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No driving today!

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Looks like you have next year's Christmas card photo.

Today was the first day that I couldnt drive the Superliner! It snow(ed) for about thweleve hours today! Had to plow the driveway three times to keep up with it! Brushed the truck off three times to stay ahead of it!


That's a lot of hours!

I thought I'd dodged a bullet last night. I had a gravy run-relay in Carlisle with a NJ driver and straight back home. Snow wasn't even sticking in Somerset county. Then, in a 8 mile stretch near home, the temp dropped from 37 to 28 and I don't think I've ever seen a road turn to crap that fast.


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A little snow never stopped me. Just welded up another u-bolt onto each of my tire chain racks so that I can carry 4 chains on the truck instead of only 2....so I'm all set for the nasty weather to come. The plan is to never need 'em, but I had an incident 3 years ago where it would've saved me 3 hours chopping & shoveling & backing up & repeating trying to get up a hill I shouldn't have gone down. I didn't have the chains then....got a great deal on 'em the next summer. $100 for 8 chains. 4 new in the bag, 4 used. I carry the used ones...2 of 'em aren't in the best of condition, but it isn't like I'm going to drive 30 miles with 'em on.....just to get me up a hill or out of a slick spot...then they come back off.

Anyway, I had to run up to the yard sometime over the weekend to drop off the dump trailer and hook back up to my tank for Monday & I wasn't too sure what condition the yard would be in, so I wanted to get the chains hung & didn't want to do that until I had added the 2nd u-bolt to each mounting bracket. When I got up to the yard, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle....didn't even need the chains, probably because I had 'em. I was DEFINITELY glad I had brought my mapp gas torch with me, though. I've got to slide my 5th wheel all of the way to the rear to pull the blocking pin out, and the locking pins that prevent it from sliding were iced up and wouldn't pull out of the holes...so I had to heat 'em up a little to melt the ice before I could slide the 5th wheel plate back.

Only trouble I had was when I got back home and tried turning around...rather than run through the mud hole, I tried making a 3-point turn keeping the truck mostly on the paved (chip & seal) part of the road...but had to get a shovel or two of rock to make the turn-around. If I had full locking rears I would've been OK....well, maybe not. They probably would've just pushed me straight forward, but I could have left 'em unlocked until forward progress stopped and then locked in to back up...but anyway, I ain't got 'em so it really isn't worth spending much time thinking about. Damn county plowed the road after the Christmas snow and where the plow had packed the snow a little deeper was the only place I really had any issues. If they hadn't come and fucked up the road with that stupid plow, I would've been fine.

I haven't shoveled snow since I moved out of my parents house. Don't need to. If I need to shovel in order to get in or out, all that means is that it is time to buy a bigger truck. ;)


When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Wife has her own brush!

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Pennaylvania passed a law a few years ago requiring all vehicles to be fully cleaned off when on the road- including roofs, trunk/hood decks, etc.....Well, back before that law, I used to pull the wifemobile inside the garage before any storms. Over the last 2+ years though the extra bay next to the Firetruck has gotten "shitted up" with hers and the kids crap, no way her van is going in there. So, late last winter, we got 4+ inches one night....I normally would go out and clean her van off for her and warm it up while I would do that for her, but I was sick as a dog.....So I warned her "clean off the whole thing!"

So what does she bring home that evening? A written love letter from a Bear that she got on I78.....Seems he was right behind her and probably getting ready to light her up when a large sheet of snow came off the roof and down onto his car.....thereby eliminating any hope of recieving a warning- instead she got a $76.50 love note.

Well, for 2+ years I have been begging for her to let me clean out the shit in the garage- a lot of furniture that belonged to her mother (yeah yeah yeah I know why does my garage have to be the storage depot for her shit....) I even have offered to take it down to the basement of the house but SHE has to clean that a bit and make some room. Which of course has not happened.

Well, She had to clean off her van of snow and ice again yesterday- several times in fact. Last night I was notified that I have been given permission to clean out the garage as soon as she straightens up the basement to receive the shit in the garage. I asked if I could just put it out to the curb since thats where I would probably be putting it a few years from now anyways and got dirty looks but thats another story for another time.

And before anyone asks, no, she is not stupid enough to ask me to leave the firetruck outside. Ever.


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I learned to drive in a Ford Ranger....4-banger 5-speed....2 wheel drive...in Chicago. With bald tires & no weight in the bed, I can do just fine in 8+" of fresh unplowed snow. My 4x4 F250 will keep pushing through snow up to its hood. I don't know how much deeper it'll run through, because that's all the deeper I've found with it. It doesn't matter if it's a dry snow drifted up with the ridgeline of the drift running along the middle of the road, or a wet snow piled up by the plow, the F250 pushes on.

...so why shovel? :idunno: Sounds too much like work.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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got about 20'' inches here in the Mohawk Valley of Upstate Ny. been plowin since thrusday and just plowed again this am. havent even had time to get the sleds runnin,, been too busy plowin snow at work and cleanin the drive at home.

Matt, Im takin my old 1986 Skidoo Citation out in the powder after lunch here. See how many times I get stuck in that 2 and a half foot powder. I was just up at my great grandma's house hovelin, knockin ice off the roof, and raking the roof, while Papa snowblowed.


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Sorry to ask, but

Can someone tell me what you are talking about?

What Im talking about? Its called snow-mo-biling. A 1986 Skidoo Citation is a snowmoblie. 1986 is the year, Skidoo is the make, and Citation is the model. Powder is just fluffy snow that you just sink in. My sled, or snowmobile, is a little 250 single cylinder, doesnt have enough power to get through this deep snow.


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What's in the 2 car garage? The doors are to low to fit the B615. Time for a pole barn.


Two motorcycles, two four wheelers, a JD lawn tractor, 3 rollaway tool boxes, and table saw, a router table, a generator, a refrigerator, a woodworkers bench, Mack parts, yard tools, house paint and supplies, 10 shelf units loaded with s**t, and I am sure I am missing a few items...soemtimes walking thru is an expericanece in frustration!

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Leslie, I can relate...I have so much stuff in my garage I don't remember what I have. If I need something, I usually just go buy another one since it will take longer to dig thru the crap. But the moral of the story is...as long as there is room for the wifey's vehicle.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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