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Newtown tragedy


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Terrible and sad thing...

The tragedy in Norway. Don't want to say the name of the killer.

The tragedy in Budeonovsk, Russia, some years ago - terrorists in a school with machine guns...

I can remember the shooting in Germany in school. F**king bastard with a pistol stolen from his father - victims and the killer's suicide.

No reason of where on the globe the things of the kind go on - they're terrible.

I agree with most of written above - Hollywood and Medias.

I personnaly ignore public media, have neither TV, so I learned about happened in Newtown just half an hour ago on a e-mail web page.

Much strength to the familys and everybody who was envolved.

Just can't imagine how to stay with it.

I'm not religious man but all my thoughts are with them.

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Movies, t.v., video games and even a lot of cartoons are all based on blood and violence. music videos showing "stars" with fists full of money,pretty girls and a gun! Video games are probably the worst...get killed wait 30 seconds and go again. It masks the true reality and consequences of violence. Media pushing obamas "tears"? Just a political move on his part IMO to further his agenda. (never let a crisis go to waste)

Time to stop the media circus and offer any help to the Families and First Responders, give them space and let them know we care and are here if needed...NOT glorify the shooter for T.V. ratings!. Paul

my thoughts exactly

We the unwilling, Lead by the unqualified, are doing the impossible, for the ungrateful.

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I share the same feelings on the subject with the person who designed the T-shirt above, but I'm not buying the idea that this tragedy could have been prevented if God were still allowed in schools. Remember we're talking about a sick twisted individual and the motive is still unclear.

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I understand and I'm not happy about it. I just don't think it had any relevance in this situation.

I am not an overly religious person but it has been over 40 years since prayer was banned in schools. The jerk in CT is the second generation without prayer. Perhaps (and just perhaps) if prayer was still in schools (along with DISCIPLINE) maybe he and others would not be doing CRAP like this!!

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PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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My Facebook post on friday "words can't express the sadness from today's events. No one should speak this villians name or feel pity upon him or his plight if any at all. May he rot in the darkest and most painful depths of hell."

There are very few individuals that I would wish that upon, but this one is at the top of my list.

I am not an overly religious person but it has been over 40 years since prayer was banned in schools. The jerk in CT is the second generation without prayer. Perhaps (and just perhaps) if prayer was still in schools (along with DISCIPLINE) maybe he and others would not be doing CRAP like this!!

Some people you just can't reach and I'm thinking that might be the case here. None of this can be undone but hopefully the authorities can come up with a motive and steps can be taken to prevent this from happening in the future.


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Some people you just can't reach and I'm thinking that might be the case here. None of this can be undone but hopefully the authorities can come up with a motive and steps can be taken to prevent this from happening in the future.

I agree and it needs to start at HOME!


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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...when the liberals call for more stringent gun control,its NOT the law abiding,working,taxpaying,gun owners that are the problem! how many times does this need to be explained? take guns away from us,and you leave us at the mercy of the armed criminals that don't give a shit about gun laws! instead of keeping it out of the hands of some goddamn maniac that should never of had it to begin with! just a true sin things like this happen,especially when defenseless children are envolved,cause some assholes parents did'nt spank him when he needed it,or teach him right from wrong! my heartfelt sorrow and prayers go out to all those involved with this needeless tragedy......................................Mark

exactly right, he killed his own mother first- how can someone even do that?- and then he took her legally owned guns. If someone will kill their own mother to get to guns they wouldn't have any problem killing anybody else to get what they want, that's for sure.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Common thread ????

"In mass shootings involving guns and mind-altering medications, politicians immediately seek to blame guns but never the medication. Nearly every mass shooting that has taken place in America over the last two decades has a link to psychiatric medication, and it appears today's tragic event is headed in the same direction."

Here's the entire article..........


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I'm shure the things we sorrow have their roots from low child discipline, not enough attention that modern parents pay for their sons and doughters, Holliwood violence demonstration and so on. I have a son of 12 yo, he lives not with me but with my ex-wife. Looking around his life I'm taking to solution that modern life is far different than me and my parents had. Reality is of another kind now. We have info flows of times and times wider and faster, we have consumption level more well than years ago, as the follow the life needs and values changed. And continue to change. Too fast. Too fast to understand how to fight new social problems on the field of modifying sorround.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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It seems the Feds and media but not C.S.P. are going like gangbusters to blame the mother, father and brother for this. The Media has labeled the mother as a boozer and a Survivalist because she went to a local pub once a week to see friends. A survivalist because she had a Bush Master. The father as a divorced father who cares little about his family and a brother how hated is sibling. EVEN THOUGH friends and neighbors say they are none of these things. This is why the media is saying that the Feds and the U.N. need to control all weapons, movies, video games. Dianne Feinstein is calling for a Federal program to ID people with mental or personality "defects" (her words) and send the for re education and behavior modification. (!!!)

Charles Schummer and the AMA want Obama Care to classify guns as a health risk (Like tobacco) and literally tax them out of existence.

Seems like a perfect opportunity to wack off a few more personal liberties and control a little more of what we hear and see.

Instead of dragging out this as a Media Event, put the shooter in an unmarked grave and concentrate on the children and families, Mourn the victims and console the survivors. Don't use this tragic event as a political edge to ram through a " political agenda" IMO Paul

Funny all the people you mentioned have armed people around them 24-7. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO then gentleman why don't they disarm them and give them sling shots or pepper spray?? It's like I said the other day, gun controll should start in Hollywood but you know the left loon money machines won't touch it! Just look at what's commin at ya in the past month from Crazywood


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Funny all the people you mentioned have armed people around them 24-7. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO then gentleman why don't they disarm them and give them sling shots or pepper spray?? It's like I said the other day, gun controll should start in Hollywood but you know the left loon money machines won't touch it! Just look at what's commin at ya in the past month from Crazywood


Go figure....gun laws pushed by people with bodyguards......globel warming pushed by an ex vise pres with a few big azz 747's to tour in.....animal rights pushed by a talk show host who wears leather, has a Benz or BMW with leather seats and eats Koebe Beef.....Are you saying they are a bit addle brained?? Ho Ho Ho...trust me I'm Famous.... :whistling:


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Media makes money from any sensation. It's food for them.

Although a media is a social product. Regardless we like it or not.

The "media" is more dangerous to people than any government agency, madman or terrorist.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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