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  On 10/21/2012 at 10:27 PM, randyp said:

heh heh,,,hello all and thanks for concerns. I am well and fine, expanded bidness bout 3 weeks ago, bought nuther bulldozer, a rather large piece o land, (just wall to wall with hogs I may add). My weekdays are taken up clearing large acreage, duct taping dozers to keep em running, pouring fuel, blowing jet black smoke, daylight to dark. The weekends are spent at cabin with grandson slaughterin animals,,,film at eleven,,,randyp

Glad to hear all is well!...................................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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  On 10/21/2012 at 11:53 PM, Vision 386 said:

Damn! that poor cake never had a chance!..................................Mark

If you want some, just dig into her cracks and you'll prolly find some. Of course you'll also find it mixed in with mac and cheese, ham shanks, decomposing rib bones, peanut butter & jelly.........................................................

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  On 10/22/2012 at 2:56 AM, randyp said:

Once again, Thanks all. Sorry for absence, may be that way for a while though. I definitely have some good pictures, but way back early this year, my computer stopped syncing with my camera. I have re-loaded drivers and done all i know to, it just wont upload them. I guess I just have to get a new camera. I have a good poop-in-your-panties story I know Other Dog will appreciate though. Bout mid last week, I parked dozer and went bottle-assing off in deep bottom woods looking for survey markers on line. All I carried with me was bottle of water and roll of marker ribbon,,,no,,,like dumbass,,left shotgun in truck. Bout half mile down in woods,,came to a quick stop cause my sensitive, never smoked a cigarette nose smelled a rank ole boar hog. It was pretty brushy and thick so I just stood real still and looked for him. I guess he smelled me bout that time cause he came busting and tearing out of a thicket in front of me, snorting and throwing his head around, trying to locate me. They have really good smellers, but piss poor eyesight. He weighed prolly bout 400 lbs, brissly jet black hair with a mane down his back, and sure nuff giant sized tusks on him, which he looked very capable of using with that big ugly head. I swear fellers, i wasnt even blinking or moving my eyeballs, and my other balls was slowly climbing up in my stomach. The more pissed he got, the worse the smell got. I knew if he approached me at least another 10 or 12 feet, I would be in his eyeball range. He got to kicking up dirt, snorting and spinning circles. A guy that works for me said all I had to do was throw up my hands and yell real loud and stomp, and he woulda run off. I said yeah, will watch you demonstrate that sometime while I film it from a helicopter buddy. After what seemed like eternity, and some of my poop and started to ooze down to my socks, He spun the other way and went tearing round backside of brush, thinking I was gonna try to flank him and ride him I guess. I picked this opportunity to do the slowest, best choreographed, moon walk backwards that shoulda brought Micheal Jakson out of the grave. He got busy doing some razor chiping on some of poor lil innocent sweet gum trees on other side, and thas went plan B kicked in for me,I twisted my feets round so fast I dug a hole straight down ,but I screamed and kicked afterburner in,,quite frankly,,may be new land speed record for human,,,well,,,part human. Being somewhat military, I steady throwed thangs out to the left and right as i was running, They call that chaff, purpose being he might lose interest iin my frail anatomy, and stop to mangle chaff,,(bottle of water, pretty yellow ribbon, picture of my wife, all the change in my pocket . I was dodging trees too big to climb and steady searching for a lil one with low limbs. i did locate one with him slinging dirt up in my back pocket. I clumbed that tree' woulda made a cat squirrel proud! He circled round me a while, showing off his tusks, finally got bored i guess,,,or maybe shit dripping down tree was bothering him. At any rate, it was not my time to go, so i live!!!! ALWAYS ARM YOUSELF WITH LATEST NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENTS,,carry them, use them. Anyways, thas my close call of the week. I was glad spot was at home,,he woulda come to my rescue, and got tore to pieces by one that size. I my put 410 pistol in holster, 12 gauge over each shoulder and go hunt him up this week and try to post his pick with his last dying turd hanging out his ass, definitlly a hairy moment,,,,,,,randyp

Why in hell does this man not have his own show on the History Channel?

In light of your recent encounters with buzzards and boar hogs, have you ever considered finding yourself a place in the city?

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  On 10/24/2012 at 1:11 AM, David said:

Don't be too hard on Randy. He might disappear again.

All in fun....We all know boars are the moochel "o" of the animal world and dangerous as all heck. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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  On 10/23/2012 at 12:12 PM, Green Dash said:

Why in hell does this man not have his own show on the History Channel?

In light of your recent encounters with buzzards and boar hogs, have you ever considered finding yourself a place in the city?

I just couldnt live in the city Jim, way too dangerous, liable to go out for a gallon of milk, and get raped or sumpin. randyp
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  On 10/25/2012 at 7:46 PM, randyp said:

I just couldnt live in the city Jim, way too dangerous, liable to go out for a gallon of milk, and get raped or sumpin. randyp

Rape would be a walk in the park compared to your boar hog escapade. Besides, you'll most likely be pooping yourself which will be a turn off for any most rapists.


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  On 10/25/2012 at 9:03 PM, other dog said:

What ever happened to your pighuntermobile?

  On 10/25/2012 at 9:03 PM, other dog said:

What ever happened to your pighuntermobile?

Now that would harvest them and make sausage all at the same time Tom! Chop em up real good! randyp
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  On 10/26/2012 at 10:51 AM, Green Dash said:

Rape would be a walk in the park compared to your boar hog escapade. Besides, you'll most likely be pooping yourself which will be a turn off for any most rapists.

  On 10/26/2012 at 10:51 AM, Green Dash said:

Rape would be a walk in the park compared to your boar hog escapade. Besides, you'll most likely be pooping yourself which will be a turn off for any most rapists.

Heh heh,,,might be the one that would consider it "lubrication". (I think I just made myself sick). nuff of that,,,randyp
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  • 4 weeks later...

Me and the grandson hunted most of the day out of the pigmobil looking for that big rascal. We had several places "baited" for him, but, alas, he still eludes us. Sooner or later, we will get him. His days are numbered. Will prolly have to have a camera with wide angle lense to get alll him in the picture. We always get our hog. randyp

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