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41 chevy I totally agree with you and the others view in this topic, why do we send money to the wrong countries who don't like us and like us to be killed. Well lets bring money to these countries and build roads schools etc. the poeple who really need it like all our vets old or young will pay the toll, witch they didn't deserve. All money from obamacare and other bullshit could have brought this country in better shape if it was back inveted here roads jobs by letting companies expand here instead overseas. Build new road bridges to keep the us moving.

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Yesterday. I pondered if Air Force One would be grounded.

Well, I found out that he WILL be going to some conference type thing in the Pacific Rim area.

BUT, he will cut it short by not visiting Malaysia and The Philippines.

You want to be a leader? LEAD BY EXAMPLE!!!!

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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Yesterday morning about 6:45AM on my way into town, I saw orange barrells blocking the entrance to a USFS day use recreational area.

My wife does work that involves the USDA. At work around 9AM, she clicked on an often-used link to a reference page on USDA's website. Page not available.

Why turn of webservers and mailhosts? Do they pay those bills by the day?

How is the government so efficient at shutting things down ???

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The leaders of both sides are to busy talking AT each other instead of talking TO each other

Or just talking to the media AT the other.

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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the shut down is selective so they can pinpoint and target individuals that they can max political gain from and sympathy from the public, using WWII vets, sick children etc..., How come the media was all over the WWII vets but not the Air Force Memorial shut down? So the politicians can spin the impact against each other, they sent 7 guards to keep WWII vets out of the memorial which is 2 more than was in Bengasi.

Jimmy Kimmell did interviews asking people if they support the Affordable Care Act or Obama Care, should have seen some of the "Sheeple" answers, there was one follow up question that asked if it was OK for Obama Care to prohibit guns. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504784_162-57605754-10391705/jimmy-kimmel-on-obamacare-vs-the-affordable-care-act/


"I reject your reality and substitute my own."


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  On 10/2/2013 at 10:07 PM, 41chevy said:

No money for Veterens or for military famlies on bases but as soon as the shut down hits The Great Leader gives 320 million to Detriot. The WWII vets that went to the WWII Memorial yesterday and to day I feel are leading by example. . .take no sh*t and don't let the feds push you around, It Is our country Tell The Great Leader if he can negotiate with the Muslims he can negociate with the American People!

Yesterday "speech", dear leader was saying his daughter had encefalitus last year, and how him and Moose were worried how they were going to pay the medical bills.......and the media cheering squad lauded how he has the same worries as the little people. He also mentionedthe small business loans were stopped, so he didn;t know how employers are going to pay their employees with out the loans! LOL

I'm going to opt for my inital $95.00 "tax" for no insurance. Beat almost 60 K a year for "insurance" under his plan..

still like your all famous quote,,,(someone otta show him what its like to hold a job)...lol....then have to pay everyone else,s bills,,with your paychecks,,,,,your taxdollars at work,,,woohoo.(IDIOTS)..lol.bob

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You want to cut Billions from federal expense, close half, not all just half of the overseas military bases and embassies, they dont want us there anyway and guess what ITS NOT OUR FIGHT!, then take all the politicians in Washington that get their full salary for life after being elected and drop that crap, you get paid for working not sitting in your fucking mansion drinking wine poured by some freaking immigrant butler. Yeah this crap pisses me off real bad. I cannot even begin to describe my discontent with them withholding military pay.

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"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

"If your gonna be STUPID, you gotta be TOUGH"

"You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need"

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The goal is control. They will not do anything to help the situation because they want Obamacare in place at all costs. Remember a certain agency doing its best to control the election? Well wait till they control weather you live or die...It is slow but deliberate creaping socialism. Its all about power and control. The constitution is out, division of powers is out and the media is in the bag telling us how bad and evil the republicans are for causing this. You won't hear a thing about the congresional rule changes that rammed this thing down our throat. You won't hear how many Americans are already paying out their a$$ to try to stay covered so that we can "level" the playing field for all americans..and illegals (yes I'm a mean spirited racist...right?)

Once we are all dependent upon the government for our existance they control us absolutely. It's a simple plan and we are well on our way. Bend over and brace yourselves, "change" is on the way. To prepare yourselves, look up mortality rates for England vs. the USA. It is encouraging news...and it will be here soon.


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  On 10/3/2013 at 6:17 PM, farmer52 said:

But the unemployed, too lazy to work crowd is all in favor of Obummercare. Hmmm! If you want health insurance, go get a job and get your hands out of my pockets!

Amen Brother as Bulldog Man would say

This message was brought to you by Hargraves Potted Meat Product. Chopped full of "Peckers & Lips" since 1933 - John Boy & Billy

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I try stayin out of the political bullshit but I wish we could all get back to where OUR vote really mattered. if they actually got in office because we wanted them there. Obama only got in office cause millions on welfare don't wanna lose their benefits. hell theres a scumbag in out town that the county rents him and his knocked up wife a house! a god damn $1500 a month house! he is 22 and has never worked. talk about bs. he should be living in some 200 dollar shithouse 120 degrees in the summer apartment on the 4th floor. its gonna come time when we are all shooting and there is a civil war pretty soon . If Obama wants us all to be equal, give them some of his damn money. back in the day , the more you worked, the more money and toys you got, that's the way it should be. if these lazy fucks don't wanna work, for god sake, don't hand them shit.

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  On 10/3/2013 at 9:12 PM, Maddog13407 said:

I try stayin out of the political bullshit but I wish we could all get back to where OUR vote really mattered. if they actually got in office because we wanted them there. Obama only got in office cause millions on welfare don't wanna lose their benefits. hell theres a scumbag in out town that the county rents him and his knocked up wife a house! a god damn $1500 a month house! he is 22 and has never worked. talk about bs. he should be living in some 200 dollar shithouse 120 degrees in the summer apartment on the 4th floor. its gonna come time when we are all shooting and there is a civil war pretty soon . If Obama wants us all to be equal, give them some of his damn money. back in the day , the more you worked, the more money and toys you got, that's the way it should be. if these lazy fucks don't wanna work, for god sake, don't hand them shit.

C'mon Maddog. tell us how you REALLY feel

sent from one of my 7 free Obamaphones

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Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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hey Hatcity, how come you only got 7 obama phones? you get two for evey 10 years of your age....


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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  On 10/2/2013 at 9:59 PM, Marcel67 said:

Can't we keep the goverment to be shut down!!! All they do is fuck up a great country. Well came here 23 years ago from Europe ( the netherlands) to escape the bullshit rules taxes and crap to control your health care and the way you live etc. all this goverment crap didnt work over there and to cover these fuckups yes more taxes. If you owne a company they make it impossible to succeed or start one. Only with cheeting taxes using offshore accounts and more back road shit they stay in business.

The one that start a company are going bankrupt with in 5 years due to the goverment impute or bullshit regulations. I started with nothing in this country and build up something nice only to fear that we be coming the same as European socialism that don't work and loose it all. Also thanks to the brave American soldiers our country got there freedom back during worldwar 2 . America should walk from the European approach and keep the country the way it was founded. Now we know why the Europeans like bobo Obama so much! He is like one of those idiots!

When I was driving my Mh home from Colorado I drove thru the nice little towns and spoke with some folks on the way to Florida and boy they are angry!

Sorry wanted to vent.

amen brother

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  On 10/3/2013 at 9:20 PM, 41chevy said:

hey Hatcity, how come you only got 7 obama phones? you get two for evey 10 years of your age....

Traded some for an extra EBT

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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well said Mark. I got pissed off the other day in the store. bunch of those freeloadin welfare scumbags ahead of me, WHITE folk that talk like they wanna be a different color and they finally get out of my way, my turn, I get asked credit or debit? I go cash, do you people still a accept CASH I go?! the cashier got pissed off at me cause its not like I was up as 6 am to go to work when it was 97 degrees out and all I wanted to do was buy essentials and beer after work and Im the bad wise ass guy at the register?

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