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Because of my mom's declining health and time contraints, I decided to rent the home farm to a local farmer for the next 3-4 years. Since I will not need my newest and largest tractor I decided to sell my 1990 JD 4455 tractor. Today I sold the tractor. :( The tractor is going to a farmer who will likely take better care of it than I did. I spent several years looking for this original low houred tractor and now it is history. I still have my other "collector" tractors and plan to keep them (at this time).


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PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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The farmer that I help at harvest use to have a 4450 (I think it was a 50...) with front wheel assist. Really enjoyed running that tractor with the grain cart. He had to upgrade (spend money) a few years back so it and the 825 cart went and was replaced with a 8410 and a 950 J&M cart. He has an 8300 and the 8410 and they are really nice units.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words. It is not so much the money as it is the time. I am splitting my time between the farm in PA and my house (and wife) in OH. My mom is in back in the Nursing Home (which is about 5 miles from the farm) so she is in good hands 24/7 (albeit expensive). This past year I put less than 2 hours on the 4455. Sitting and not being used is hard on a vehicle. Several other tractors have not run/moved in many years. There is enough "stuff" to do without even thinking about working the land. And now with "uninvited guests" scoping the house, barn, and sheds just adds to the situation. My dream of retiring and "playing" on the farm has diminished. I have faith that all this will pass and time will not be a major issue.

I made some money on the sale of the 4455 so that is definitely a plus. That gives me some funds to "spend" on other things (keep the funds in circulation). And the added income from the farm rent will offset some expenses (taxes, insurance, etc.). Next on the "for sale" list is the JD HX15 15 foot rotary mower.


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PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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Glad your Mom is in good hands Ken and that you've rented out the farm. Good to have movement around the place to keep the lookers at bay. The 44 series in my opinion is the best size and series made by JD. Good luck to you and your family.

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I feel your pain Farmer52, the last 6 months of my dads life he spent at home under the watchful eye of mom and me and my 2 brothers.The doctors said he had to be place in a home,when they told my mom that I was there and I could see the life just about go out of her.She looked over at me and asked me what I* wanted to do.I told her that if you want him home then lets pack up his clothing and get on home.She was very thankful for that and has always reminded us boys that she couldn't have been more proud of her 3 boys.It was 24/7 care but looking back I wouldn't have changed it for the world.God Bless Farmer52.Will keep you and your mother in my prayers.

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