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"And so it begins," Inhofe said.


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You must have me confused with someone else????? He didn't get my vote in round one or two!


ya,,,well i think abuncha us have had enough,,,i know i sure have,,,somehow someone has to organize a huge nation wide protest,,,and surround the white house and demand,,,some results...i think for one thing,,,,everybody,s afraid to hurt the little bitches feelings,,,cause of the color of his skin,,,he gets away with murder,,,and the rest of us have to walk on eggshells......(ME),,,i just see a lazy spoiled system sucker,that needs to go...lets get this ball rolling...bob
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We have to remember one thing. No politicians care about the people or the country unless there is an election.PERIOD! It's only about money, power and perks.

Fiscal crisis, murders of diplomats, jobs, homeless...We'll deal with it after vacation, golf or a talk show appearance. Talk big and the sheeple love them.... SOP is go in poor come out rich and do nothing to jeopardize it.

Otherdog..my going back to 1 unit... with the new taxes and fees times 1 instead of times 5...with out employees and the extra equipment, Obama care fine because I paid 1/2 of my employees insurance. It is just cost effective to go back to a sole proprietorship. I'm keeping my DM, my Marmon, a trailer and my Scoopmobile I'll still earn about what I did before I expanded.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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ya,,,well i think abuncha us have had enough,,,i know i sure have,,,somehow someone has to organize a huge nation wide protest,,,and surround the white house and demand,,,some results...i think for one thing,,,,everybody,s afraid to hurt the little bitches feelings,,,cause of the color of his skin,,,he gets away with murder,,,and the rest of us have to walk on eggshells......(ME),,,i just see a lazy spoiled system sucker,that needs to go...lets get this ball rolling...bob

Surounding the white house wont do shit, your lawmakers arent in the white house, the president doesnt make the laws and set the taxes congress and the senate do. You want to get em to change something you have to get them on a term limit so they cant just sit there for years making money and riding it out, and stop them from voting on their own raises, quite possibly the biggest improvement to our govornment would be term limits on senate/congress and using the popular vote to determine the presidency not electoral college, it doesnt matter how you vote if your representatives want to vote another way your vote is worhtless.

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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Surounding the white house wont do shit, your lawmakers arent in the white house, the president doesnt make the laws and set the taxes congress and the senate do. You want to get em to change something you have to get them on a term limit so they cant just sit there for years making money and riding it out, and stop them from voting on their own raises, quite possibly the biggest improvement to our govornment would be term limits on senate/congress and using the popular vote to determine the presidency not electoral college, it doesnt matter how you vote if your representatives want to vote another way your vote is worhtless.

oh,,,ya i totally agre,,,but what can we do now?????????at least rise up,and make some noise,,and let them know we,re done with your tactics,,,you will start working for us,,starting now....bob.
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We rose up over unfair taxes and legislation once before it was called the civil war, and it cost this country( the southern half) of an army of approx 1 million we lost nearly 300,000. I am all for govornment reform we need it badly but the numbers that would be on some statisticians computer screen for the same war today would be staggering, in the millions! I wish there was a way to fix what is wrong in washington from our end but the fact is there is not, the only way to get change is to vote every incumbant out and vote in new blood, but that new blood will have to vote for themselves to have term limits, we cant do it and they will have to vote their own raises down and I jhust dont see it happeneing until this country is bankrupt and in the depths of a depression to the point that most govt workers will be unemployed at that point you might be heard but until there is a time when the few fear the many it wont change. Of course I could be wrong they may not want to make all that money and give some back and just decide they have been there long enough after 4 years or so but I doubt it.

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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It is done by voting but too many are on welfare or illegal voters to make a difference. I hope I am wrong.

I am retired so you all can just send your money to me! I will spend it wisely (trucks, cars, tools, tractors, and wimmin) :)


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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Surounding the white house wont do shit, your lawmakers arent in the white house, the president doesnt make the laws and set the taxes congress and the senate do. You want to get em to change something you have to get them on a term limit so they cant just sit there for years making money and riding it out, and stop them from voting on their own raises, quite possibly the biggest improvement to our govornment would be term limits on senate/congress and using the popular vote to determine the presidency not electoral college, it doesnt matter how you vote if your representatives want to vote another way your vote is worhtless.

The electoral college isn't the problem. The 17th Amendment is. Senators USED to be appointed by the state legislature, to be the state's voice in the federal government. The people HAD their voice in the House of Reps. Repeal the 17th Amendment and give the states their voice back. The electoral college merely assigns the number of electors each state receives based upon their representation in DC....and the state legislatures determine how those electors are chosen. Some states assign electors based upon the percentage of the vote each candidate receives in the state. Most, however, are all-or-nothing. IF EVERY state assigned their electors based upon the percentage of the vote each candidate received, the electoral college outcome would closely resemble the popular vote. In all-or-nothing states, however, a candidate can win all of the electors by securing 1 more vote than his nearest opponent. The funny thing is, after the 2000 election a lot of states rushed to pass ridiculous laws to change the way their electors are assigned. Illinois was one of them. As soon as enough states pass similar legislation (so that the number of electoral votes held by states with similar laws is enough to guarantee victory), the winner of the national popular vote will receive all of Illinois electors. Illinois electoral votes won't even be based upon the votes of Illinois residents....and THAT is bullshit. Then again, there is no right to vote for the office of the president. Electors are chosen in whatever manner the state legislature decides....and if they want to select the electors themselves, the office of the president wouldn't even be on the ballot come election day and there wouldn't be a damn thing anyone could do under the Constitution. However, if the people of the state are going to vote, their vote ought to be taken into consideration when deciding who gets the electors.

Term limits I can agree with, though. We amended the Constitution once before in order to limit the president to 2 terms...a similar amendment for senators and representatives would only be "fair". The only problem with term limits is that the more people who are elected to office BECAUSE of those term limits, the more pensions we'll have to pay.

...so the other amendment I'd like to see is one which PROHIBITS pensions from being paid to elected or appointed government officials.

In other words, I'd like to see 3 amendments passed: 1) repeals the 17th Amendment. 2) sets term limits for Senators and Representatives. 3) prohibits elected and appointed public servants (aka government officials) from receiving pensions.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I agree with you all of you. I seen on aol.com awhile ago that dipshit used an executive order to give Biden, the house, senate, and all federal employes pay raises. No one voted on it dumbass done it his self. Just more spending. I emailed my senators and repersentive and asked them why they dont take pay cuts to do their part and got NO reply. I got replys to other issues but they were bs answers.

This is Mack country. On a quiet night you can hear a peterbilt rust away.

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The pensions are what gets me. They get elected once and they're set for life. I think that's why a lot of politicians get into politics in the first place, not to actually do anything positive for the country.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I agree with you all of you. I seen on aol.com awhile ago that dipshit used an executive order to give Biden, the house, senate, and all federal employes pay raises. No one voted on it dumbass done it his self. Just more spending. I emailed my senators and repersentive and asked them why they dont take pay cuts to do their part and got NO reply. I got replys to other issues but they were bs answers.

Contacted my Senator and Reps over the issues of taxes and the issue of Guns, Their replies were that "they see the 'big picture" and know whats best for their constituents"

Change? Never happen in a 1000 years. Protests? a few seconds on the news with a spin on "The Radicals Protesting" . A Civil War? To inconvenient for most and after 2 generations of liberal schooling have no idea anything is wrong. Others will quit when it cuts in to the Social Networking, party time or they realize violence is not the same as a video game. Massive casualties for those that do participate. In the end, the Powers in Charge will be protected at all costs and still pull the strings in the end, probably with UN help. Fiscal Cliff...The politicians will still get paid and life goes on as they know it. Also most politicians see $ 500 Billion in new taxes as a Golden Goose for pet social programs.

Don't forget, Bidens brother "won" the ONE POINT FIVE BILLION DOLLAR Federal Contract in Iraq to build housing and shopping malls (you read it right!) for the poor oppressed people there.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I looked thru the last executive orders and did not find it but have read it this year were the white house have made new rules on how to despose of multi deaths of the home land. New rules for the funeral homes how to get ruid of bodys fast. So like all other executives orgers they have a futher use and he has ordered millions of rounds of 40 cal hollow point rounds for the home land security forces. He has been ordering tanks and riot gear for them and they are not for the muslims but for those that will opose him.

glenn akers

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I looked thru the last executive orders and did not find it but have read it this year were the white house have made new rules on how to despose of multi deaths of the home land. New rules for the funeral homes how to get ruid of bodys fast. So like all other executives orgers they have a futher use and he has ordered millions of rounds of 40 cal hollow point rounds for the home land security forces. He has been ordering tanks and riot gear for them and they are not for the muslims but for those that will opose him.

The Pres has the power of Marshall law since 2006 with only his authorization ( H.R. 5122) to take control of any sate and it's National

guard with out any State Government authorization. In 2012 President "O" added the power to control food supplies and water supplies in any state to the list. President "O" added the provision in Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012 legalizes or authorizes martial law in the United States. Senator Mark Udall stated "These provisions raise serious questions as to who we are as a society and what our Constitution seeks to protect...Section 1031 essentially repeals the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 by authorizing the U.S. military to perform enforcement and combat functions on American soil against citizens deemed threats".


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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And the Pres also now has the power of Marshall law by executive order, EPA has power to control water supplies any where, fisheries and food supply.

Paul, How about all of the truck drivers in this country stayed home for about a week or two? Then he can take his executive orders an his arsenal and stick it up his fargen icehole!!........ I only wish we had the bells to hit these corksuckers where it hurts!!


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I belive that when we start to stand up against his orders that another rule will be written so he can prevail over us. I think he is just like the wife of jimmy swaggard said the other day on their show he is just like the bible decribes as the antichrist. dont not belive that he is but he can be a forrunner showing us what to exspect and to soften us up. For a beliver he only shows me how easy the antchrist can take over and who will not only follow him but will want more of him. The democrates have been used big time to help him get into power but they will suffer as all will in the end.It will get soon were we cant talk in public like this anymore.To me this only shows me were we are in time relating to scripture.We all know people that got out and camplained for him the first time but did not the second time and some i know say they did not when we and some of the other guys caught them putting bummper stickers on other trucks one day.My mexican freind say they love this man cause he give them money to buy a truck with and have been feeding them and gives them a free phone that will not work but part time.

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glenn akers

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I belive that when we start to stand up against his orders that another rule will be written so he can prevail over us. I think he is just like the wife of jimmy swaggard said the other day on their show he is just like the bible decribes as the antichrist. dont not belive that he is but he can be a forrunner showing us what to exspect and to soften us up. For a beliver he only shows me how easy the antchrist can take over and who will not only follow him but will want more of him. The democrates have been used big time to help him get into power but they will suffer as all will in the end.It will get soon were we cant talk in public like this anymore.To me this only shows me were we are in time relating to scripture.We all know people that got out and camplained for him the first time but did not the second time and some i know say they did not when we and some of the other guys caught them putting bummper stickers on other trucks one day.My mexican freind say they love this man cause he give them money to buy a truck with and have been feeding them and gives them a free phone that will not work but part time.

One think for sure is that he is a very dangerous man

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Paul, How about all of the truck drivers in this country stayed home for about a week or two? Then he can take his executive orders an his arsenal and stick it up his fargen icehole!!........ I only wish we had the bells to hit these corksuckers where it hurts!!


ya,,,its a sick thought,,,but im afraid you and paul are right,,,for one thing,,,i dont think we can get enough people together with enough nuts...sucks,,,so all we can hope for is time,,,somehow kinda straighens atleast this lousy economy,,,,one thing about this era,,,instead of talking like our grandparents,,,and saying we had to walk to school everyday,,,and it was uphill both ways,,,instead we,ll be telling our grandchildren,,,sorry your lives suck now,,,when i was your age,we had it made,,,and life was a bowl a cherries.now you have to give the crooked government half your pay,,,to take care of all of us retired babyboomers lol.bob
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ya,,,its a sick thought,,,but im afraid you and paul are right,,,for one thing,,,i dont think we can get enough people together with enough nuts...sucks,,,so all we can hope for is time,,,somehow kinda straighens atleast this lousy economy,,,,one thing about this era,,,instead of talking like our grandparents,,,and saying we had to walk to school everyday,,,and it was uphill both ways,,,instead we,ll be telling our grandchildren,,,sorry your lives suck now,,,when i was your age,we had it made,,,and life was a bowl a cherries.now you have to give the crooked government half your pay,,,to take care of all of us retired babyboomers lol.bob

Hey Bob, what makes you think he'll allow you to retire and stop supporting him and his group of "Gimmie the free crap" people?

Him and his gang are already trying to raise the retirement age to 70 and 72 because "Americans live longer than when the age allowance was set and there for cost more in payments and services"

Total population of about 390 million , 21 million public and Municipal workers, 47 million citizens on some from of public housing, food stamps,free phones and welfare assistance , 10.3 million "undocumented aliens receiving S.S. and other assistance , 11 million on Disability (SSD) , 12 million unemployed and an estimated 3.8 million who are no longer looking for work and applying for assistance.

Total work force not counting Public Servants is 112 million full time and 37 million part time workers that contribute to the Economy. Public Servants are not counted because their salary is paid by taxes and is considered to be a closed loop system....their salary is is not the result of a job that contributes to the GNP but is paid for by the GNP, there for is a minus.

390 million population

197.8 million receiving aid and assistance or Public Servants

159 million producing workers (including Military personnel)

56.3 million retired, students, home makers and children .

Not counting the last group of 56.3 million, the 159 million workers are supporting 174.1million.

Even if you count the 21 million Public Service employees on the side of non public service workers it bring it down to one worker supporting one of the ''O" people.

If the budget is not passed or has a temp fix, you can move an additional 4 to 6.9 million workers from the plus side to the minus side....Think "O" will let you retire?? :thumbsdown: Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I just heard on the news that Venezuelan Pres. Chavez might not make it due to what ever he has, and that he prob. will not take his 2nd term!! Dam some countries have all the luck!!

Damn. All the people here that could rally opposition against "O" seem to be dying of Pneumonia same thing as Chavez, Bush and Hillary have developed...... Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I just heard on the news that Venezuelan Pres. Chavez might not make it due to what ever he has, and that he prob. will not take his 2nd term!! Dam some countries have all the luck!!

Damn. All the people here that could rally opposition against "O" seem to be dying of Pneumonia same thing as Chavez, Bush and Hillary have developed...... Paul

Those dirty stinkin dem. bastages!!!!


Ernie DS

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Those dirty stinkin dem. bastages!!!!


Ernie DS

Thanks Ernie. You and yours have a great News Years also And a safe one too. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I just heard on the news that Venezuelan Pres. Chavez might not make it due to what ever he has, and that he prob. will not take his 2nd term!! Dam some countries have all the luck!!

As bad as this guy is, do you really want a president Biden? Other than the fact that they could no longer play the race card each and every time somebody disagreed with the president, it wouldn't be any better in regards to policies...

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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