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WoW, what a neat project. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


That is a super neat truck, at least worth a million smiles from working on it and pride in accompolishment of restoring a treasured truck. The older they are, the better they are in terms of restoration ease!

"Guard those Mack Logo pump caps---they are worth quite a bit of money."

Having those, the chemical tanks, and the moto-meter is what made me want the rig so badly. You just can't find those items unless you have the patience of Job and the money of Astor.

In addition to the wheel I am also looking for the correct extinguishers and the soda re-charge buckets. Any and all leads are appreciated.

Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

did this go from Bloomingdale to Morristown, NJ? Morristown is the only ladder company I know called "Resolute" from back in the day.

  On 10/31/2013 at 3:27 PM, fxfymn said:

I have been working on this deal for awhile now and it has been killing me to not share it with everyone here, but I finally closed the deal yesterday and brought home a 1925 AB3A chain drive fire chassis number 411835 originally delivered to Bloomingdale, NJ on August 31, 1925.

As you can see in the photos it still has the original chemical tanks and 99% of the other original items that are so often missing. The bell and moto-meter are missing in the pictures, but the previous owner says he has them and I should get them in the next couple of weeks.

it has been in storage for the last several years and the engine is partially disassembled. Just like my friend's AB the intake manifold is cracked and the water tubes that supply the heads are extensively corroded, so both will be headed to a shop for repairs shortly. After they get back I hope to get it to run long enough to assess the condition of the running gear and pump.The paint is basically shot and there is some rust damage from where it apparently sat outside or in a very leaky building.

I plan on doing a complete restoration of the truck. I'm pretty sure it will keep me amused for at least the next couple of years.

I am looking for a wheel for the truck as one of the existing wheels has quite a bit of rust damage if anyone knows where one is located.

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It has that marking, but that company is ladder only and they say they never owned the rig. My speculation is that a company member owned it and painted it with their markings. I think that is the same person who I believe chemically stripped the truck and did a very poor paint job on it. The paint is coming off in sheets, most probably because of the stripper not being properly neutralized.

Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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