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take god out?


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Constitution says ya gotta be 35 years old in order to be prez....and I ain't quite there yet. That & I ain't rich enough to fund a decent campaign on my own and my personal values ain't up for "compromise" in exchange for a campaign donation. After all, your willingness to give me money doesn't change the fact that you're wrong on the issue at hand.

I am who I am, take it or leave it. It is an attitude that doesn't bode well in politics.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I am who I am, take it or leave it. It is an attitude that doesn't bode well in politics.

It once did...Harry S. and Ron were the last to have that mind set.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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And two different parties.

Yep. But honorable men. Both patriotic, loved the country and respected what their office was. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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speweik - thanks a lot for your reply. I didn't mean to, in any way, disrespect to the American people. I just think it's important to understand, and I tried to provide different point of view to help do just that. I'm taking part in this discussion to try to understand, too. The good thing is, as long as people talk to each other, they usually don't fight. The fighting usually starts when people stop talking - aren't we dangerously close to that point now? Let's hope not. Thanks for reading, have a nice day



I took no disrespect from your post; in fact, I'm glad you wrote it. I certainly believe that discourse and communication will yield the best possible result in a democracy. That's the whole problem, though, we don't really have any of that between the VOTERS in the USA. What we have is a bunch of rehtoric from the liberal-biased main-stream media and a bigger bunch of people who are too lazy to seek the truth and work together to arrive at the best possible solution.

America was founded, in part, on the principle of individualism and that focus has contributed greatly to the continued success of our country. However, in the last couple of decades, the paradigm has shifted from a focus on individual accountibility to a focus on the "collectiive good." It used to be that you worked hard for you and your family and if a friend or neighbor was down on his luck, everybody pitched in to give him a hand. Now, the mantra (especially from the Democrats- but the Republicans are guilty of this, too) is that everyone who is stupid enough to work (in reality, everyone who has a work ethic) can pay for those who don't want to, for the collective good. Now, when a neighbor needs help, your are forced to give him a hand out. Sounds a lot like that communism you mentioned earlier, doesn't it?

So, getting back to the issue you reference about communication: Using the above scenario, one would think that when less than 40% of the population is supporting everyone, a situation exists that mathematically cannot endure. Something that would be good to discuss, right? Sorry, the liberals and their media say no can do. If you suggest that people actually work for their money, the libs jump and scream and say you are evil. See, that's the irony of communication here- the libs are all for diversity of opinion, as long as it comports with their opinion- which brings us full circle to the religion issue.

Sorry for the rambling rant. Pawel, I appreciate your participation and opinion. I wish more US voters cared as much! In closing, let me caution you to be very wary of the news you hear from the American main stream media. I am not one of those conspiracy theorists, but any one with a brain bigger than a mustard seed can see the bias of the main stream media against conservative prinicples.

Thanks for listening,


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Corey, thanks a lot for your message. I say no problem, let's ramble - where would you find a better place to do it than on the forums? I once talked to a friend with whom I worked in Germany - he told me, if he quit his work and go on unemployment in Germany and just sit at home, he would have just as much money as he had when we were talking. He would be getting less, but would also be spending less on transport and renting an additional room (he worked away from his home town). Plus lots of free time to take care of his family. But he didn't quit, he's still working - guess he likes his work. At the same time the unemployed of Germany often stay at home and the country cares for them. You might say the German state is keepeing them lazy. I like that - leaves more good jobs open in Germany for me. I always thought if you didn't pay them, some of them would find a job, and some of them would go on stealing and robbing, inflicting loses in the economy, and then end up in jail - where the taxpayers would care for them anyway. So maybe paying them to watch cable TV is cheaper? As effective as a German worker is (modern technology!) I suspect he is able to support three or four people. Of course I'm always sad when the people who work hard and like their jobs don't get the credit they deserve. So that's my little rant - thanks for reading, have a nice day


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I always thought if you didn't pay them, some of them would find a job, and some of them would go on stealing and robbing, inflicting loses in the economy, and then end up in jail - where the taxpayers would care for them anyway.

That's the great thing about a lot of places in this country....between Castle Doctrine laws and stand-your-ground laws, criminals have been put on notice: Pick the wrong victim, and it may be the last mistake you ever make.

'Round here, there is supposed to be a threat to your safety (or to that of your family) before you will be LEGALLY justified in the use of deadly force...as if we're going to ask the home invader "Are you only here for my stuff or do you intend to physically harm me?"

Sorry...but that don't fly with me. Dead men tell no tales, and it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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There was a time when a man could get elected based upon his own ideas and the policies he wanted to put in place. Anymore, though, whoever seems to dig up more dirt on his opponent is the one coming out on top. Obama has a history of winning elections by getting his opponent to drop out or be disqualified. In his 2006 Senate race, his opponent dropped out of the race after sealed divorce records were somehow released....papers which indicated that he enjoyed having sex with his wife a little too much! (...and if you saw her, could you blame him?)

Down here (actually, a little north of here) this go-around, there are 3 Republicans who managed to get BACK on the ballot after the Democrats challanged their paperwork....the reason for the challange? They used paperclips instead of staples when they filed the paperwork to get on the ballot. :rolleyes:

Romney is being pressured to release 10+ years of tax returns....but Obama has yet to release his college records, birth certificate, or any OTHER documentation which proves he is who he says he is. The way I see it, you shouldn't press for openness and honesty from your opponent unless you are prepared to be equally open and honest about your own history....and if you're ashamed of what you've done in your past so that you feel you MUST keep it a secret, perhaps you are not fit to be president?

Elections anymore boil down to the lesser of 2 evils...and then we wonder why we are where we are. Good men don't want their reputation destroyed by the lies and half-truths told by their opponent...so the only people who end up running for office view the power of that office as being more valuable to them than their own personal reputation. This attitude isn't exclusive to politics, though...it bleeds throughout our society. Used to be your word actually meant something...deals could be made with a handshake. Now, it takes a dozen lawyers and 1000 pages of fine print legalese to seal a deal...because if it isn't in writing, it was never agreed to...and even if it IS in writing, there is probably a loop-hole or two which will be exploited by whichever side drew up the contract. Most of the time, NOBODY reads the damn thing anyway before they sign their name to it, so what difference does it make? When you DO sit down and read the contract before you sign your own name to it, and you have questions about what you just read, the other party has no clue the clause is even in there or what it means...yet their signature is already on the document.

The Constitution (as originally written) has only 4543 words...written in plain enough language so that the common man could read it and know what it meant. Those 4543 words were enough to lay the framework for our great Nation....and yet it would have to be written with 3 words per page to even come CLOSE to the number of pages in the Obamacare legislation. 1/2 of a word per page and the tax code would still use more paper. Is it any wonder why nobody knows what the fuck the law says anymore?

We elect lawers to office...those lawyers write new laws only they can understand and appoint other lawyers as judges who will rule on the meaning of those laws. Good luck getting ANY court to take the common man seriously without a lawyer representing him.....they've written their own job security into the law....at the expense of everyone else. And they wonder why nobody likes 'em?

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Read this

This is in the obama care heath bill and has been in it. Your going to accept the chip it you get heath care.

implanted chips, social security numbers tattooed on your body, all that reminds me of the mark of the beast. I'll never willingly do either.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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This is a start,it was written in July and from a paper that supported him last time.



 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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