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I would hate to believe I am one of the few smart people!


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if we went back to our roots and government got together for a "Philidelphia Convention" 3 months a year and went back to their jobs after that we would get people that want to help run this country and not make a living off of it. I think your theory on having a revolt/civil war is probably more right than most would want to believe. My granpa has been saying things like that for years, he says once the people wake up and get sick and tired of things then they will see how crooked and out of line our government has gotten then they will do something about it.

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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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yep and what pisses me off even more is a guy like ron paul has what seams my best interest in mind .......but if I vote for him its throwing the vote away and helping bozo win...

yep, vote for the lesser of the 2 evils.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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I am a young fella (30) and just cringe when I listen to what seems to be the majority of people that I run into or hear on some type of media talks about politics then tosses in a dash of morals and "rights'. I am honestly scared that we have enough retards in this country that still believe that there is such a thing as free shit and vote Captain Dipshit in again. I dont really call myself a Republican but when voting time comes around I sure as hell dont vote the democrats in if that makes any sense. I truly hope that the majority of American's arent being reported on in the media and we as a country turn back to the gritty self reliant melting pot that we were 100 years ago. Government shrinks, pays its bills and owes nothing to no one especially China, industry booms again since the enviromentalists have been silenced. We could turn things around become a country of producers not consumers/importers. Maybe we could even put America first and not apologize for being a great place. I hate to be a downer but if I am one of the few smart people left we are in deeeeep crap and I am young enough to have to ride it out these mistakes for a loooong time which to me is scary.

If anyone is even thinking about voting for Obonehead, just remember what happened at there convention when the mayor of LA asked the crowd for the ya or na on putting God back into the format, the na's won after him doing the shout out three times!! But he still did what he was told to do and put the ya vote in anyway, but this is just what this party does, no matter what the public wants, they are going to stuff what they want down our throats!! Just like they did with Obama care, and if he gets voted in his next move is to take our guns and freedom from us!!


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Ironic,isn't it? That's a classic example of how the Democrats operate. Another is Harry Reid demanding more of Romney's tax returns. Why isn't anyone demanding Reid show documentation of how he went from a dirt-poor politician to one of the wealthiest Senators in America on a Senators salary? I'd like to see HIS tax returns,clear back to the lean-n-hungry days.


I had a big ol' rant all written about life under a second term of the Chicken from Kenya,but it was SO GLOOMY,I had to delete it. I have it saved though,so I can compare it with future events (if Obooger gets re-elected) and see if things get as bad as I worry they might.


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This country is headed straight to hell in a handbasket, and would not be surprised at some kind of revolt or another civil war in my lifetime. But what truly disturbs me is that the lemmings (the people) keep electing the idiots in control, none of whom have a fucking clue what the wants, needs and desires of the common blue-collar man (the majority of the votes out there.) I am a republican (not a tea bagger) but I hate Romney and everything he stands for- protecting the rich, who I firmly believe should be paying more taxes. I also believe that any company that outsources jobs outside of the US should be heavily penalized through more taxes for doing so. Any company that buys american made products and produces american made products should be awarded for that.

I hate Romney, but I'll be smashing that "VOTE" button for him until I break the goddamned thing over the alternative.

yep and what pisses me off even more is a guy like ron paul has what seams my best interest in mind .......but if I vote for him its throwing the vote away and helping bozo win...

That's where I'm at in this mess. I'm not thrilled about voting against candidate instead of for one, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

yep, vote for the lesser of the 2 evils.

Pathetic, but true.


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Lesser of two evils...I do feel whom ever wins there will be a violent response here from the loser or the public. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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This country is headed straight to hell in a handbasket, and would not be surprised at some kind of revolt or another civil war in my lifetime. But what truly disturbs me is that the lemmings (the people) keep electing the idiots in control, none of whom have a fucking clue what the wants, needs and desires of the common blue-collar man (the majority of the votes out there.) I am a republican (not a tea bagger) but I hate Romney and everything he stands for- protecting the rich, who I firmly believe should be paying more taxes. I also believe that any company that outsources jobs outside of the US should be heavily penalized through more taxes for doing so. Any company that buys american made products and produces american made products should be awarded for that.

I hate Romney, but I'll be smashing that "VOTE" button for him until I break the goddamned thing over the alternative.

thats the way it used to be,,,till clinton started that nafta bullshit,,,now company,s get penelized to stay here,,,WTF???bob
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I am like all of you it makes me sick and we owe our children more than what they are facing but i think its like in the bible when they was having trial for Christ. The people wanted Barrabis to be set free instead of the Lord knowing he had not did ant thing wrong. The same people or type of people are still with us and you could see them at the convention screaming for Barabis.This is what happens when you take and start to give away free stuff. The ungodly will come out. Just think about it what obama gas done to this country and they i think are enough people reseving free stuff that they have a change to get him back.If i was a Mexican that had been given a new country with free ever thing and a job like i never have had before i would vote for him to. http://ppjg.me/2010/03/30/required-rfid-implanted-chip-sec-2521-pg-1000-the-government-will-establish-a-national-medical-device-registry/ Here is the first obama care bill the deocrates tryed to get passed over night before any one read it. This sec of it shows that they were going to pass it and in about 6 months make us have the chip implaned into us before we get any heath care. The GOP made them tahe that out and sighed it in to law in march of 2010. We was sold down the river by it but as they said they could not hepl it. The democrates have been trying to get us under control even under the clintons.I am say with all of the people knowing this obama still was elected and i cant see no one removing him even by a election. This is a devil working under the direct control of devil.Its just time for the prophecy to be full filled that we have studed for so long. Man cant stop that but maybe we can slow it down for a time.Obama used democrates to get what he wanted. They to will be on the short end of the stick when he double crosses ever one.I say its for you and me to understand how people will suck this antichrist in here when he apears on the earth.People will want him and be fooled by him not knowing they to will be hurt.This is real as God is.Why cant we believe it going to happen some time and i say it here now.If the white house democrates had their way in the first part of 2013 we would be with the chip in our body and we would not be a problem to them. Talking about a uprizing i think the white house is expecting it cause two times now this year they have ordered millions rounds of 40 calibrate hollow point pistol rounds and also tanks riot gear and all kinds of clothing and road check points stations with our money. I dont think our army will be the ones using it as much as the mulsims he will be hauling in here in the future if he is elected.Another thing i dont think the antchrist cares if it a democrate or republican but who is in power at the time. I thinbk my self he had already started to work with Bush before he was out.The devil just dont care who is in. Yes Rommey may be another one who is guilded by the devil.Just my 2 cents and dont mean to hurt any one but the devil him self glenn

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glenn akers

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yep and what pisses me off even more is a guy like ron paul has what seams my best interest in mind .......but if I vote for him its throwing the vote away and helping bozo win...

I know what you mean. I heard on the cb the other day that the guy running on the independent ticket has Ron Paul views. He is a former govener on New Mexico. I dont want to give jackass a vote but Romney is the lesser evil. My stepdaughter and he friend are still riding high on dumbass. I'm tring to change their mind. We cant stand four more years of the muslim giving everybody free rides. Im done now thanks for listening.

This is Mack country. On a quiet night you can hear a peterbilt rust away.

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#1 - get rid of the electoral congress, they tell you who we voted for, even if we didnt

#2 - doesnt matter who they are, or what party,, vote them ALL out,, do the same next time. maybe they'll get the hint who's in charge, and they wont be there long enough to do much damage

#3 - hope and pray the military upholds their sworn duty to defend the constitution from all terrorists against it, foreign AND domestic. Lots of ammo being stashed by the govt, and lots of equip being moved around to weird places.

#4 - everyone pays the same minimal amount(percentage) of taxes. Remeber the rich are already paying more, 15% of 20million, is stil lots more than your 37% of 50thousand. 10% from everyone should be more than enough.

#5 - quit giving our money to foreign countries, until we have paid for all our needs here. Let them get a job, and/or create them. Thats how we did it.

#6 - if they aint here legally immigrated, they gotta go. If they go do it legally , they can come back. I dont care what color or background.

#7 - move the UN to afghanistan or somewhere else, soon

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I'm with you,Appledog; I finally got my older Sister sorted out,she's voting for Romney. It was a pretty tough struggle to get her informed enough to see what the Kenyan Wizard's doing to us,what really cinched the deal was noticing how much worse his campaign behavior is than Romney's. I'd sure like to see Romney be able to take the high road and just let the Kenyan Wizard wallow in his low rent insults and falsified information,but the damage builds so fast and people these days don't bother verifying what they hear,so that approach would work against him.



"Remember-ANY Gun Control is Unconstitutional!"
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#7A-Get America out of the UN;

End ALL American funding of the UN;

Let them know-formally-that they no longer have any business inside America's borders,and anyone associated with the UN will no longer be welcome in America. (UN has over-extended its purpose and boundaries and needs to be brought to task and restricted to ONLY their primary reasons for existing.)

"Remember-ANY Gun Control is Unconstitutional!"
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><i><b>MACK-E Model Registry # 36</b></i><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

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In my opinion the only reason we are "welcomed" into the UN is because we foot the biggest portion of the bill for it. Eff the UN in my opinion.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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Let me get this straight....Our Embassies are attacked (an outright act of war), US flags removed and burned....Embassies set on fire, and one Ambassador killed....... the protectors (USMC) are ordered not to fire on the crowds, and the so-called "Commander in Chief" apologizes to these people for the USA's Actions? I have never, ever been more ashamed of, and more dissapointed in my Commander in Chief and President than now. He is a pussy. Plain and simple. A yellow-spined PUSSY. If he gets voted in for one more term I swear to god I will seriously look into moving to another country, because the United States of America as we know it will cease to exist. NOBAMA IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE and I mean that with the most possible disrespect and comtempt a person can place into the meaning of the words.

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Let me get this straight....Our Embassies are attacked (an outright act of war), US flags removed and burned....Embassies set on fire, and one Ambassador killed....... the protectors (USMC) are ordered not to fire on the crowds, and the so-called "Commander in Chief" apologizes to these people for the USA's Actions? I have never, ever been more ashamed of, and more dissapointed in my Commander in Chief and President than now. He is a pussy. Plain and simple. A yellow-spined PUSSY. If he gets voted in for one more term I swear to god I will seriously look into moving to another country, because the United States of America as we know it will cease to exist. NOBAMA IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE and I mean that with the most possible disrespect and comtempt a person can place into the meaning of the words.



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Gee, he gave a speech and promised to personally look into it....as Biden said "we can't attack anyone willy nilly with out a valid reason" ARE THEY SERIOUS? Thats all? Willy Nilly?

And you expect more from the f'in Clown in Chief... er President who can't meet with Israels Prime Minister to discuss Iran, because he has a 40K a plate fund raiser with JayZ and Beyonce, backs the teachers on strike in Chicago (35% raise from a school district 700 Million on debt) over the kids and the big joke of telling the coal miners he'll put them back to work....He put them out of work. 1958 FWD said it best! The moron cares about the perks of office, nothing more - nothing less. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I am a young fella (30) and just cringe when I listen to what seems to be the majority of people that I run into or hear on some type of media talks about politics then tosses in a dash of morals and "rights'. I am honestly scared that we have enough retards in this country that still believe that there is such a thing as free shit and vote Captain Dipshit in again. I dont really call myself a Republican but when voting time comes around I sure as hell dont vote the democrats in if that makes any sense. I truly hope that the majority of American's arent being reported on in the media and we as a country turn back to the gritty self reliant melting pot that we were 100 years ago. Government shrinks, pays its bills and owes nothing to no one especially China, industry booms again since the enviromentalists have been silenced. We could turn things around become a country of producers not consumers/importers. Maybe we could even put America first and not apologize for being a great place. I hate to be a downer but if I am one of the few smart people left we are in deeeeep crap and I am young enough to have to ride it out these mistakes for a loooong time which to me is scary.

Well said my friend!..........................................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Now that our embassy grounds in Cairo were entered, our Flag was struck down and burned, the Black Flag of Islam was put in its place. The White House solution? "I'm sending in the FBI to find who did it." .....Might have said "I'm telling my mom on you!"

Any other president, even Jimmy Carter. would have sent a well measured military response to them.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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