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...yet another reason NOT to re-elect Obama!

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Why is it that the people(and I use "people" loosely} who think he's wonderful, are the people who nothing he does affects them? A holes all!

Madonna naked





 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


I don't care who you are or what you say. If he remains we will lose everything and be eating out of the gutter..

Everything we Americans stand for is slipping away WAKE UP !!! Come on people..He can't even answer simple

American History questions WHY? When all else fails hop in your "DOG" and drive away..

I prefer not to discuss politics and religion...but the problem with our country is there are too many people who are looking for a "handout" and will vote for Obummer because he will give them more handouts. In my opinion if you do not have a job (not paying income tax), in jail, not a property owner, on welfare, illegal, and the list goes on...you do NOT get to VOTE!!! Don't get me wrong, there are others in DC (both parties) that should be "shown the door". I think there should be term limits for elected officials and they get the same benefits and SS as the common folks.

My mother worked all her life and is currently in a nursing home. In order for her to get assistance, she has to sign over everything to the home. When a few doors down, there may be a person who has NEVER worked and gets assistance. NOT FAIR! I will get off my soap box now!

P.S. I am not a Madonna fan but I would like to see her naked. Hooters are like pizza...some are better than others! :tease:

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PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

  On 9/26/2012 at 9:57 AM, farmer52 said:

I prefer not to discuss politics and religion...but the problem with our country is there are too many people who are looking for a "handout" and will vote for Obummer because he will give them more handouts. In my opinion if you do not have a job (not paying income tax), in jail, not a property owner, on welfare, illegal, and the list goes on...you do NOT get to VOTE!!! Don't get me wrong, there are others in DC (both parties) that should be "shown the door". I think there should be term limits for elected officials and they get the same benefits and SS as the common folks.

My mother worked all her life and is currently in a nursing home. In order for her to get assistance, she has to sign over everything to the home. When a few doors down, there may be a person who has NEVER worked and gets assistance. NOT FAIR! I will get off my soap box now!

P.S. I am not a Madonna fan but I would like to see her naked. Hooters are like pizza...some are better than others! :tease:

hehe,,,im with you,,,i wouldnt throw her outa bed,,,but i do think she,s an idiot,,,and sorry about your mom,,,thiers certainly allotta bullshit,,here now,,,its like they turned the whole country upside down,,,and it seems nobody with authority,,seems to give a flying hoot,,about us down here,,paying for all the system suckers to live on easy street,,,anybody know where a nobody loser like me can take a stand and face these morons,,,and tell them,,,ok we,ve had enough,,were takin the country back,,,youve had your chance,,now its up to the people?????????...bob

We are, in the most part, all alike in mindset on this site so complaining to each other here doesn't solve the issue. We need to open the minds of the "others" so they can see the light.

Unfortunately govt Koolaid tastes too good for to many.

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~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

  On 9/26/2012 at 10:18 PM, JTFormula said:

We are, in the most part, all alike in mindset on this site so complaining to each other here doesn't solve the issue. We need to open the minds of the "others" so they can see the light.

Unfortunately govt Koolaid tastes too good for to many.

I think your right it ant going to help to complain but some day these children and grand children cant say we did nt try to save their country. We owe them more than we can ever give. My grand kids is going to remenber me as some one that would have if he could have.

The white house liberals have given free stuff out to so many that i think this evil man will get back in.He care nothen about the laws of our country. But he is what so many wanted.To me this tells me how easy the people will acept the antichrist. Thru greed and free struff and alowing the law breaker to break more laws and be rewarded for it.

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glenn akers

Mind set! The Township of Islip (2 townships over from us) Town Supervisor announced the because of their budget short fall, they need to raise property taxes 65 to 70%. If the don't raise the taxes, they'll be forced to retire or lay off workers, forgo raises and not replace their 3 year old fleet of employee vehicles. The public objections died down when the tax department said it will cost the average home owner only $50.00 to $75.00 a monh more to not lose workers and efficency. It's $600 to $900 a year plus the 12.7% school tax increase for the contracted teachers raises. Thats a reflection of the political mind set of a mostly Democrat township.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


Governor Christy passed that no town can raise property taxes more than 2% unless the town votes on it. The morons in my town voted for it because they said if they don't raise it they will have to lay off 10 cops, stop garbage pickup and we will have to get private garbage companies, and they will lay off public workers. Also the schools needed more money.

If the town was so much in debt, why did they just hire 5 new cops right before this? They still laid off public workers who have been on the job for 20+ years anyway and the school is still screwed. If the people on top don't know how to manage the money they already have why should we give them more? My friends wife said "oh it's not going to go up more, maybe 5%"

Famous last words. Stupid town people voted it in with no actual set increase and my damn taxes went up 28%!

Some people should not be allowed to vote when they have no clue what's going on in the first place.

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~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

well I hope the ratings are wrong when they say B O is ahead or tieed.Time polititions both here and there take pay cuts and get in line for Dr's and hospital beds.O B Care doesn't effect them as it will the general public.

I feel if obummer gets the election, that the whole election processe it self will be proved a fraued. I all so can see a goverment overthrow or a civil war starting, people are tired of setting back and letting the goverment dry poping them, and that was what the civil war was about not slavery it was taxes and trade, lets just go ahead and get a impeachment started just incase, he has made this country a big joke to all the other countries and they are setting back and laughing at us!! Just my two cents and it ain't worth a dime it's just two pennies, hop i didn't offend anyone but just tired of the bs i have been without work for almost 3 mounths and we need to get the ball rolling.

  On 9/29/2012 at 12:29 AM, oilburner said:

I feel if obummer gets the election, that the whole election processe it self will be proved a fraued. I all so can see a goverment overthrow or a civil war starting, people are tired of setting back and letting the goverment dry poping them, and that was what the civil war was about not slavery it was taxes and trade, lets just go ahead and get a impeachment started just incase, he has made this country a big joke to all the other countries and they are setting back and laughing at us!! Just my two cents and it ain't worth a dime it's just two pennies, hop i didn't offend anyone but just tired of the bs i have been without work for almost 3 mounths and we need to get the ball rolling.

Thank you sir for explaining that to a tea.


I'll answer everyone at once- yep,yep,I agree, well said, i'm with you on that,you're exactly right,no doubt, and yeah,I might not agree with Madonna's political,religious,or personal views on anything but she's still pretty hot...I guess,haven't seen her lately-but she sure used to be!

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

  On 9/29/2012 at 1:59 AM, other dog said:

I'll answer everyone at once- yep,yep,I agree, well said, i'm with you on that,you're exactly right,no doubt, and yeah,I might not agree with Madonna's political,religious,or personal views on anything but she's still pretty hot...I guess,haven't seen her lately-but she sure used to be!

LOL....Tom......I knew you were a YES MAN. Just been waiting to finally see it.



yes Mike. But i'm gonna have to back up and regroup on the Madonna thing. After doing a google image search, my opinion has changed a little -she might used to be hot, but not so much any more,eh?

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

I think hes the devil him self.Why would so many people want him over the other guy which may be or may not prove out but we will have to see. Ant thing is better than what we have.This is one of the most ungody men i have see in the goverment any were and i am thinking of what he will do to us when he can.I belive when the people stop serving God then the end times will be here. This means to me the devil dont care whos in office.I am saying the people in the most part uses God only when they need him.Times have changed so much in favor or the devil that i believ its time now.Hard to belive ant it.It has to happen some time if you believ the word of God. glenn

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glenn akers

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