 30 seconds of ads for the "news"



 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I will throw in my two cents. Social Security has been an issue/worry since at least 1983 when Greenspan did a report on it, and SS contributions and the age of eligibility were raised. The only way to ever get healthcare and SS changed is to make our politicians recieve the same benifits as the people they represent. I have not viewed the movie 2016 but I will say that the Republican party along with thier business partners are putting every dollar to get into office. No matter who wins the election we will still be in trouble until the jobs come back and people start to buy products and services. If you think Romney was a great businessperson, I have read reports where Bain Capital recieved a government bailout, and going in and helping businesses to save money buy sending jobs overseas is not my idea of helping the US. While Romney wants to remove the Affordable Heathcare Act, his Mass. plan read about the same. He touted it as a great thing in Massachussetts but unlike the AHA, never made any plans on how to pay for it. Romney and Ryan will hurt the US in many ways with what they want to cut in programs and funding, and will tell the public what to do more than this administration, which has not taken anyone's guns. I am pro-choice because I can't tell someone what to do if I am not in thier shoes. Ryan wants to outlaw abortion for any reason. So if a woman is raped she has to carry the baby and then raise it. I'm sure that Mr. Ryan will help pay for those unwanted children out of his pocket. Romney says he will create 12 million jobs? The republican have been telling Obama for years that government should not create jobs, so I'm confused?


I think the last election was the most crooked election since JFK, but if Obama had done a good job instead of selling us a bunch of BS and not delivering he would get my vote! I am not a big fan of Romney, but I do know that he is a better business man then Obama and I do beleive he is a honest guy. I don't know how much US money Bain Cap. got, but I do know that GE is getting big tax breaks and tax payers money and at the same time they are closing down there X-Ray Div. and sending it off to China! (Jeff Emeltdown) our job czar. I feel the same way about abortion as you do, I do not beleave in it but this is what America is all about (Freedom) the right to choose, but me as a tax payer should not be paying for it. Ryan can never change the right to choose law, no one person can unless we get a Dictator an I hope I never see that here, I my life time! I think Obama had his chance and he blew it, plain an simple, so me, I'm goin with the other guy. Are we better off now then we were four years ago? Think about it and vote for a person as if you were going to hire them, I mean after all they are working for us Good Luck!


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I will throw in my two cents. Social Security has been an issue/worry since at least 1983 when Greenspan did a report on it, and SS contributions and the age of eligibility were raised. The only way to ever get healthcare and SS changed is to make our politicians recieve the same benifits as the people they represent. I have not viewed the movie 2016 but I will say that the Republican party along with thier business partners are putting every dollar to get into office. No matter who wins the election we will still be in trouble until the jobs come back and people start to buy products and services. If you think Romney was a great businessperson, I have read reports where Bain Capital recieved a government bailout, and going in and helping businesses to save money buy sending jobs overseas is not my idea of helping the US. While Romney wants to remove the Affordable Heathcare Act, his Mass. plan read about the same. He touted it as a great thing in Massachussetts but unlike the AHA, never made any plans on how to pay for it. Romney and Ryan will hurt the US in many ways with what they want to cut in programs and funding, and will tell the public what to do more than this administration, which has not taken anyone's guns. I am pro-choice because I can't tell someone what to do if I am not in thier shoes. Ryan wants to outlaw abortion for any reason. So if a woman is raped she has to carry the baby and then raise it. I'm sure that Mr. Ryan will help pay for those unwanted children out of his pocket. Romney says he will create 12 million jobs? The republican have been telling Obama for years that government should not create jobs, so I'm confused?

Well said!............................................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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