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A couple years ago my wife and I dropped my mother off at her home after thanksgiving at my sisters. We went by the Best Buy on the way home to see if people were really going to be camped out after watching these morons on TV.

Sure enough, at least 4 tents staked out in line and about 100 people freezing their ass off all trying to buy some TV/video game/stereo/computer/whatever that was going to be on sale. F that!

I agree with you guys. My time with my family is worth more than a couple extra $ saved. Plus those sale items are probably going to be out of stock after the first 20 Black Friday zombies rush in. Now you just wasted your time.

~ JT Burkard ~
AKA Sweaty Mack

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Funny you say Rowdy, I've never understood it either. You made me think of this girl at work that has camped out at the doors to get tickets to see a Country Music Star here in Nashville. She is from Pittsburg,Pa and is nuts over Country Music and has Obama stickers all over her car.


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Everything was closed in town besides Dunkin Donuts and Cumbys here. We went for a ride down to New Haven to see what was going on at the Q-bridge job and walmarts parking lot couldn't get another car in it. The McDonalds down there was open too and so were all the other stores. Ill stay here where its warm and watch all the idiots on the news. i guess it depends on the people and places. McD's here was closed and down in the ghetto it was open.

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I needed some storage bins so I ventured down to WalMart about 4pm today...There were clusters of people clogging up entire rows...it seems that if you stood inline, the first x number of people could get wristbands to allow you to buy the first x number of x's at a presumably great price, when "Black Friday" started...at 6pm TODAY! WTF is wrong with people....hopefully, I wont have to go ANYWHERE tomorrow where any of thoses paramilitary shoppers are!

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Out of all the years I have heard this today was the first I have seen it. We went to the Home Town Buffet for lunch and went thru the lot of the shopping center. People already camped out and people sleeping on whatever they could find. I was just amazed. Morons

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My fiance works @ Walmart. Said when she got off work @ 5 yesterday people were already packing the aisles lining up. She's SOOOO happy she was recently promoted...spent 5+ years as a cashier working her way up to customer service manager. Now she's support manager back in automotive and it is a different type of crazy back there, but at least (for the most part) the people aren't as loco. I'm happy, too, because her hours are better (in my opinion at least...she'd disagree...) Oh well. Hope everybody stuffed their guts...I'll get my turkey on Saturday (family tradition). For what it's worth, the few sit-down-and-eat restaurants that were open made bank. Stopped in @ Cracker Barrel to see about wait times for her lunch break and they were at an hour and a half 20 minutes before her break started...so we hit McD's instead. Working people neeed to eat, too...

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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They actually had a news story LAST WEEK about some people already camping out for black Friday. LAST WEEK!!!!! The guy they interviewed was like "it's my vacation time, I just spend it here". WTF>>>> They had tents and generators going. If I owned the store, I would have them sent packing. NO LOITERING in front of the store. I'd give them the night before, but not the WEEK before. Jezusss, what is the world coming to?? All that for an Xbox or some other useless electronic trinket you can buy any other day of the year??

Guess it all makes the world go round?



1959 B61 Liv'n Large......................

Charter member of the "MACK PACK"


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What I get a kick out of is when they sit there for days on end then the store does a lottery I would go nuts to sit there the whole time and then still end up at the back of the line. Yeah I agree a night maybe 2 before anything before that you will be asked to leave. Failure to comply will result in trespass

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I was at best buy wed before last wed and there was a tent set up their.About ever day on the news they interviewed him for some reason and he has been there ever day so I guess he can go home soon.I guess it would be funny if he gets home and some other guy has moved in.

glenn akers

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It sure is a shame what this world has come to. Between the materialistic attitudes, the butt-ugly cars that ALL seem to look alike, the immoral & often times criminal behavior of our elected representatives in the peoples' government as they regularly and habitually exercise powers beyond those granted to them under the Constitution...sometimes I feel as though I was born 50-60 years too late. My attitudes & beliefs fall more in line with my grandparents' generation than my own...and don't even get me started on my parents generation (the baby-boomers)...the actions of THEIR generation is what has led us to where we are today.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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We have created a country of people who think they are entitled to everything they want and are to special to earn it. All feel they should start as the CEO and not a trainee. I hired a kid to be a general gofer, get coffee or lunch, pick up the site, hose off the equipment. Just basic stuff. First hour I was told "I don't do menial labor, that's immigrant work ". He actually found time from texting and talking on his Cel to tell me manual labor was beneath him.

This is why we are where we are, it's taken 25 or 30 years to "educate" our children the they are all Special and Entitled to everything they want. . . with out consequences or work. Nikkta Kruschev told D.D.E. that " we will bury you from with in, not by force" Looks like it worked.

These are the people who are now in power and worked so hard to get us where we are today.

Got spit on by this type when I came home from S.E.A. now they are in power.


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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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You're a better man than I. If somebody were to spit upon me, it'd take far more than the threat of court martial & a dishonorable discharge to keep me from ripping that ignorant MFer's head from his shoulders. Hell, if I'd been alive then and seen it happen to a returning member of the armed forces, I'd still probably be in my reserved room @ the gray bar motel. This is why I've never ridden with the Patriot Guard, and why my brother went to the middle east knowing that if anything had happened to him and that group of hypocrites from Kansas had shown up, they'd have a meeting w/ St. Pete before the funeral would start. I don't take kindly to people disrespecting those who have put their lives on the line defending freedom...especially when they have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Hell, you'd be better off smacking your old lady in front of me (which would STILL get you an ass-whooping) than disrespecting a fallen soldier at a funeral I happened to be attending.

I've been paying back that type of person for 43 years. When I deplaned I was just out of spending 123 days in the hospital and physically was not able to do anything but the Marine from Glen Head N.Y. that was next to me paid them well for their actions.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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hmmmph. im only 32... have those same beliefs and always thought I was born 40 years too late....make me sick to my stomach all these worthless fucks that get free everything while I have to get up early every more, go out in the cold and start my truck and usually work outside in temps anywhere from 100 dregrees to 20 below and have to pay for my own health insurance and cell phone, my own gas and food and yet have people jealous of me because im younger and have paid for every truck, car, part, everything I have. somedays I think I should quit working and go on welfare, collect free money , drink beers and practice on making kids all day long like they do

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