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I haven't had a radio in my pickup in about 7 years. When I sold my Dakota and bought my Ram, it was not as easy to mount a radio under the dash so I put it off. I decided tonight to dig out the Grant XL and put in in the Ram for the trip to Macungie. I went to Radio Shack since I couldn't find the power wire, got a new one and a Cig Lighter adaptor so I can switch it from my Ram to the F350 I use for delivery's at work. Found a crappy cell phone type CB antenna in the garage that was still in the package that I have no idea where it came from to test the radio. Hook everything up, replace the 9V in my Road Devil D104, plug it in and she lights up but no volume. Check the squelch and the volume, make sure its on CB not PA etc. Nothing. Key up and the meter moves. Looks like it was receiving too, just no speaker. Got a set of headphones, plug it in still nothing. Then I put the radio down on the floor with the rear down on the carpet and knobs facing up then I hear the speaker kick on. I wiggled the plug and caught the speaker coming on a couple times but I couldn't keep it in the "sweet spot".

So I go back into the garage, grab my Cobra 25 GTL just to check if its the new plug or the radio. Plug the Cobra in, lights up, got volume, speaker working etc. OK, so I screw the antenna on and got nothing. Went through all 40 channels, not one thing. So I key up. Nothing. No movement on the meter. This has a standard mic not a power mic. I am bummed. Two radios, neither work.

I also have another Uniden that I blew the finals on as well a whole stack of other CB's at my mothers house (strange how my overflow winds up there) so I figured maybe I should just take the good ones too a CB guy and have him check them all out. The Grant I think the jack is messed up, the Cobra I have no idea, and the other Uniden I know I blew the finals on (that thing had a bunch of mods).

All the dudes I knew who were deep in the radios back in the late 80's through 90's I lost track of. I know I can probably search the interwebsnets and figure the crap out myself but that's a project that I will never get too. Easier to drop it off, pick it up and be done with it.

Do you guys know of a good radio guy in Jersey I can take them too? If I get the three fixed, I can mount one in the General, one in the Ram and the other in the F350 so I don't have to keep switching them from truck to truck. I have a nice set of Wilson whips with mirror mounts for the General and a Wilson 1000 somewhere in this pile for the Ram. The F350 I'll leave the cheap magnet antenna on it since it sits at the shop.


~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here try this. (732)269-0737. 339 Princeton Ave Bayville.

Found out he retired to Florida. That's a bit far. Anyone gear of the Buzz Brothers in Wharton NJ? Guy is 1.5 hours from me but if the guy is good ill take a run up there.

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

Yes I have heard of them. I use Community Communications in Wanaque NJ. Dave is his name use to be in Fairlawn NJ for years. All of the dump truck guys go to him. Buzz Brothers is right near the exit for RT15 and RT80. I've only bought parts from them when I worked at H And H Mack in Rockaway. There's another place that just opened up way up in Wantage I think or maybe not that far up but in Sussex County. Dave set up a nice Galaxy for me a few months ago for my International. 81/2 watts on low and 171/2 watts on high. Works good too much radio for what I use it for but nice.

Cheers, Rob

I might have to travel since there's no one around here. Pulled my base station from the box. Put a new 9v in my d104 and happy to say that one still works. Have to find some brackets to mount the Antron 99 on the side of the garage.

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

Yea if it's a good unit then it's worth fixing. I always look at it this way. If I buy a good radio I will have it tuned and peaked and if it breaks I usually get it fixed once. After that by the time you figure in the labor and parts now it's sometimes better to buy a new one. I don't go through radios that often mind you not like when I was driving full time the dumps would rattle the shit out of the radios usually the solder connections cracking or blow a final. When I drove for DeMarino I put my own radios in, For Gulino he put Galaxys in all of his trucks.

Cheers, Rob

  • 4 weeks later...

When it comes to C.B, radios I have have a collection at my moms garage also. D104's,Turners,Road kings. Etc. Etc.

I remember learning that you have to isolate your radios and antennas separately from certain make truck chassis. due to "positive grounds". You were ok as long as you used the plug in power socket that they gave you but if /when you placed the antenna on the mirror bracket, bam the finals just got baked. We had to reverse shield and the copper line if I remember correctly. I never thought I'd be running naked in the quarry's with no ears on. However it's been over 6 years without a c.b. and to tell you the truth. . . I'm enjoying the peace and quiet of trucking without a squawk box adding to all the noise.

Wow De ja vue remembering that c.b. radio faze way back when . Before them dick tracey cell phones that nobody can live with out anymore. never mind cellphones now all they want to sell you is smartphones. Heck just give me a roll of dimes and put back those payphones.

drive safe truckers,

Hey rob, I'm not surprised that Joey had radios for you in his trucks. But I remember Leslie's trucks and that you were lucky to have power tarps to cover your loads,nevermind cb radios. lol

Edited by mackdumper
  • Like 1

its a dirty job why do i like it so much?

and life ain't easy,when your fat and greasy

  • 1 month later...

The problem with the Grant XL is when I wiggle the power cord (three pin) then I get receive. I don't know where the stock mic went, its got a Road Devil on it now.

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

  • 5 weeks later...

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