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I was unloading lumber in Uhrichsville, Ohio a couple of years ago. A man came in driving a Dodge pickup and bought some 12 or 14 foot lumber. He put the one end of the boards on the tail gate and opened the sliding back glass and rested the other end on the dash board, sloping it back to match the windshield slope. Then he put a bungee across the back of it.

I said "hope you don't have to hit the brakes."

He said "It's OK, I'm only going a couple of miles".

Hope he didn't have to hit the brakes.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

I was in Home Depot a fews months ago and there was a guy putting about 8 2x3's through the sunroof of his Mercedes on the backseat. I hope he put something on the leather so it didn't get torn up. It was cold day too.

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

As a flooring retailer, people haul their do it yourself in the most awesome vehicles. Tile in foreign sedans is the most common. My favorite story is as follows; nice woman buys a piece of sheet vinyl 12 X 12 or so and comes to pick it up in her Honda minivan. My store manager helps her load it, across the seats and on the dashboard. Barb says "you should angle the roll so you can close the hatch". Customer says"it'll be fine" and proceeds to slam the hatch until it catches. She thanks Barb for the help and they both walk around to the front of the Honda to see the windshield smashed from the inside where the roll was hitting it! Thank goodness that I didn't have to pay for that one.

Another favorite is the guys that have big manly foreign pickups that can "haul anything"! I've put 1500# pallets of tile in them and laid them on the stops. I thought the back would NEVER stop dropping! The looks on their faces is priceless. My 1 ton GM vans handle 3500# pallets with no problems, maybe leave the heavy stuff to the pros!



Can't find the one picture I've seen with a new Tundra with a slide in camper and it's folded down in the middle. Next best shots I found:


Have friend with a son that worked at Toyoder stealership, they had it down to 2 guys and about 1 day to get a new chassis under a Tundra. DOH!



1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"




 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


The funniest thing happened yesterday on the way home from work. I come up on this PT Cruiser.........with 8ft 2x4's stickin' out both side windows!!! Just like the picture above. I had to start to laugh and wanted to take a picture...........but I was on my bike(Kinda hard to ride and take pictures LOL). As I caught them at the light, I went into the right turn lane. The people in the car saw me coming and quickly reached out the window and pulled the lumber in some LMAO!! I rolled up past and just shook my head and laughed. Well, at least they were being cautious and courteous.



1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"


1. Have a friend with a Toyota Four Runner that is based on the pickup chassis for his wife to drive. It is a big one piece cab SUV and I think that kept it together. It was rebuilt by Toyota and got a new frame. The one that came out was Swiss cheese.

2. OMG!!! The little green rig with all the plywood is really scary stupid!


It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

Seems Yoder boxed the frames, but never protected the internal surface with anything. It would look fine and dandy, til one day it fell in half. DOH!

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1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"


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