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The Union Cares!! I get mail almost every day telling me how them and the president are standing behind me. I've been in 282 since 1972, now times have changed from for the members , to for the members money!

This helpsO be a good king tho


I don't get mail from them anymore,cause I used to send back all that Obama crap back to them marked 'return postage paid'

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Has NOTHING to do with who is in office. I agree that OBummer is an ahole, but as for the economy its nothing more than corporate greed and consumer throw away attitudes that has this nation at a stand still. GM has plants overseas, Ford has plants in Mexico, 90% of all steel is now bought from China...meanwhile our factories sit vacant and boarded up. Why? Corporate greed, CEO's cashing in on slave labor production costs, coupled with a brainwashed society that simply says "well everything is made in China" what choice do I have? We can all point fingers and play the blame game, but let me ask ALL of you...how many of you or your members of household are driving a foriegn car? Hmmm, bet a few of you have Honda's or Nissan's. This man here, me? NONE. 90% of what I own with the exception of some electronics is made right here in the good old U.S.A. I do my part, and if I cant find it U.S.A. made? I buy something 30 years old off Ebay that is. Its that simple. So yes, I still use a rotary bakelite telephone, and still cool my house with a 1960's aqua color G.E. fan...but until people start investing in domestic products and say no to this imported shit, we are never going to move forward...this is a whole new ballgame, that cant be related to anything in the past. With a heavy heart, I think its time to say farewell to the old days. I'm just being realistic, and going by what I see by today's and our future generations attitudes when it comes to US made pride.

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Well said. If you are dumb enough to think that all of these problems are from Obama then you need to pull your head out of your ass. I don't particularly care for the guy either but these economic problems are over 20 yrs old and it has just reached the boiing point.

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I don't know about about corp. greed, I don't think it has a lot to do with that, what I think the biggest thing in this country is the EPA and all the other restrictions put upon a company that wants to start up. I'm just trying to put up 6000 SQF Building and I have been on it for over a year already!!! Sprinklers or no sprinklers ?? Handicap ramps, how many people are going to use the rest room?? Water fountains two! One for handy cap and one reg. Now I could see all of this stuff if it was a public place, but it's my garage!! And it does not end there! St. Lawarnce tried to put a new cement mill in NY State, after 8 years and millions of dollars of legal fees they were turned down! So they build a mill in So America or Mexico and barge it to the US. I know of a lot of co's getting out because they just can not keep up with the GOV. BS and by the way we now have Obama care commin down the pike for these companies!!?? So what are they to do?


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A lot is corporate greed, plain and simple and it's been that way for 100 years. But many of the feds recent decisions and regulations have been detrimental to growth and start ups. We have an EPA that enacts regulations without any rhyme or reason except that THEY feel it's good for us. They answer to answers to no one. We have a government that passes laws and requirements the public opposes. A president who keeps transferring more and more power to the executive branch. Governors and county execs who write and pass laws behind closed doors and all have no fear of retribution because 90% of the public could care less, as long as they have the toys and the "stuff" they want and their reality shows to watch. The politicians know that most people haven't a clue as long as the media tells them it's good for them.

Stupid laws that cost money and benefit who? The ADA rules require that ATM's in the DRIVE in windows have BRAILE on them. Blind Drive? Health care act? When I file my federal returns this year and do not submit proof of health insurance with my return, the IRS will now fine me. If my policy is below or above the parameters set by them, the IRS will fine me. The feds are writing 400 plus pages of regulations a day to set the penalty code and define and clarify the Health care act.

I get regulated to death for the small bit of farm land I have. How much water I can use and when, type of fertilizers, even regulations on the dust from plowing. . .All these regulations in the past 3 years too.

I'm old enough know with my physical problems from Viet Nam, my time is limited to maybe ten years to live with this cluster f**k. I do feel sorry for kids like Vinney who are not going the have an equal shot at the American Dream , who will be regulated to a lower standard of living than us. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I agree that EPA regs, and goverment play a part in buisness's wanting to get the hell out of dodge. But what most dont see, (or dont want to see) is the government only really gets involved when people file complaints. For instance, you own a piece of commercial property and want to put up a generating station, or a waste transfer station...or a railyard for instance. What happens? Hundreds upon hundreds show up at the town hall doorsteps to bitch and moan about water pollution, pine barron destruction, piping plover nesting area destruction etc etc. But on the flipside these are the same poeple who complain about the landfill being too high, and not having enough power during a brown out. Get what I'm saying? Society wants the convenence of having product, but raises hell with everything assoiated with producing the product. Its a no win situation when it comes to dealing with this new age bunch of hypocrytes we call society. Point being, government and towns pose problems regarding industrial development, simply because the people threaten political ruin for local and big government leaders if they dont step in and stop any progress. Watrel delt with this in Yaphank, they guy owned a piece of property zoned as a railroad right of way, and look what happened. The land was nothing more then a dumpsite for burnt cars and debris that people would dump rather than paying the fee at the landfill. But yet hundreds protested the development of that land. Why???? So once again, I dont blame government. Does anybody remember that We The People saying? The government is not a machine, its people we elect to office, so to blame the government is really to blame ourselves. Want true change? Good luck! To get true change, and to have the country get back on track starts within society, and my friends society is on a one way track, heading in the wrong direction!

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I agree that EPA regs, and goverment play a part in buisness's wanting to get the hell out of dodge. But what most dont see, (or dont want to see) is the government only really gets involved when people file complaints. For instance, you own a piece of commercial property and want to put up a generating station, or a waste transfer station...or a railyard for instance. What happens? Hundreds upon hundreds show up at the town hall doorsteps to bitch and moan about water pollution, pine barron destruction, piping plover nesting area destruction etc etc. But on the flipside these are the same poeple who complain about the landfill being too high, and not having enough power during a brown out. Get what I'm saying? Society wants the convenence of having product, but raises hell with everything assoiated with producing the product. Its a no win situation when it comes to dealing with this new age bunch of hypocrytes we call society. Point being, government and towns pose problems regarding industrial development, simply because the people threaten political ruin for local and big government leaders if they dont step in and stop any progress. Watrel delt with this in Yaphank, they guy owned a piece of property zoned as a railroad right of way, and look what happened. The land was nothing more then a dumpsite for burnt cars and debris that people would dump rather than paying the fee at the landfill. But yet hundreds protested the development of that land. Why???? So once again, I dont blame government. Does anybody remember that We The People saying? The government is not a machine, its people we elect to office, so to blame the government is really to blame ourselves. Want true change? Good luck! To get true change, and to have the country get back on track starts within society, and my friends society is on a one way track, heading in the wrong direction!

Well said. Out of sight and out of mind. Society would rather pay 2.99 for a t-shirt that's made in a hazardous sweat shop in Bangladesh then pay 6.99 for the same shirt that's produced down the road and and support their local neighbor who works at the plant.

"They love our milk an' honey, but they preach about some other way of livin'."-Merle haggard

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Well said. Out of sight and out of mind. Society would rather pay 2.99 for a t-shirt that's made in a hazardous sweat shop in Bangladesh then pay 6.99 for the same shirt that's produced down the road and and support their local neighbor who works at the plant.

"They love our milk an' honey, but they preach about some other way of livin'."-Merle haggard

Yep, down in Cumberland county where i'm from originally, and where my parents and most of my family still live, they wanted new businesses, jobs, something to help the economy. Some concrete co. wanted to put a ready mix plant there a few years ago- you never heard such whining and crying- "Oh hell no, we can't have that! there'll be dust! there'll be noise! there'll be trucks!" They didn't get it either.

And there was a woodyard there before that had closed. There's not even a grocery store in Cumberland now. They do have a new liquor store though.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Has NOTHING to do with who is in office. I agree that OBummer is an ahole, but as for the economy its nothing more than corporate greed and consumer throw away attitudes that has this nation at a stand still. GM has plants overseas, Ford has plants in Mexico, 90% of all steel is now bought from China...meanwhile our factories sit vacant and boarded up. Why? Corporate greed, CEO's cashing in on slave labor production costs, coupled with a brainwashed society that simply says "well everything is made in China" what choice do I have? We can all point fingers and play the blame game, but let me ask ALL of you...how many of you or your members of household are driving a foriegn car? Hmmm, bet a few of you have Honda's or Nissan's. This man here, me? NONE. 90% of what I own with the exception of some electronics is made right here in the good old U.S.A. I do my part, and if I cant find it U.S.A. made? I buy something 30 years old off Ebay that is. Its that simple. So yes, I still use a rotary bakelite telephone, and still cool my house with a 1960's aqua color G.E. fan...but until people start investing in domestic products and say no to this imported shit, we are never going to move forward...this is a whole new ballgame, that cant be related to anything in the past. With a heavy heart, I think its time to say farewell to the old days. I'm just being realistic, and going by what I see by today's and our future generations attitudes when it comes to US made pride.

Always bugs me around election season when you go to some candidates forum or town hall meeting and some idiot will ask the politician what THEY will do to stop the outsourcing of jobs. IT isn't the politicians job to create jobs or to protect jobs from being shipped overseas. All the politician can do is create a business-friendly environment....a PROFITABLE environment....without stacks of regulations and their associated (and expensive) red tape....so that businesses are inclined to do business here. However, it all really boils down to your basic "supply & demand". As long as the public wants cheap, albeit disposable, products, companies will continue to produce those cheap & disposable products in places where they can do so profitably....cheap labor, little-to-no regulatory burdens, etc. ONLY when there is a demand in the marketplace for American made products will they be inclined to manufacture products in the USA. Yes, it costs more to do so, because the politicians have allowed the regulatory agencies to operate without any REAL congressional oversight. This means that the final product will be more expensive....and if people just aren't willing to pay those extra costs, there is no demand. No demand = nothing manufactured.

So when somebody asks "what will you do to protect US manufacturing jobs", my question right back to them is "when was the last time you chose to buy an American made product?" Any time I have the option, I buy American. For example, every tire on my truck has "Made in USA" on the sidewall. Could I have bought less expensive tires? Sure. Those tires wouldn't have supported American workers, though. It all starts with the consumer....there has to be a demand for American made products before manufacturers are going to be willing to wade through the regulatory BS to actually make stuff here in the US.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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You know this might make a turn around as a lot of the third world countries are making more money and their people are making more money so it is costing companies more to make their products. There are people that want higher quality and are willing to pay a little more (me being one of them as that's how I was raised) and you are starting to see some of that movement. I mean still a minority but I think people are getting a little tired of cheap junk that doesn't last.

Cheers, Rob

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Always bugs me around election season when you go to some candidates forum or town hall meeting and some idiot will ask the politician what THEY will do to stop the outsourcing of jobs. IT isn't the politicians job to create jobs or to protect jobs from being shipped overseas. All the politician can do is create a business-friendly environment....a PROFITABLE environment....without stacks of regulations and their associated (and expensive) red tape....so that businesses are inclined to do business here. However, it all really boils down to your basic "supply & demand". As long as the public wants cheap, albeit disposable, products, companies will continue to produce those cheap & disposable products in places where they can do so profitably....cheap labor, little-to-no regulatory burdens, etc. ONLY when there is a demand in the marketplace for American made products will they be inclined to manufacture products in the USA. Yes, it costs more to do so, because the politicians have allowed the regulatory agencies to operate without any REAL congressional oversight. This means that the final product will be more expensive....and if people just aren't willing to pay those extra costs, there is no demand. No demand = nothing manufactured.

Not only do the regulatory agencies run with little or no over sight but we have conflicting regulations from different agencies (and even the same agency). I have 6 acres I used to lease to a winery, now I plow it and plant cattle corn to keep my farm status. I have Federal regs for water and fertilizer usage, I have a different set of State regs for the physical irrigation system ( placement and type). Federal , State, County and town regs for dust control and water drainage. Now we have new federal Emissions regs for my irrigation pump engine, tractor and vapor emissions from fuel storage. Add NYSDEC regs for Deer fencing and soil erosion, town regs for noise and "quality of life" laws for out building appearance, grass height, outdoor lighting and vehicle storage. If I had a roadside stand to sell vegetables I would now need NYDA and County certificates to sell farm fresh products AND the stand has to adhere to ADA regulations!... Imagine the rules, regulations and red tape you need to address just to open the doors no less manufacture the product.

How does this happen? Schools dumbing down the students and pushing political and an environmental agenda, Political Action Groups that have the funding to push their agenda by buying the politicians. Our system now runs on Foreign and special interest monies, cute ads and photo ops. Just look at the White House, every bill signing and plea for action has the correct "Props" I.E. children, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters or Immigrants.

Now we have the Mayor of NYC and Governor of NY pushing a bill through to allow non citizens to vote in state, county, town and school elections by showing proof of residence .... NOT proof of citizenship. That puts 1.8 million votes in their pockets. Bull crap. Paul



 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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