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We don't have any big truck junk yards to speak of here in middle tn I would love to take a trip to the NY,NJ,pa area yards but they are in NY,NJ,and pa and I will get a nose bleed up there.

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not bad looking,might have to check on it further.

wow,,,,that thing looks road ready...like to have it myself...pretty fair price as good as it looks,,,but as someone said pictures can sometimes misslead ,,,funny thing the dates on the photo,s are like way back...lol bob
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Thanks. I'd never heard of that model number.

I've never been able to verify this,but this is the story I was told long ago.UPS was very fond of the H69.When they were told the H was being phased out,they ordered a whole bunch.In the meantime,they aquired a couple F model demostrators and liked them even better than the H models so they canceled the order and Mack was stuck with all theses H69 cabs,so they came up with the H81 & H813 heavy duty mixer chassis to use up the cabs

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I've never been able to verify this,but this is the story I was told long ago.UPS was very fond of the H69.When they were told the H was being phased out,they ordered a whole bunch.In the meantime,they aquired a couple F model demostrators and liked them even better than the H models so they canceled the order and Mack was stuck with all theses H69 cabs,so they came up with the H81 & H813 heavy duty mixer chassis to use up the cabs

I only ever seen one picture of a h81 there a vary neet looking truck for sure.
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My date thing on my camera is wrong they were taken Saturday I'll have to fix that for you guys.Very observant. lol

ah,,,gotcha,,,i was thinkin half that stuff is probably sold long tome ago,,,ill have to contact them,,,thanks.bob
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